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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. It’s difficult to listen to this and believe any of these people simultaneously
  2. https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/bmjph/2/1/e000282.full.pdf
  3. Sometime I wonder if people even realize they are arguing for a society without freedom of speech. Do you even know it? Serious question. Because rest assured, that’s what you are doing. Look in some history books and let me know if you ever find an example of “the truth is what we are telling you is the truth” working out for the people.
  4. It might be law to hide the face before formal conviction. I know it is in other countries anyway. And it does in fact make sense if you think about it. At least if the country operates under “innocent until proven guilty” which I have no idea if Thailand does
  5. Why was it never immediate? We don’t have the tech, right? Haha. Yeah, sure. We don’t have the tech to move money. They hold onto your money on purpose my peeps
  6. It’s not an accident is the thing people don’t understand. The longer they hold your money, the more money they make. People with the money loan it out at a 10th 1 clip and make money with your money. why would they send your money right away when they can make money with it instead. It’s not a bug it’s a feature for them
  7. Someone please tell me why we’d ever ban “disinformation”. Wouldn't the information be easily shown to be disinformation through debate? If it’s such bad information, people will figure it out. I really and truly cannot understand how people do not get it. The big clue is when they ban information from being discussed, that’s exactly the information you most likely need to be listening to. There’s no other reason to ban discussions other than you’re nefariously hiding something. This is why the censors are never correct. war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength people. That’s the legacy you’re leaving your grandkids.
  8. Even taking this statement as true, it sounds like 1984. So even if we stipulate you’re correct, you’re still describing a dystopian society. You people don’t even realize it, god knows how or why you got this way.
  9. Seriosuly imagine it. There are so many ways to prove you people wrong. All the people who supported your opinion are all rich. Kinda like the iraq war and all the other government lies. Those who toe the line get their money bags, those who tell the truth get fired and discredited. How on earth someone could not see it I have no idea. This pattern is on repeat on the cd player of the world. They do the same thing over and over.
  10. I seriosuly love how people think the people who put their entire careers on the line were in the wrong. And the ones doing exactly what government, ( &… clear throat pharma), was telling them to do. Y’all need to work on your critical thinking skills. Some of you wouldn’t not know what the wrong side of an argument was if it hit you in the head. You’ve been wrong too long to realize.
  11. Idk they were telling the truth it may be hard to find
  12. Don’t worry everyone, Fauci is your friend. He never lies and he didn’t delete any emails. Everything is on the up and up and all the money he got was just from, umm, idk I think it was the commercials he was doing. I forget where he got it all actually. Maybe the tooth fairy. But don’t worry, Fauci goes to bed at night thinking about your well being. Rest assured everyone
  13. I guess “the science” nowadays is just flat out proclaiming that you e “saved lives” without even a shred of proof. And even more scientific to make people believe it.
  14. Everyone got covid. It’s still around too. You just cannot make this stuff up anymore. If people can’t see what happened during covid now how do you even make it through life without drooling on yourself all day.
  15. And did you ever notice, my thoughts never violated any of your freedoms. Yours on the other hand… It really seems like people dont get it
  16. I’m getting my memory refreshed and it was even worse than i remembered. Doctors were telling people to go outside and get some sun and get out of the house, where many believe much of the transmission occurred. God forbid people should go outside and get sun and be active and healthy. https://www.turnto23.com/news/coronavirus/accelerated-urgent-care-doctors-recommend-lifting-shelter-in-place-order
  17. Sounds like the censors did good work
  18. Delete everything, all browser history, clean it out completely.
  19. Does anyone remember those two doctors, I think they were from California? And they actually stood up and questioned the covid policies. They put up a YouTube video and it got millions of views and all the hysterics were doing things like threatening their lives. They immediately got cancelled as far as I remember. That was one of the cues doctors got to keep their mouths shut. And of course their video was censored. You cannot come up with a historical example where the side doing the censoring was correct. The side censoring is always the wrong side of history.
  20. What on earth would what Putin wants me to think have to do with the truth. You seem comfused.
  21. I could not care less about tourism development. Is it even possible to go? Maybe I’ll look into it
  22. I wonder how many Americans know their entire court system is corrupt
  23. When did it start? I don’t buy it cuz people never went there. I wanna go. Yes I’m serious
  24. Why doesn’t anyone go to myanmar. What gives
  25. It’s funny because I know of governments are pharma that say and do anything in their power to make people use their products
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