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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. It has already been printed by Mazers and others that ' Thailand will respect existing DTA's ' Exactly, and that is not going to happen until between Jan - Mar 2025. Or the RD come out with a detailed plan before then. Until the RD come out with a detailed announcement, every thread is going to turn into a buggers muddle. If it helps you. My private pension ( taxed in the UK ) is now being paid to my UK account, until I get clarity from the RD. My Government pension ( taxed in the UK and covered by a DTA ) continues to be remitted direct to Thailand. At this moment in time, I can do no more to limit my potential exposure to the Thai taxman.
  2. You might have noticed that I have been banging on about compliance of the rules around CRS, not what CRS actually does. If Thailand complies with above. It would appear that All Expat tax residents will indeed need to get a TIN, see note 1.
  3. As I have said before, the major part of the problem is the term ' Assessable income ' Is a source of funds, only taxable in Country X, Y or Z due to a DTA really ' assessable income ' in Thailand ? I would not be surprised to see wording changed to ' International remittences ' must be..... Otherwise it becomes a total dogs dinner.
  4. If income is specifically covered by a DTA from Country X, Y or Z with Thailand, it should not be taxable in Thailand, full stop. I think what people have to really grasp is this is about closing a loophole that allowed tax avoidance / evasion. It is not about double taxing people.
  5. I have no idea if it is 100% correct or even complete. But it would still not surprise me if a statement to the effect that * Pensions * US SS * Insert others Are exempt as we already know the details by the remittance code.
  6. Unless someone on this thread has access to the EOCD's Rules, Regulations and Reporting criteria regarding Tax avoidance / evasion in compliance to CRS theneverything is wait and see. Up to date anecdotal evidence Changed passprt number at 3 banks last Monday, not one mentioned anything to do with tax. On Thursday, Apple told me my bank card had expired and could not process my 99 Baht purchase Back to bank on Friday to renew bank card and got ( my first ever ) 12 month printout. Having now seen ( for the first time ever ) the code that delivers my Government Pension, the bank and the RD will have no problem identifying that code and working out that it is a UK Government Pension, and subsequently covered by a DTA. Which might be why the bank has not mentioned anything to me about tax.
  7. I was just about to turn 50 and had only ever used the 30 day stamp on arrival. I opened an account and stuck 850k in it and on my next trip came armed with a visa and had it converted to a retirement extension.
  8. @rs11 To back up Sigma said. Way back in 2011, I was pulled and told to get a proper visa. I had about 18 months of working 6 on 6 off, and was about 8 months into working 4 on 4 off. Every visit to Thailand during that 6 on 6 off period, was roughly 2 weeks in Thailand, 10 - 14 days somewhere else, and the last 2 weeks back in Thailand. What the actual ruling is, I do not know, but it is not something that has just started.
  9. I would jump in the car and look around if Glamping works for you. There seems to be plenty of sites dotted around.
  10. If you want luxury, you gotta pay for it
  11. Plenty of Glamping sites in the Khao Yai area where you could probably go with the dog.
  12. Never cycled the whole route, though plenty of cycling in the park. This might help you, although its from North to South https://www.routeyou.com/en-th/route/view/2609432/cycle-route/khao-yai-national-park-bicycle-track-5
  13. Agreed And you will notice that Mr But But But and the rest of his gang have given the post a wide berth. I expected about 2 or 3 pages of condemnation by now Just for good measure, Now that Mandelson has been named, I'm throwing Blair into the ring as the " Un-named ex PM "
  14. Lets put that to the test. This should be good for another 12 pages of outrage Public figure - Check Named in the Epstein saga - Check Nondescript photos - Check Must be guilty as sin, let the wailing commence, 12 pages worth should be appropriate.
  15. That is actually waht I said What part of that did you not understand ? It will have to be checked ( by some means ) to ensure that tax has been paid. Try reading and comprehending. I have never said CrS data contains data on international remittances. I have said that those remittance will have to be checked ( by some means ) to ensure that the appropriate taxes have been paid and that tax avoidance / evasion is not taking place. CRS being a tool in the fight against tax Avoidance / evasion. Or are you trying to tell me that is a load of poppycock and ithat CRS is really nothing to do with tax avoidance / evasion ?
  16. Do you believe that CRS is all about Perhaps I should have added by way of CRS. If you dont, thats fine, no further discussion needed. If you do, then international transfers ( by some means ) will have to be checked to ensure that tax has been paid, the transfer is tax exempt, or tax has / will be paid in the Country that it has been remitted to. Or perhaps this is just crap
  17. Popping my clogs with the assistance of 2 bottles of Malt, 6 viagra and 2 nubile females.
  18. For the intrepid gang of 4 or 5 who are so vocal of the rights of young females. The young females of Afghanistan need your assistance right now. The Taliban have started stoning them to death again. If you are struggling for the airfare, send me a Pm and I will set up a crowdfunding page for you. Otherwise you know where the airport is, it is a desperate situation and you are needed their tomorrow at the latest. Happy packing.
  19. Then why would the experts post something like this ? I have taken the steps to ensure that it will not affect me, apart from at worse, possibly having to get a TIN and possibly filing a tax return for no monies payable to the RD. So personally I coundn't care less what they come out with. I am just not convinced that we have anywhere near the full picture yet. That is not a fact and only my opinion, others are free to believe and do whatever they feel is benificial to their particular circumstances.
  20. You might have a point if I had said it would. It must be great up their on your pedestal, knowing that you are waiting on sainthood, for never having put a foot wrong.
  21. Why did you even reply. Whether a Judge decides or a Jury decides is immaterial The same process occurs, accusations made, investigation and evidence gathering, a trial by jury or a judge, a decision made.
  22. This US you mean This UK you mean Not a great example you provided That is a lot of credible witness statements going absolutely nowhere. And guess what, some of those witness statements will also be lies.
  23. No idea why you quoted me and then came out with the above. I never said that CrS or FATCA track international money transfers. What they ( OECD ) are interested in is ensuring that people are not avoiding tax. Which is why Thailand is updating the Tax filing form in line with the changes happening from the 01 Jan 2024, which is, to the best of my recollection all to do with the implimentation of CRS. Would it not be prudent to await confirmation of everything that is included in this amendment before making bold statements ? Just because foreign tax credit claim is mentioned does not mean that will be the only thing that will be added on the amendment. No idea how Thailand can claim it is complying with the rules of CRS if they are not checking ( at least once ) that the income remitted is tax paid at source, exempt from tax by being below certain thresholds / covered by a DTA.
  24. What is considered due process in Countries that has evolved beyond banana republics ? A sworn deposition, on its own does not a convict make. I aleady gave you a great example of a screaming idiot who made sworn statements. So credible was he that the Police set up a whole Operation to investigate it. Op Midland and Carl Beech if you are interested. I also steered you towards miscarriages of Justice, Pardons, convictions quashed because people lied on oath. For a really update reference, try the Post Office Scandal. No doubt that the above information will be too difficult for you to compute.
  25. Which has quadrupled the speculation, knicker twisting and trial by social media warriors. A pay off my imply guilt, it does not prove guilt. And just for the record, he is probably guilty of being a gullible <deleted>, probably did **** her, without knowing at the time that he was potentially breaking any laws. An accusation that could be levelled at hundreds of thousands of people in the public eye. From sports stars, pop stars to Politicians and even royals. It might not be ethical, it might not even be ethical, but it happens in just about every Country. Trying to whitewash that and scapegoat 1 individual is nothing short of bonkers.
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