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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. In between jobs my girlfriend was collecting unemployment compensation when we decided to visit Thailand. The UI office told her to submit her boarding passes in order to continue receiving benefits when she returned.
  2. I should have mentioned that here in Hawaii, we don't have foxes, we have mongoose. The other day my hen scared off a mongoose attempting to grab one of her chicks. When he came back the second time I nailed him with my pellet gun. Action speaks louder than words.
  3. Sure as hell wouldn't want YOU guarding my hen house. The fox would have a holiday.
  4. According to your logic it is not immoral or indecent to interrupt international shipping as punishment for Israel not stopping in Gaza. That is the justification the Houthis have given. To put it bluntly, you have wacky way of expressing yourself. Totally confusing, to say the least.
  5. Yes, the U.S. does not have an unblemished record. I agree that Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were disasters, mostly because the politicians did let the admirals and generals fight the wars. Getting into details would entail going off subject. However, the Korean Conflict wasn't a complete loss. Again, explaining why is for another forum.
  6. I don't think that is the intent of the U.S. and the U.K. I believe the goal is to degrade the Houthi's ability to continue their aerial barrage on commercial shipping. How long it takes is anyone's guess. However, the U.S. will not tolerate these constant attacks any longer and is determined to continue as necessary. If I am not mistaken, the Saudis still have some intelligence operations going on there. If they are sharing information, it surely will be done covertly.
  7. Seems like this argument came from an opinion piece written by Marc Champion on Bloomberg's Nightly Briefing. You're not the only one that subscribes to this.
  8. Where have you been? Quite obvious no where close to the Red Sea, where some commercial vessels have suffered damage with one ship actually set afire before being extinguished. You have not replied to my suggestion about reporting back with a first hand account. That is, if you survive.
  9. He doesn't know himself. Just enjoys being argumentative.
  10. "very little harm to people" Then why don't you prove it by transiting the Red Sea. Don't forget to hug the eastern coastline and fly an Israeli flag.
  11. Shoot down Western bombers? Every heard of the various guided missile systems that are in the toolbox? This is the 21st century!
  12. You've got to be kidding. If anyone is upset, it is Iran. MBS has to put on a front. In reality, he want's the Houthi's missile capability to be neutered. Who do you think attacked Saudi Arabian infrastructure a couple years ago with drones and missiles? In case you have forgotten, one attack inflicted substantial damage to their oil storage facilities. This disruption in international shipping is causing problems for everyone. One thing is for sure, Egypt isn't happy. The Suez Canal generates a significant amount of money for the country. Erdogan won't admit it, but this not good for Turkey, either. This list could go on and on.
  13. No, he is not my spokesman. I just happen to agree with him on this particular issue. Seems as if your feelings are hurt because no one,so far, has supported your position. By the way, this forum is for grownups.
  14. One hour ago Morch replied to you with a comparison of goals and their chances for success. Suggest you go back and read it.
  15. Because it pointed out the Saudi's mistake of thinking there would be an easy victory over a bunch of ragtime group of rebels. This was explicitly mentioned in my post.
  16. Besides immigration, there are other reasons for keeping boarding passes.
  17. Not sure about the Saudi's level of military competence. Or are you being facetious?
  18. Just because you have billions of dollars worth of military hardware does not mean you will win. The determination to win combined with good strategy plays an important part in any conflict. Notice the mention of an easy victory over a ragtime group of rebels. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/03/houthis-saudi-arabia-yemen-policy-backward. Scroll down to "Washington Has Yemen Policy Backward"
  19. You are correct about the Houthis producing their own UAVs, however, from Iranian components. Supposedly they are being smuggled in through Oman and then shuttled in small boats along the coastline. There is some information about this in thedefensepost.com website. Unable to provide a link that works.
  20. Agree. Chances of knocking out a mass attack are better. Whatever drones that are not disabled can then be taken out by shooting them down.
  21. The U.S. and the U.K. have been more than patient dealing with these continual attacks on international shipping. The Houthis have played this game long enough and now it is time for hardball. The big question now is how will Iran react. Since they are the major sponsors of terrorism in the Middle East, they could put a halt to this if they wanted to. Or perhaps Iran wants this to erupt into a direct confrontation with the U.S.
  22. Easy to come by if no blockade is in force. These drones are most likely being furnished by Iran so a naval blockade could work. Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the east could also block any shipments.
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