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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. If he keeps it up he won't have any body left to antagonize. Good riddance.
  2. Wow, this is serious. Threats and warnings are not necessary. Just go ahead and block me.
  3. Seems like you've got a problem. The link he posted happens to be one of my links. Stop playing games and wasting my time. Ignorance is bliss. This is not an insult, it is a fact.
  4. Bkk Brian posted a good one. Did you bother to read it?
  5. I took the time to carefully read the article. It is filled with inaccuracies and outright lies. Definitely not a reliable news source.
  6. Just because I furnished information that you were not aware of does not mean I am "defending atrocities." Your logic makes no sense at all. Already other sources are agreeing with Israel's claims. You can believe whatever and whomever you wish. Ignorance is bliss.
  7. How do you interview a dead rape victim? When survivors were found they may have been too traumatized or reluctant to speak for various reasons. Same for witnesses. Personally, I would never talk to anyone, I repeat, Anyone from the U.N.
  8. Israel says these civilians were OUTSIDE of the safe or humanitarian area. Others sources also report that, too.
  9. As you describe, Iran is the key player in all of this. Without their sponsorship of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other terrorist organizations the situation in the Middle East, and Africa for that matter, would be less chaotic. Since the mullahs took over Iran has been stoking the fires of religious fanaticism fueling instability in this part of the world. Nothing will change until the theocracy in Tehran is removed. The big question is how to accomplish this without major military intervention.
  10. Yet it seems this is what Palestinians in the West Bank. Support for Hamas continues and grows. You get what you vote for.
  11. Israel claims the strike was outside of the designated safe or humanitarian area. It remains to be seen whether this is correct or not. All civilians deaths are tragic. However, Hamas hides within the civilian population knowing that civilian deaths garner sympathy. Of course, the media plays it for what it's worth.
  12. The simple fact is that many Americans disagree with your opinion. If you don't believe me, just look at the recent polls. As far as the electoral college goes, those are the rules whether you agree or not.
  13. Just couldn't help yourself. Had to mention Trump. There's an acronym for that obsession.
  14. "It stands to reason", except I happened to be against the American invasion of Iraq. The U.S. foolishly let Saddam's army escape after fleeing from Kuwait. You need to ask the Hamas leadership about the diversion of food and other supplies. If Hamas is willing to use civilians as human shields why would they hesitate depriving them of food? When you are critically short of food every bit counts. Who's lacking common sense now?
  15. Are you confused about the difference between HE and SHE? If you are, then you have major problems.
  16. Haven't been paying attention, I see. The rules for the handling of classified documents is what wrote about. Are you referring to Donald Trump when you mention "30,000 documented lies?" Again, pay attention. This is about Hillary Clinton.
  17. The subject is Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump. She broke the rules. Period! Stop crying over spilled milk because she never made it to become a "credible" president.
  18. She sure learned a lot, like how to comprise classified information by using her private server and then destroying her phone to cover up what she had done. Rules? They don't apply to Hillary Clinton. And this is only for starters.
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