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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Indefensible, but Pringles. Partic flavored ones. Flavorwise, very inferior to chips. Crunch/texture-wise, unbeatable. Killed a small tube in a minibar the other day. Would never knowingly buy them.
  2. I agree -barring a sleep disorder problem. This thread is about those people. But there may be other issues at play. Sleeping apart or a partner withdrawing in other ways may be a sign of disengagement. The relationship is being re-written covertly (and possibly even unconsciously) without the offended partner's consent. Maybe they feel powerless or are non-confrontational and this is their loophole to be at least a little free of you. Possibly, a sleep disorder is used as an excuse to withdraw. 'Def worth looking for other signs of sick-of-you. If she's checked out, her insomnia's realness is moot. And as Fruity says, if she's continuing to enjoy the benefits of the old relationship while edging into a new version that you don't like, that's unfair. 97% of the time, if you think that is what's going on, it is.
  3. Why is that a hard no for you? Sleep disorders are a real thing. Women suffer them at twice the rate of men. Why'd the internet date lady say no to sharing a bed? Screwing with someone's sleep is prob worse than screwing with their diet. Asking people to go with out sleep is like asking them to go without insulin. Is it an intimacy issue for you? I sense it may be for your nude-insisting friend. Making people do what they don't want to is def an intimacy inhibitor. You also have the 100% right to want what you want.
  4. We def have separate spaces. The living room is very neat and minimalist.The bedroom I refer to as the world's largest handbag. If I had to live in the handbag full time, not just for Netflix and sleep there, that wouldn't work.
  5. Do you have them? Do you want them? Does she want them? Relationship expert, Cameron Diaz, says they're a must: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/20/health/sleep-divorce-separate-bedrooms-wellness/index.html Me: No. I miss her when I sleep alone. She turns the a/c down to 18, so sometimes I can see my breath in the bedroom.
  6. I moved here from Appalachia. No GF pay day there for you, partic with your fat phobia. Hope you love Jesus. The problem may not be geography. It may just be down to You-ology.
  7. I live in CM, and I do have to vacate my apartment for 2 months a year and either go traveling or chill out in Hua Hin. But I love Chiang Mai at the level where it's worth it. I'd rather be super-happy for 10 months a year here than so-so happy elsewhere for 12 months a year. If you're not a beach lover, CM is really the only expat game in town. And full of mixed race Thai's, who sort of run the town, who will be a better fit for you. Plus a sizable Christian community because you like 'em trad. A whitie Christian can date a Christian 10 here. This isn't another life-plan where THEY have to be super trad and you're more like trad-lite, is it? Because those logic-defying schemes comically blow up 100% of the time.
  8. There is a trope here that Americans ONLY want to talk about money and how much they have. And that they will not shut up about how cheap healthcare is here (OK, that part is true). Excuse me, I have to go and prevent a German from hogging a sun bed.
  9. His New York apartment is very seizable. Florida has homesteading laws, but they can put a lien on it if he tries to sell (the IRS already has one). If forensic accounting finds hidden wealth, the tax authorities will be suing him next. They didn't even come close to overturning the election and the world blew up -and keeps blowing up- in their dumb Trump Trash faces. Sweet.
  10. I tossed a $20 bill into a can at Refugee World Music Day in Baltimore. Honduran women did a saucy little dance where they pretend to court by extending a pineapple to the audience. "They come every year", said the organizer, "and they come with their own pineapples". Refugee programs are pretty miniscule and usually church-based, so not much strain on taxpayers. They get two months in a motel in Baltimore. Usually, they are in some kind of employment within two days of arriving.
  11. Donald Trump urged people to stick a light bulb up back there. So your hot GF was a million times more rational than the leader of the free world.
  12. Don't you act in a supervisory position over Philipino cleaners who you disdain to their faces as too accomodating to the hospital? Please don't hide your considerable light under a bushel. Just to add some value, my friend is a refugee co-ordinator in Baltimore. Refugees have really helped bring that dire pit of a city back a bit. Refugees and Immigrants are very different issues. But dull facts shouldn't get in the way of entertaining stupidity.
