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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Huh I will take it from that comment that your reading and comprehension abilities are severely lacking. I will try and make it even more simple for you. It took less than 5 minutes to say " Mr RD Man, I have these 2 UK pensions, tax paid in the UK, Do I need to file anything ? " The reply from Mr RD Man meant that no further discussion was required.
  2. No idea if this makes any difference. Both my pensions are remitted to Thailand direct from the Pension administrators. I have no funds transferred from my UK bank or via a 3rd party like Wise etc. I have currently stopped my Private pension being remitted to Thailand and will go to my UK account until The RD make a further announcement. My Gov Pension comes with the code XXX - PAYMASTER - XXX, which I believe will identify it to the RD as a UK Government Pension and by extension non taxable in Thailand due to the UK - Thai DTA. For the time being, until further instructions appear via the RD, I think my bases are covered as far as the Thai Taxman is concerned.
  3. You are welcome. I tend to treat people as I find them Lovely lunch and then stopped off and picked up this Couple of slices of cheesecake for laters.
  4. Try reading my post on page 1, it really is self explanitory. Try reading my reply to @JimGant that you previously quoted, it is also self explanitory. Assessable income, tax thresholds, deductions, or any other guff, was not discussed. 2 x UK pensions, both taxed in the UK and told no need to file anything. That really was the extent of the conversation. You appear to be asking a lot of questions, that someone of your supposed expertise should already know. It may also be of no assistance to other posters unless they are also potentially going to use Pak Chong RD Office. Once the RD extract the finger and issue further guidance.
  5. Do you really think I would have driven to the RD Office, asking questions about a sum of money that falls below the Thai Tax threshold ? Which is now a moot point as it is now banked in the UK until the RD extract their finger and issue further questions.
  6. I cannot answer that question, as it will be deemed * Not pertinent to the thread * Off Topic * Argumentative. I'm sure @JimGant has seen the figures, they were posted in the 200 page long thread.
  7. I didn't, but it was no skin off my nose to go and find out Therein lies the rub. What constitutes assessable income. To my way of thinkingI Government Pension, covered by DTA and not assessable income. Private Pension, not covered by a DTA and might be considered assessable income. They didn't give one, to the best of my knowledge. As a side note. I only went as I was fairly certain that my 2 UK pensions, both taxed in the UK would not be subject to further taxation in Thailand. What I did not know, was if I was required, as a tax resident of Thailand to file anything. For 2023, according to my local RD Office the answer is no. I also now have an A4 envelope, containing all the paperwork for filing a 2023 tax return, should any issues arise in the future. For me, it was a base covering exercise. I was pretty certain of the outcome before I left the house and headed over there.
  8. Armed Forces Pensions ( Army, Navy, RAF ) are the first pensions listed on the Uk Governments list of Government pensions. As such, it is covered by a DTA and non taxable in Thailand. The link to the actual Government webpage was posted in the 200 page long thread.
  9. I missed a bit when I copied and psted from the other thread I didn't ask any questions on what might or might not be changing, I'll await an official announcement from the RD before going any further. Which would have saved you a bit of typing
  10. Just posted this on a newly opened thread, might be of use to some. I went to my local RD office this morning, armed with everything to get a TIN and file a tax return for 2023, including my other half as interuptor. P60's annotated in Thai script by my trusty interuptor, colour coded tying them up with the deposits to my bank printout with matching colour coding. All as easy as pie. Took less than 5 minutes for them to tell me I had no need to file a tax return. I didn't ask any questions on what might or might not be changing, I'll await an official announcement from the RD before going any further. Take your pick from the following * It is true and my local RD Office is not aware of it. * My local RD couldn't care less.
  11. Yes I went to my local RD office this morning, armed with everything to get a TIN and file a tax return for 2023, including my other half as interuptor. P60's annotated in Thai script by my trusty interuptor, colour coded tying them up with the deposits to my bank printout matching colour coded. All as easy as pie. Took less than 5 minutes for them to tell me I had no need to file a tax return. I didn't ask any questions on what might or might not be changing, I'll await an official announcement from the RD before going any further. What Chonburi RD Office might do I have no idea, but I would echo @DaLa and do nothing until further information is forthcoming.
  12. I would bet that the irony of that comment went right over your head
  13. Several whats ? I didn't say Obama or Biden started a war, I said Thats is why I laugh like a madman laughing at the rain, when the so called educated Democrats throw disparaging insults at under educated Republicans.
  14. Here is a short story for you Under Obama, Russia invaded Crimea. Under Biden, Russia invaded Ukraine. Under Trump, Russia invaded,,,,,,, And yet Trump was the mad man who would take the world to Armageddon. I'll pop back in and see how the exploding heads are doing after the South Carolina result.
  15. No you didn't, too busy frothing that you are confusing yourself. Does this constitute stating something as a fact ? Quit, when you are miles behind.
  16. Did I say otherwise ? Did I not say Those being Iowa & NH.
  17. I don't think that flies when it is being reported that 70% of her vote in New Hampshire came from Independents. Which, presumably the Independent voters would not care about.
  18. Well the Republican electorate in the 2 States that just voted do not seem to be very fussed about it. Funny thing that, when people dont vote the way you want or expect. The MAGA's are clearly winning so far, so much for Haley's policies.
  19. And why would this come as a great surprise to anyone ? When the USSR collapsed between 88 and 91 themeaning of the following statement was clear " The Great Bear has not gone away, it has only went to sleep " It's a crying shame that too many people did not understand it. Anyway. Nothing to do with thread, which is about New Hampshire, and no matter how hard I try, I cannot remeber a New Hampshire in Russia.
  20. Not much to disagree with in the above, although I dont think total privatisation is the answer.
  21. Why are you changing the subject ? I said Never cross your mind that, people including Leaders have to do things in public that turns their stomach and goes against their every instinct ? Sometimes a public show of appeasement is better than a public show of getting the big stick out, if it helps in de-escalating a given situation. It happens in Politics the world over.
  22. I wasn't referring to Pootin specifically. But that is one hellava claim you just made. I trust that you have a source outwith the medja to back it up.
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