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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. This entire field of research is one giant psyop. Eat foods that are not processed. This isn’t difficult. Imagine the lengths they’ve went to demonize salt, and yet doctors don’t really criticize other, obviously much more harmful foods, nearly as much.
  2. It’s kinda cute you think you’re making a point. The main stream media feeding the people information and you buying it is in fact very important, whether you realize it or not. You do realize they get their information from the “professionals”, right? Where do you think Rachel maddow got that info, you think she did a randomized trial in her living room. Seriously wake up. I think that’s great. Vaccinate and boost your six month old children and all the insane stuff the cdc tells you. It’s fine with me. No argument there.
  3. People making money off of misinformation are in the nightly news. Rachel maddow makes 40k per day and reported misinformation that was never addressed or corrected. That’s a literal fact. She said vaccines stop transmission. Little guys struggling to get a few views on yt are not the ones profiting you have go to be kidding me. idk why it’s hard for people to understand this but who has lost revenue or jobs during the covid situation. There was even a letter sent out by the medical board telling all doctors they would lose their license if they spread covid “misinformation”: that obviously meant to keep the corporate covid narrative going btw. soim not sure where or how u get this idea all the people who suffered and lost their jobs are the ones profiting lol. Look up Aaron kheriaty of Jay battacharia. Let me know how much they profited as they told you their views about covid.the big hint is the people who got fired and demoted and censored were the ones telling you the truth.
  4. Not booking out is way better. It depends on what you’re doing but if you’ll be in an area I like booking one night and changing rooms. Quickly you end up in the best hotel and it’s usually a lot better. But yeah I have not had it where places are booked solid I suppose I’m not sure that doesn’t sound like much of a vacation to me. Go in the off season
  5. The real problem with this discussion going on here is you have people swearing the vaccines are safe and effective still, yet I bet these same people aren’t getting boosted. They aren’t getting their six month old children boosted and vaccinated, as the cdc recommends. And the vaccination and booster uptake proves this. So you have a group of people arguing and they are not even taking the thing they are arguing for. It’s difficult to even make it up. It’s some form of neurosis.
  6. The real irony about vaccine misinformation and which information likely caused the most harm is that the Rachel maddow “it stops the virus dead in its tracks with every vaccinated person”… this was likely to be an actual source of deadly misinformation because people would have taken the vaccine and basically believed themselves to be immune. Notice also they never retracted that story and the story was never labeled as misinformation. Interesting how that works.
  7. There were a group of individuals blatantly overstating the safe and effective mantra here in the forums. One of them the username initials are CH. These guys were quite literally “safe and effective”… “safe and effective”… “safe and effective”. Funny how they were the most outspoken in those threads back then, and now they are nowhere to be found. I guess the proverbial cat got the tongue
  8. I walked around for 2 days. And yes I agree. Dead. I’m not too interested in coffee shops and the like. I went to the market sorta behind the bus station (from bus station just walk on the main road toward Mekong River), I found that area quite authentic and a lot of good deals to be had, especially if you have kip. Good food, nice silk and a few food stalls.
  9. I had my dollar note rejected. One of them anyway. Luckily the ladies at the cashier window were nice enough to let me pay in baht to replace that $20 for 750 baht. is the evisa $40?
  10. Just as a side note I think it’s ridiculous the validity dates start when you are approved. It should start when you enter. It makes it so people overseas should wisely put it off to the last second to do and people who are planning ahead what they just lose a month or two off their validity. But I know it’s more of a money maker for them so never going to change
  11. The people who support biden won’t watch these videos, because it proves their utter lunacy.
  12. A turnip has more sense than Biden. People who support him are as far gone as he is.
  13. Damn Putin propaganda he’s telling me not to like nazis and to want my tax dollars to be spent at home and not on some far away scam war. I still don’t know what I’m gonna do about this propaganda. I mean children can hear this interview. What will become of them?!
  14. My argument is how can you not watch it when you basically know (or should know) everything the unites states government tells you is a lie. Putin is essentially at odds, or an enemy, of the us government if we think about it. I believe that’s diametrically oppose to him being an enemy of US citizens. But yeah at the very least you gotta listen, but hey we’re surrounded by people who support a turnip of a president so nothing surprises me
  15. Don’t even pay it. Just pay it after you get a ticket and don’t pay the ticket
  16. More Putin propaganda that we are supposed to be afraid of I suppose… How Putin is actually anti nazi, while the west seems to embrace, even fund nazis, even give them standing ovations in parliment as happened in Canada. you just cannot make this stuff up.
  17. 50k is king money in isaan. Just dole it out like a militant or you’ll be in trouble
  18. Serious question. I tried a few times now and the funny part is everyone wants it. So I have no problem ridding myself of it. But do they really have zero recycling? I found some of the more amusing stuff people did with the oil I gave them: -it sounded like one guy rubbed it on his house to keep the ants out or water proof it. I wish I was joking. -I was told they use it as pest control, like seriously, pouring it down cracks to deter ants. Quite interesting since they drink the groundwater. Any other viable or non viable alternatives? I’m really asking a serious question but I think the answer is there is no recycling
  19. Viagra and those rings don’t mix
  20. 10 years is pretty solid. He prob saved a bundle on visa fees and hassle
  21. I like this bird. I see them every now and then. Black
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