  13. A novel? Like 100 words? Def rode the short school bus syndrome. Maybe have a lie down after reading that. 2 parts to your crazy equation: you and them. On the them-side, I see no evidence of you learning about them. They're just trad girl cutouts. On the you-side, I see no evidence of you pondering how you might change to have an intercultural relationship. It's all just a screaming maw of I WANT. Hence, the extreme thirst diagnosis. Aint no sin to be thirsty. Like you said, in your home country, you had zero luck.
  14. No, I am not dictating what you do. When I say, keep it to yourself, that means -to everyone else on earth- that I advise you to do so to forestall negative reactions and consequences. I'm not outraged. You made that up whole cloth. You like to have arguments with imaginary people. That indicates that most of your arguments with real people typically go nowhere. Let's review. You are: -a professional victim -prone to name calling -always a bit butt hurt and angry -fatuous in your pretend-knowledge of "culture" -can only find dysfunction relationships back home -the thirstiest man in thirst-dom Is this the profile of the kind of guy who ends up happily coupled over here? Read here about people who are living your dream. They present very, very differently from you.
  15. This is completely barking mad paranoia. No one has "controlled" what you say. You know that. Jesus, what a whiner. You can have all the "preferences" you want. But claiming that one race is superior to another is not a preference, it is the simple definition of racism. I won't go down that stupid rabbit hole where you claim to be a PC victim of "the type of person I am" -a person who wishes you well on your zany plan and has given you good faith advice on how not to get hosed. Only the tiniest scintilla of western men move to SEA -and that's for every reason under the sun. Claiming that you are part of a mass movement, throwing off the shackles of feminism means that you need to get off of Reddit and touch grass. Your posts are full of red pill rage. Anger makes you stupid; try to be less stupid when get over here. Or not. I see some very entertaining posts from you in my future.
  16. This is a racist statement. Benign, flattering racism is still racism. This is another sentiment best kept yourself. I am the least qualified person here to give you advice. I am married to an older white woman and live over here, BUT: My lack of need for a relationship brings high quality Thai women within flirting range of me often. If my wife dies, at least 2 of them will be getting in touch. Coming over here thirsty is a big disadvantage. And another thing you should keep to yourself. -Like Andy Capp's dumber brother above me urges.
  17. This belief is going to cause you problems. People are pretty much morally the same everywhere. Poor people everywhere lack options and tend towards opportunism when it presents itself. The west is full of women who would be (and often already are) great moms. That you choose a place where the women are "better" and also happen to be a size two and (supposedly) deferential, indicates that pumping out a kid is not your sole, altruistic concern. Thai people will tell you what they think you want to hear -that poor person problem again. Your belief that poor, uneducated Thai women can frictionlessly solve your long running dating incompatibility issues will def make you a target for opportunists. I'm not dissing your goals or plans. I am def saying: keep them to yourself.
  18. I hate to admit it, but if she was good looking enough........
  19. Was this a case of shove that quartz where the sun don't shine?
  20. I just had my first Reiki treatment (I know nothing about it, booked it on a whim). It was very relaxing, a cross between a mental foot massage and a pre-dream state. Not a lot to it: a sweetie gently touched me on the head and ribs. I noticed my breathing changing and tension coming and going. The hour went fast. I'm resistant to spa stuff and new age-anything. I fear crystal worship is next. But it did make me feel better. Any Reiki, esoteric massage, acupuncture, or other alternative-type stuff that people have tried?
  21. The English are def people of the parsnip. Never seen it much anywhere else. 'Waitrose Ginger Parsnip Soup, had it at least weekly. Americans will tolerate a bit of parsnip in a 4 to 1 carrot/parsnip ratio.
  22. Yeah someone else from here recco'd it. Time for the quickly aborted Chiang Mai meetup? My last offer was a bit of a drubbing.
  23. I went to a soapie in Udon in 1988 and the place is still there. So def go there.
  24. Punchline from my youth: Help me find my car and we'll drive out.
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