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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Nothing odd about it. £18k was far too cheap for entry to the UK. And a Net inflow of legal immigration comparible to a city the size of Manchester every year is not sustainable. If you really want to debate the issue, you will need to come up with something way more substantial than you have so far.
  2. Goodness gracious me, your knickers really are in a twist. The difference being, I dont claim to be super intelligent. Just smart enough to retire at an early age.
  3. You tried conflating legal immigration with legal immigration A common tactic your type. When you tried to stereotype me yesterday, it will come back at you in spades.
  4. You are accusing others of doing exactly what you are doing It is quite simple Illegal migration is the issue, not legal migration. And it will be way more than Tory voters who are concerned about it. No need to come back with any strawmen.
  5. Just like you do. Legal Immigration Illegal immigration https://www.politico.eu/article/stop-the-boats-now-second-biggest-concern-of-tory-voters-poll/
  6. Not sure why your knickers are in a twist or what the reference is to Trump trading cards. People who need to make assumptions about other people, are clearly not blessed in the grey matter department.
  7. Holy Christ Victory was a broad one was not talking about %ages and numbers or eligible voters, it was talking about Hope your not a Democrat that makes disparaging comments about the education levels of Republicans.
  8. You would really need to ask the people at Suffolk University/USA Today who carried out the poll.
  9. This part Is there any need to be derogatory and insulting to people who vote a different way ? The linked article suggests that there has been a large swing in support for Trump by people holding University Degrees.
  10. There was a lot of posts being derogatory to the evolution and educational standards of voters in Iowa https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/01/16/us-election-university-educated-voters-donald-trump/ Is the standard of University in the US that bad ?
  11. Sure, most of my verbal communication is via skype, but sometimes that is not possible and a call needs to be made.
  12. Have a look at True. I'm on a 700 odd Baht a month package, internet / TV package / some other box with all sorts on it ( Youtube, Prime, netfix etc ) and a mobile sim. The only additional bill I get is when I phone the UK on the mobile. Which isn't very often
  13. And you do not seem to understand humour. I really could not give toss who wins, I just know enough to understand that Trump doing well will have heads exploding. Yours included.
  14. I couldnt care less who won the 2016 election I asked you what happened in the evolutionary cycle that made this happen Its only 8 years, I thought you might be able to put your finger on it.
  15. Not following you Is the evolution of Trumps support different from the evolution of Bidens support ? How did this happen ? What evolutionary change happened between last night and 2016 ?
  16. OK, if you say so. I would have thought that this part was very relevant. What would I know, I'm not American.
  17. If that is all you managed to read in the article, it probably says plenty about you.
  18. Interesting take from the BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67989443 It wont make comfortable reading for some.
  19. @Shoeless Joe was also told by his tax office that his income would not be taxed, unfortunately he did not ask if he had to file a tax return. So we might end up in the realms of Immigration, with different Offices having different interpretations of the rules.
  20. The only part that we know is that something has changed from the 01 Jan 2024 with regards to foreign transfers into Thailand. Is there really any point in trying to paint a picture based on speculation for the RD to throw a bucket of black paint over it when they finally extract their finger and issue further instructions ? As I said yesterday, the code attached to my Government Pension remittance probably identifies exactly what it is to both the bank and the RD. Will the RD require me to file a tax return on income that they cannot touch ? Logic would tell me no, but then I have no idea what the OECD best practice in tax avoidance / evasion is. And unless someone has waded through the forests of OECD paperwork on CRS is, then they will not have a clue how Thailand will move forward until the RD make an announcement.
  21. The easist way that will be achieved is by awaiting and then publishing the amendment to the tax filing form. Hopefully the amendment will be broken down into subsections that relate to foreigners. * DTA income * Pension income * Pre taxed income * Savings Or something similar.
  22. We are in agreement that RD Code, as has been copied & pasted numerous times is for Thais and foreigners who are / have been employed in Thailand. I believe that the wording is something like ' Anyone who has assessable income must file an annual tax return ' Whicn by implication means that if you do not have assessable income there is no need to file a tax return. Ditto exempt income. If it is exempt it is not assessable for tax, and therefore no tax filing necessary. That would be the norm up until 01 Jan 2024, and will probably continue to be the norm for Thailands Internal taxation Policy. A further edict is required from the RD before anything can be declared as ' confirmed ' pertaining to the readers / posters on this, and related threads.
  23. And not just in the Republican Party https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/05/us/politics/biden-trump-2024-poll.html It is all about to get rather interesting, ramp up the popcorn production
  24. Does the Revenue code not deal primarily with Thailands Internal Taxation Policy ? The above sounds very much like it applies to employment / past employment in Thailand. I would expect to see an additional section added to the Revenue code to compliment the additional section being added to the tax filing form. Therefore it is a bit premature to be announcing that anything is actually confirmed. Neither does it address the issue of whether something is ' assessable ' or ' non-assessable '
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