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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. He thought it was bad to go with Thai women, due them all being sex slaves. "Sex slaves in that good Story of O-way?", I pressed. But he didn't know the book. Of course. The wife was another diehard advocate for more Merino Wool in my travel wardrobe.
  2. This guy was a human rights academic, so woke-wise, I was left in the woke-dust. I read The Economist, I have friends in refugee resettlement. But it was like talking to Mount Rushmore -assuming one of the stone presidents were wearing a turtleneck ("Merino Wool, it's very important. Merino Wool"). He said Europe's situation with boats arriving hourly was "difficult". He called for "balance". I got up and took a long whizz. I at least had him laughing, Me? No laughs to be had from Nanook of the North. Can you point me in the direction of the simp-guide you live by that says I have to be endlessly nice to retard dullards? Because that's a book I want to avoid.
  3. My whole life, whenever I heard the word, girth, on any subject, my mind went to only one subject.
  4. It's not just the attention span, it's the ability to commit a week out. My wife tried a couple of times and the response was "can we just stop by?". Of course, most of our friends are potheads. They're fully embracing a low attention-span/low commitment lifestyle like ourselves.
  5. for the first million sessions, it's just punch and kick. Jet Gym offers the Kombat class daily with a membership.
  6. I'll go first: Dinner party, 2016 -six of us went to see John Prine the next night. Up there with Dylan for a show of that type. Cocktail Party: Like, '92. 1st wife. She had special glasses just for grapefruit juice, so you know those were some well-made Paloma's. Pot Party: 2 weeks ago. With Chinese potheads in Nimman.
  7. When was the last time you attended or hosted a dinner party (family doesn't count)? Extra credit: Cocktail Party or Pot Party.
  8. As a native Canadian, I had to remind him: Tip-ping is not a city in China.
  9. While that idiot was in broken record-mode about the turtleneck ("It never goes out of style")., I ate two thirds of the waygu beef roll on the table. And that was a 1,500 baht roll.
  10. Long may your thing run. But I'm more into having some laughs than turtleneck ruminating. Def agree: Boomers are the worst at blathering (and I am one).
  11. Fair enough. I enjoy his posts, but you need to be an Ionesco scholar to get where he's going.
  12. People are more into my wife than me. I'm more into my wife than me too. I'm a three-timer too. So is my wife.
  13. Canadians. Theoretically, fairly left by US standards, so should be somewhat on my team. So far, no luck. Another example: My wife said she was going to London and was ready for a little cool weather and had just bought a fleece -this was after the hot, but not too hot boondoggle; which I have considerably condensed. RainMan said: A turtleneck, a turtleneck, a black turtleneck. You can wear it anywhere. If it's cold, you could put on the turtleneck. A black turtle neck, so you could wear it anywhere". She knows that I'm either checking out or I'm going to troll. Since I ordered food, I can't leave until I eat it.
  14. I was stuck at the sushi bar last night with a dead wood couple that my wife met at her hair salon. No banter, a lot of blanked-out repeating of stuff like, "sometimes it's hot, I don't mind if it's a little hot, but if it's too hot, I don't like it.". It was like eating with RainMan. I tuned out. She hates that. New rule: 3 meetups with her first now before they graduate to me. Who does your wife love that you strive to avoid?
  15. Your dull dithering has finally worn me out.
  16. That's the height of rush hour. Lines are usually not brutal at the airport, but you never know when you'll get stuck behind a Chinese group at check in. Google, the most astonishing question answerer ever, reveals that you can check your bag at the airport for 140 baht.
  17. Why not just have a wander in the beautiful Old City? Even for the Temple-phobic, plenty of ambience and tourist pleasures to enjoy. 7 hours at the mall (partic the small Maya Mall)? 7 hours hogging a sun bed at the Shangri-La? That will be a draggy 7 hours.
  18. Yes maybe a hotel with a day pass/min spend to access pool/sauna and gym and have some food, any suggestions? Def call ahead to the Shangri La to make sure that pool deal is still on offer. A lot of nice hotels haven't updated their websites since Covid. Shangri La has a good (but not great) unlimited dim sum lunch. At rush hour, it could be an hour back to the airport. Unlikely, but it happens. The pollution is only medium-bad right now. But soon to ramp up. You can get grab at the airport, but it's a flat 150 baht from the taxi dispatcher into town.
  19. -More cancel culture from crybaby cancel-cucks.
  20. Live in Nimman, the road parallel (on the Nimman1 Mall side) is very low traffic, full of what you want, and 10 minutes away. If you want a true spa experience like in the movies, Fa Lanna is the best (about 2,000 baht for an hour massage). It's popular, so book ahead. Or just smoke a lot weed. You can't toss a rock without hitting a weed store.
  21. The Letter was the shortest #1 hit.
  22. Met a couple of people, and have a couple more in the hopper for '24. The ones I really wanted to meet told me to eff off. Like the famous Groucho quote in reverse.
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