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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. This is not so..... What banana republic do you come from ?
  2. I will leave you and the others to speculate, twist your knickers and have palpitations as to why a Criminal trial did not go ahead. https://news.sky.com/story/prince-andrew-demands-trial-by-jury-as-he-denies-all-virginia-giuffre-sex-assault-claims-12526085
  3. And then needs backed up with some form of evidence, go to trial and a jury normally decides the innocence or guilt of the accused. The normal course of justice in most Countries that are considered civilised. Rich people, including Prince Andrew, around the world pay money on a yearly basis to make allegations go away. It's normally called extortion and blackmail. It also happens all the time in civil court proceedings. Do you spend your life being on permanent send with faux outrage at all of them or is it something reserved for Prince Andrew ?
  4. I think we can ( politely )agree to disagree on that one I believe it will, especially for international money transfers.
  5. Thanks Jerry. Yes, some things are indeed still unclear. Thats the badger I was looking for. What is included in the amendment will speak volumes and will dictate ( at least for some ) what avenue they will need to go down.
  6. Well, here is another very pertinent argument for you. Before you climbed up that very high pedestal and took the time and effort to compile your very lengthy tax guide. Did you read, digest and incorporate into your tax guide, any of the following:- * OECD rules and regulations concerning CRS * OECD Compliance procedures concerning CRS * Any additional measures applicable to Thailand as an emerging economy. Not an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination. I think it might be one of the reasons why no further edicts have been issued by the RD. They and the experts are still pouring over the volumes of paperwork and trying to make sense of it.
  7. Agreed. But I think that adding a whole new section is pretty unique,especially coupled with Septembers RD announcement. Mazars reported it from the original September announcement and ithe relevant part was reposted in the 200 page long thread. As I cannot recall the exact details, it might be something you want to dig out and add to your tax guide.
  8. Yes, I agree Again, I agree and no point in speculating over what it might contain. All I can remember was that it was reported by Mazars ( I think ) and came from the original announced September announcement by the RD. It was certainly posted somewhere in the 200 page long thread.
  9. I will let you search for the announcement of the changes, but I am pretty sure that the updates were specifically for expats. I recall saying at the time, perhaps there will be a section for non assessable income, or income covered by a DTA, Lifted direct from the RD Website ? Understood to mean assessable income prior to the 01 Jan 2024 does not mean that the same applies post 01 Jan 2024, and doesn't say assessable income. Perhaps best to let it drop and see what the new section being added to the tax return actually covers.
  10. A painful financial lesson the BBC and the Met learned over the Cliff Richard saga.
  11. You mean alleged coercion of course, dont you ?
  12. You are probably correct. However the announcement that the RD was updating and adding an additional section to the tax return has caused some confusion. If there are no changes in filing requirements why are they adding extra sections to the tax form.
  13. Are you sure this is the case ? The age of criminal responsibility in most Countries is much lower than 18, which seems to fly in thace of the above.
  14. You can guess to your little hearts content, it does not mean that he is guilty of anything.
  15. Just one of the questions he asked. The other one, surprise surprise quickly followed by Delete US and insert any other Country. The question remains the same @Sheryl has again, provided what I believed to be the case in the past I was trying to clarify if it was the same going forward post 01 Jan 2024 Just like @TroubleandGrumpy is still trying to do And bingo What was done previously does not mean that it will automatically carry forward from 01 Jan 2024.
  16. So is murder, it still happens on a daily basis. You will need to ask him that.
  17. Whenever I use Thai Post Track &Trace / EMS, what ever it is called, the normal timescale is about 5 days. I think you were just unlucky, and your letter got waylaid for some reason.
  18. What has the above got to do with @TroubleandGrumpy comment. By some strange quirk of fate @TroubleandGrumpy is asking the same question that I have been asking. What happened prior to 01 Jan 2024 is now irrelevant.
  19. Nobody ever lies do they. Sometimes people lie under oath, hence the reason people get pardoned and released from prison for crimes they did not commit. Here is a recent cracker from the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/jul/22/how-nick-the-serial-child-abuse-accuser-became-the-accused Is Andrew guilty of crimes ? No idea. But anyone hanging their hat on sworn testimony, or testimony given under oath of someones guilt, is lacking in the grey matter department.
  20. It is all so simple and logical and easy to understand 2 posts, directly after one each, both quoting / responding to my very simple question. I just need to know if I have a legal obligation to file a Thai Tax return if I have no assessable income ? Guavaman I have made it clear that the income I am remitting is locked up by a DTA and only taxable in the UK, therefore any reasonable conclusion is that it would not be considered assessable income in Thailand. But that doesn't answer my question.
  21. Because I have no doubt that different Revenue Offices will have different interpretations, much like like Immigration Office. Which is why I would rather wait until conformation comes from the Government / the head honcho's at the RD. I have already said numerous times, which the RD Office you visited yesterday confirmed, that income already taxed at source / in the UK would most likely not be taxed again in Thailand. Did the RD Office actually confirm, if you had to file a tax return, even though your income will not be taxable in Thailand ? Which is my bone of contention, not whether it will be taxed or not ( I already know it wont be taxed )
  22. I will also repost this from @Shoeless Joe, posted on the other thread. However, it does not answer the question as to whether a ' Nil ' tax return has to be filed.
  23. What tax code ? Yes, I totally get that assessable income over a certain threshold a tax return should be filed. There is a big grey area surrounding non assessable income / income covered by a DTA and whether this requires a tax return filed in Thailand
  24. It is OK to just admit that you do not know the answer. I have seen reference to DTA's being respected. This does not answer if I am legally obliged to file a ' Nil ' tax return.
  25. If its been worked out, feel free to post it I can find the information for people in employment https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/030265guide91.pdf I can find the information for " Assessable Income " https://iao.bangkok.go.th/storage/files/Personal Income Tax.pdf But I cannot find anything for " Non Assessable Income / income covered by DTA's " Over to you.
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