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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. No doubt, but you could end up with NobodyG as your neighbour. He will hate you unless you make him feel good by saying you have nothing. Some of us have to pay a bit more to keep away from the nutty nut jobs 555
  2. I boarded a cruise ship in miami and went around bahamas. 5 day cruise. Didn't like it. Days at sea are boring. Too much food too.
  3. Monday to friday i barely spend anything: work, gym and simple food costs nothing. I can't afford the calories or time by eating/drinking to excess. People assume because you have means that you have to spend it or show it off or you only eat in expensive places. The thinking is quite bizarre.
  4. I have a potential budget of about 350k a month. Obviously a ludicrous amount. I don't spend much here but my resources are very strong and growing, by default. As under age 50, i have to be mindful of building a healthy lifestyle and not get sucked into the scene. 186k is a nice amount - enough to not worry, but not big enough to be silly. Possibly the sweet spot.
  5. List of top 10 forum losers in asia: 1. Bignok
  6. Which one are you?
  7. Technically you're off a bit with some other parts but i'll leave it. So the end bit - People opted out of serps and swapped a guaranteed income (paid by the state) for investment risk via their own personal arrangement, with zero guarantee. To understand this subject, you need to know the differences between COMP, CIMP, defined benefit schemes and the interaction with historical features like the pre 1997 GMP and its deferment and escalation requirements. I can tell you now, unless you did this in some professional capacity, you will never fully understand it. Not even close.
  8. Lol ...first sentence. Wrong! as part of my studies i had to learn every pension and social security act. When graduated ended in 1975 ...but serps started in 1978. What happened in between those 3 years? That can be your homework.
  9. I used to do pensions actuarial work in my younger days. No point stating something if you don’t have the knowledge - then you are just guessing, right?
  10. I bet neither of you have any financial awareness. You sure don't sound like it. You can tell from people's terminology and you guys have none. Both full of BS is my guess.
  11. "Likewise, when I was rich, my humble beginnings were always present." Why aren't you anymore? Why don't you have more now than before? Is this something that was 30 years ago.
  12. Emphasis ....its law already. Mandatory workplace schemes and minimum employee & employer contributions.
  13. Discrimination also with unequal state pension ages for men and women. Was 60 for women, and got increased to 65, back then. So sometimes its addressed. Then there's the barber judgement.
  14. I got asked for this last year. Assume its a one off.
  15. Arguably, until its automatically ordering dog toys and taking money from my account, i don't really care.
  16. Thats not how your state pension is calculated. You don't lose the accrued benefit on the older systems.
  17. We do have national scouse day. So thats something to celebrate 55
  18. Name of the benefit? I'm struggling to believe. Happy to be proven!
  19. Fairly new here. Its a bit of a free for all sh*t show to be honest. Not what i expected. Anonymous emoji trolling everywhere. I already hate everybody 555
  20. The future problem is that good sized rooms for a single person in a good central location aren't getting built any more. (+50 sqm) I had a tour of Once pattaya in north pattaya area. 35sqm for a 1 bed for 4m, give or take depending upon high or low floor. Ouch!
  21. Royal cliff same as the other one mentioned. 20m for 200 sqm condos. Expensive because massive. Would certainly keep the riff raff out. This is similar cost to what i rent now: 100k per sqm buying price. I will be interested to see how well the 'garden condos' in soi 15 age. I'm in one of the newest ones and already ...yikes!
  22. No i don't. You are hanging off every word i write.
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