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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. Automatically assumed you meant on this forum! Oh right, its a driving topic.
  2. When £500 a month is a big deal. Its just tragic that you even doubt it. Can earn more in a day!
  3. This forum and its people. The hatred is unbelievable. Amusing how upset they get though. You don't spend the equivalent of 10k a month for the next 5 years on a visa, to only live in a 12k month condo, eh genius? Well i don't anyway. Sorry you are 3m down, i know its a lot for you at your age. On the bright side, you will never crystallise that loss cus it'll probably never sell.
  4. Global stockmarket, not property.
  5. I expect to quadruple my investments in 20 years. You only need modest growth p.a. Far less than the likes of s&p has returned. 4^(1/20)
  6. 5m in s&p500 (total return)over last 9 years would give 12.85m, less 3m in rent you would have paid, equals 9.85m. You now have a 6.5m condo. About the same as a cheap UK council house, but they are easier to sell. You never heard of opportunity cost?
  7. Fair enough, i just load up the cards and keep them.
  8. NextG is now very very unhappy 555 All you have to do is stop.
  9. Living the dream 555 Sorry couldn't resist 🤣 Very naughty of me.
  10. Nothing there 555 ...i was at planet football the other week playing 7 a side though. Bolt car both ways. You are getting very upset NextG. I don’t like to knock anyone's choices but you started having a little dig last week - now you have realised that wasn't so smart.
  11. They use e-cards not coupons. Either central or T21. I think they are amazing - but people love to knock them. Up to them. Not my concern.
  12. Yes i only do bolt cars. I'm not frightened of bikes as such, its the consequences of coming off and the risk/reward. Its other fools on the road i'm frightened of!
  13. Oh i see, you were sniping. Was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. The difference between you and me is i don't preach about my way. If you live in a 22sqm condo and you are happy then i'm happy for you! What i get snappy about is 'my way is the best and only way' crowd. Yes some affluent people eat at central, but you wouldn't know it...
  14. Most of your friends are like me? Hmmm not from that description - under 50, super fit, great condo, affluent and they are on elite too??
  15. Carry water 555 ....7 filter reverse osmosis in my condo Villa market 60 seconds away. I don't buy many groceries as i eat at central festival most days and have never cooked anything and never will.
  16. Baht bus is fantastic, thats why i live in central pattaya. It runs naklua to darkest jomtien - bit more than a mile. Then there's bolt. Cheap rent and moped is part of many expat lives, but not all. Maybe that will be mine in the far away future. Right now its 1 min walk to villa market and cocktails at horizon (but usually heaven above 555).
  17. Then they need a motorbike. Cost of you having a fall is a busted bike and maybe a hospital bill. What if a fall could cost you +20m baht or more ...all to save a few hundred quid a month in rent. There is some perspective for you and the internal risk consideration that some of us have to do.
  18. Looks nice. For the rent i pay in central pattaya i could almost double the condo size at PHR. I'm guessing you have transport?
  19. Good option and one i would use in the future, hopefully not for +30 years though. State pension? I'm certainly not relying on that to fund anything of importance. If its ever means tested (like australia?) i'll get sweet FA anyway 555
  20. Thought i'd start low to err on the side of caution. Did plan to move to rama 9 in bkk, but couldn't stand the traffic. Rent will increase next year, owner said so, in advance. No problem with that.
  21. I recall chatting to a guy who paid 7k a month rent. Up to him, if he's happy then i'm happy for him. First thing he said to me, when i told him mine "you are getting <deleted> ripped off, tell the owner to go <deleted> himself. Hmmm !
  22. 5 year visa and applied to extend to 20 yrs. A non issue for me. 'you will always be nothing more than a long stay tourist' - said nobody of affluent means, because we simply don't care! Monaco citizenship only requires 1m euro! Maybe they will have me. My bets are hedged via being completely liquid/invested against inflation and currency exchange.
  23. You fly back in a plane, not a house. There is nothing that having the funds can't achieve.
  24. No insult taken. I think my rent is above your means anyway.
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