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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. They’ve literally admitted to war crimes on tv.
  2. You got covid wrong. And… big surprise… you’re wrong on this too. I just woulda never guessed. Some people are just perennially wrong because why not, it does t hurt anyone to be wrong when they favor the establishment
  3. U just cannot make it up. There are leaders on tv admitting to war crimes. They are gloating about it. They are starving people and keeping them from water and admitting it all on tv. And you’re looking for “proof” lol you’re a joke i remember when this thing first started and there was a big hospital bombing and there was this huge debate in the media “who did it??” I guess we all know now!
  4. So Thailand doesn’t like it when babies are purposefully suffocated under rubble and bombed. shocker. I wonder who exactly does support it. Oh yeah, nevermind… I forgot for a second.
  5. Don’t worry the soi dogs will come around and clean up his mess
  6. Rubbish
  7. I didn’t get that impression at all I got info on here people were being denied for foreign bank accounts.
  8. Last time I was at my consulate in usa I believe there was a financial requirement but it was something silly like 1000 dollars. It could have changed.
  9. I don’t know if people are getting it yet: this is the cdc and ny times finally admitting truths about covid. That’s like your opponent conceding the game. This isn’t some off organization here, it’s the staunchest covid lockdown and vaccine supporters. And they’re now admitting they were wrong all along, just like many people were saying the entire time.
  10. There’s also a New York Times article that concedes, after years of obviously being wrong in the first place, that school closures did nothing to stop the spread, and that poor kids were affected the worst and the longer schools were closed the worse their deficiencies became. You know, stuff many people were saying the entire time. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/upshot/pandemic-school-closures-data.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb
  11. Covid living rent free in so many peoples heads. Even people still think their 6 month olds need to be vaccinated like cdc is telling them. Somebody let me know how it’s even possible that many European countries don’t recommend vaccinating 6 month olds. How can that be? Who’s following what data? Not to mention things like the vaccination interval changed right in the middle of covid. That indicates an experimental procedure: one group took it with one interval, then all the sudden the interval changed out of nowhere. Plus higher members of the fda resigned during the entire booster debacle... Open your eyes people.
  12. I’ve wanted to do similar myself with some of these damn standees.
  13. It’s way easier. There’s no financial requirement, they aren’t as flippant on what they can suddenly ask you for on the spot (meaning their document list is more official), and I could even do it without even leaving my house if I want to via mail. Not to mention I don’t have to drive across an entire nation and enter mad max country. No border hassles, no bs 100 baht fees or overpriced motorbikes. I can’t speak for every consulate of course.
  14. How silly these guys are. You’ve got to be thai to destroy sealife in those areas!
  15. I wouldn’t know. I actually like sriracha. It’s not like my standards are unbearably high
  16. I’ve no doubt it is, but an Iranian’s armpit isn’t
  17. I’d rather live in an Iranian’s armpit than in Pattaya
  18. You’re delusional. If terrorists want a plane they will have it in a heartbeat. As I said, 9/11 was boxcutter. Dude think about it. You can buy a steak in the terminal. What do you think you’ll cut it with? Idk maybe they do not give knives in terminals for this reason but you for sure could get your hands on any number of things. The tsa is just useless government bloatware. you’re kidding about the guns right? Terrorists dont carry guns onto planes if you haven’t noticed. If somebody wants to hijack a plane, they’re going to, that simple. We all just need to deal with that fact. In fact, if someone wants to hijack a bar or a nightclub, they can do all that too. I don’t see why airplanes get special treatment. Being in a restaurant would be just as “unsafe”. The only reason they do all this government bloatware is to control and stifle us, and people like you fall for it hook line and sinker.
  19. Yes. Government screwed everything up, like they always do, for nothing. When government gets involved it’s always us who pay for their often planned and ridiculous “mistakes”.
  20. I meant the tsa. We were fine without the tsa for decades. It serves zero purpose. It costs money and is a major annoyance and even borderline unconstitutional. Plus numerous people have shown the tsa is completely ineffective. I dont understand why people think the tsa can do anything. Let’s just say for the sake of argument the tsa barriers were an impenetrable force. You could have a guy working at Taco Bell in the terminal hand off stuff in a potential plane hijacking. There so many ways to get stuff past those barriers it’s laughable. Think about it! What was used to hijack planes? Box cutters. We don’t think there are knives and other items right within the terminals in restaurants etc? Ask any person who’s been in prison and let me know what they think of tsa “security” it is a nothing burger
  21. You know what would be even better experiment, and god I do wish we could do this to <deleted> up all the bs, is you take a poll who wants to send their own tax dollars to Ukraine, and who wants their tax dollars to be used on themselves for things like roads and healthcare. And while we’re at it make it so the people that vote to send to Ukraine don’t get the services. And we’ll see how well that poll, ie the truth, turns out. Propaganda is what youve fallen for. You cant be against government and propagandized at the same time, it seems you don’t realize.
  22. Any statement that comes out in support of Zionism is a lie if we use history as our guide.
  23. How insulting to talk about an Ukraine war that nobody cares about. He emphasizes the war. It’s the only topic that seems to excite him due to his obvious financial connections.
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