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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. I think that you will find that tax being withheld on interest payments is standard practice. Plenty of people, myself included have had income remitted already this year and nothing was withheld.
  2. My needs are very simple concerning money remitted to Thailand from 01 Jan 2024. And @stat has just covered it. I just need to know if I have a legal obligation to file a Thai Tax return if I have no assessable income I fully appreciate the POV that you do, for the reasons given many times. I fully appreciate the POV that you do not, for the reasons given many times. I do not really care either way, If I have to file, I will file, if I dont have to file it will save me a trip going to get a TIN and putting myself on a radar that I do not need to be on.
  3. Yes, this is my understanding also, as I have stated many times. Check out the new thread. Immigration and RD linkup doing the rounds again. The 2 main takeaways 1. Up to individuals to decide what is up assessable or non assessable income. 2. Must file and the RD will decide what is assessable or non assessable income.
  4. And also according to the poster, he was working and presumably paying taxes in Thailand prior to his audit. Which might account for his passport being flagged by the RD.
  5. Someone far more qualified than me will come to your aid In the meantime, some reading material https://www.dva.gov.au/get-support/support-families/pension-orphans-and-war-widowers Best of luck.
  6. It depends on what you consider a reasonable amount of money. I have calculated somewhere between Zero and worse case 80,000 Baht a year in tax for the money that I now remit to Thailand. A return flight to the UK would cost IRO 50,000 Baht alone. Spending 6 months bouncing around SE Asia would cost a lot more than 80,000 Baht. So it really depends if you want to cut your nose off to spite your face.
  7. I think I said something along the lines of: Immigration want to see evidence of at least 65k a month, they couldn't care less if it was spent on a Thai Tax bill, 200 crates of the finest Chang or a daily indulgence in exotic dancers.
  8. I didn't, and I renewed in November. But if there is going to integration by Immigration and RD then I would expect such questions to be asked for those renewing after 01 July 2024, once they have passed the 180 day threshold. I have my doubts that there will be any integration between Immigration and RD.
  9. When I renew my extension next November, they probably wont ask me for anything ( as usual ) They will check through my paperwork, ensuring that I meet the financial requirements, give me a new stamp and ask me for Baht 5700 ( Ext & re-entry permit ) If they decide in the meantime to do a bit of merging of Immigration and RD to catch out those pesky foreigners, I might agree with you, until then I have my doubts.
  10. No so what intended. I did make that exact point to another poster on the other thread. Jim Gant possibly. Here is my 800k for extension - That is great, now what are you living on. Income method covere both the 65k monthly required and provides money for living on. But we are getting into the realms of the RD and Immigration being synchronized when they are currently 2 seperate entities.
  11. Brilliant Mike, pure genius You have me on ignore, but you check my posts everyday Comedy Gold
  12. Logic would tell me the same, but Ihave been told on numerous occassions, by people from different Countries, that if you do not have assessable income there is no need to file a Thai tax return. Logic would also tell me that the above is also true. Why would you file a Thai tax return if you have no assessable income If it becomes an immigration issue, It would only potentially affect people who use the income / combo method. It wont affect people that slapped 400k / 800k in a bank account years ago.
  13. OK I will try again Required to report, by filing a tax return, any assessable income. Both parts above are clear and blindingly obvious. Below is what is not blindingly obvious. If you only remit income that is 20,000% locked up in a DTA and is considered to be non assessable, and is only taxable in the UK, US, Aus or wherever. Does that person need to file a Thai tax return ?
  14. You nailed it with this The only people that should be concerned by any changes are those flying under the radar to avoid paying tax in either their home Countries or in Thailand.
  15. I think @smedly was referring to expats in Thailand with legitimate sources of income from their home Countries. Not local Thais.
  16. Right. So the only question I have out of this whole debacle is:- If it is not assessable income, do I need to go and get a TIN and file a tax return on my non assessable income ?
  17. Interesting Foreign tourists sought out an RD Office, filed tax returns and threw money at the RD. Who would have guessed at such stupidity. Or is the auther conflating a rise in indirect taxation, VAT etc, due to a rise in tourism with a rise Income tax reciepts. Any rise in income tax reciepts from 01 Jan 2024 will most not likely happen before July 2024 and more likely to happen between Jan - March 2025.
  18. Do you think the Thai Gov / RD gives a 2nd thought to your affairs ? You do reside ( at least sometimes ) in Thailand ? What should happen, is more often than not, somewhat different here in Thailand.
  19. Perhaps it has sought opinions from stakeholders and postponed for a couple of years, and just forgot to announce it. Hence the sound of silence.
  20. Do you know the difference between a new Law and a new interpretation of an existing Law ? Same as you did any other day, month, year.
  21. Interesting I was late to the party and thought with the ongoing hysterics it was set in stone rather than a mere proposal. Which makes everything even more funny.
  22. The same as the Tax consultancies are waiting on, the same as tax experts are waiting on, the same as most people on this and other threads are waiting on. Clarity coming from the Thai Gov / RD. All the people named above will probably tell you that the new interpretation of the rules started on the 01 Jan 2024. What none of them are sure of is what exactly the new interpretation covers.
  23. Or we could wait until the Thai Gov / RD spell out the details. Which would save you time and effort typing out draft copies, which might well be shot down in flames when the the Thai Gov /RD get round to publishing something concrete. Because until then, everything, including your bandwidth sapping draft copies ( why would you even do such a thing ) is nothing but opinion.
  24. Thought you put me on ignore yesterday ? With nearly 600 posts on the thread, were you looking in a mirror when you. typed the above ? Keep up the good work. The RD are apparently taking on people, might be a job opportunity for you.
  25. Coming from the poster with the most comments on the thread and almost double the amount of his nearest challenger. Not sure if the irony or comedy value of this comment is the strongest.
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