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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. In 20 yrs when i get to state pension age (68), god knows what form it may take. I've planned retirement on the basis of getting £0. I live in thailand now and will do forever - so i also count myself as a lucky one 😃
  2. Coverage? No thanks. Self insure.
  3. Its not. There is a phasing period depending on your DoB. It can range from age 65 to 68. The aim is for all younger people to be at 68.
  4. No double kiss. But that hustlers looks good.
  5. In my 30's i had laser eye surgery in UK. Used to wear glasses for driving and watching TV. Only had one eye done - my brain uses a system called monovision. Fantastic when you can see unaided. Hope it goes well for you.
  6. Google it. There's one on 3rd road.
  7. Type full match replays into google.
  8. 11 in each country? How many did you structurally assess? What was the process for comparison? Don't be vague, as much detail as possible.
  9. Interest?? its not a deposit account. Its a unit linked fixed interest investment. Thats why it has an AMC. A mix of gilts and corp bonds ...via blackrock i think, can't remember.
  10. Fancy suggesting someone with zero investment experience goes into the markets at age 76? Forum idiots or what. Stick to bank interest, you don't have the investment horizon or appropriate level of funds for the risk/reward.
  11. Much worse quality though. Same as Philippines/cambodia etc.
  12. The term is called fiscal drag. Not just serps, but possibly S2P which replaced it.
  13. Looks amazing ...but MG though Not a brand snob, but when it comes to cars, its a real hurdle to overcome - but only if its a coupe.
  14. Its not very high, but at least you won't be contributing.
  15. Thats funny ...they also tried to send me a cheque here. Never arrived. Tried again, still no cheque. Third time they allowed me to claim it electronically- got it 3 days later!
  16. You may want to complete form P85 which tells hmrc you've left the UK. I did it for tax reasons but its reasonable to assume that the info will ensure you don’t get the state pension increases.
  17. Why you only interested in the low ones though? Will you turn green if you hear about the others?
  18. Its pretty obvious that you are in the lower tier. Anyone who has a healthy income has no interest in discovering who has less to work with.
  19. No probs, but that one wasn't aimed at you.
  20. Then don't incorrectly try to correct.
  21. I don't think it will rain today. It may rain today. You see the difference? one is an opinion.
  22. Usually the state pension is paid gross but taxable via an adjusted tax code on the private pension.
  23. It is called Self. And i don't think he will.
  24. Topped up my vanguard global equity fund yesterday. Just a global tracker, nothing spicy. Temptation to get sucked into more fixed term deposits, but my investment horizon is +30 yrs so you have to stop yourself doing short term grabs of 5% or whatever they pay.
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