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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. He doesn't know himself. Just enjoys being argumentative.
  2. "very little harm to people" Then why don't you prove it by transiting the Red Sea. Don't forget to hug the eastern coastline and fly an Israeli flag.
  3. Shoot down Western bombers? Every heard of the various guided missile systems that are in the toolbox? This is the 21st century!
  4. You've got to be kidding. If anyone is upset, it is Iran. MBS has to put on a front. In reality, he want's the Houthi's missile capability to be neutered. Who do you think attacked Saudi Arabian infrastructure a couple years ago with drones and missiles? In case you have forgotten, one attack inflicted substantial damage to their oil storage facilities. This disruption in international shipping is causing problems for everyone. One thing is for sure, Egypt isn't happy. The Suez Canal generates a significant amount of money for the country. Erdogan won't admit it, but this not good for Turkey, either. This list could go on and on.
  5. No, he is not my spokesman. I just happen to agree with him on this particular issue. Seems as if your feelings are hurt because no one,so far, has supported your position. By the way, this forum is for grownups.
  6. One hour ago Morch replied to you with a comparison of goals and their chances for success. Suggest you go back and read it.
  7. Because it pointed out the Saudi's mistake of thinking there would be an easy victory over a bunch of ragtime group of rebels. This was explicitly mentioned in my post.
  8. Besides immigration, there are other reasons for keeping boarding passes.
  9. Not sure about the Saudi's level of military competence. Or are you being facetious?
  10. Just because you have billions of dollars worth of military hardware does not mean you will win. The determination to win combined with good strategy plays an important part in any conflict. Notice the mention of an easy victory over a ragtime group of rebels. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/06/03/houthis-saudi-arabia-yemen-policy-backward. Scroll down to "Washington Has Yemen Policy Backward"
  11. You are correct about the Houthis producing their own UAVs, however, from Iranian components. Supposedly they are being smuggled in through Oman and then shuttled in small boats along the coastline. There is some information about this in thedefensepost.com website. Unable to provide a link that works.
  12. Agree. Chances of knocking out a mass attack are better. Whatever drones that are not disabled can then be taken out by shooting them down.
  13. The U.S. and the U.K. have been more than patient dealing with these continual attacks on international shipping. The Houthis have played this game long enough and now it is time for hardball. The big question now is how will Iran react. Since they are the major sponsors of terrorism in the Middle East, they could put a halt to this if they wanted to. Or perhaps Iran wants this to erupt into a direct confrontation with the U.S.
  14. Easy to come by if no blockade is in force. These drones are most likely being furnished by Iran so a naval blockade could work. Saudi Arabia to the north and Oman to the east could also block any shipments.
  15. "only targeting israeli linked vessels" Even if that were true (and it isn't) these ships are in international waters. Your "other countries" are letting the big guns handle it.
  16. It will be interesting to see what the response by the Houthis will be. Once they run out of drones and missiles the huffing and puffing will be just that. The coalition forces will block any attempt at replenishment of these weapon systems.
  17. Russia has their hands more than full with Ukraine. And because China is so dependent on Middle East oil they will not do anything to rock the boat.
  18. The Saudis have been at it for a few years and gave up because of the costs. Now they are waiting for someone else to do it. Isn't Bahrain part of this coalition?
  19. Israel can cave in to pro-terrorist supporters or they can continue with their stated goal of destroying Hamas. If Israel plans to survive in its present form they will choose the later.
  20. It would be a disaster for Israel if they stop now and Hamas is "allowed" to rearm with more sophisticated weaponry, including long range precision missiles. So now, Israel needs to choose which is more important to them. I would think they will pick disarming Hamas over worrying about bad PR.
  21. It might disappoint you when some impartial entities see that genocide has not happened. I've read that some cases have taken years to settle. I really don't know how long it will take and don't care to make a guess, especially since I am not a legal scholar nor an expert on genocide.
  22. Since when does armed resistance mean pre-planning and intentionally butchering civilians like what Hamas did on October 7?
  23. San Diego Zoo has them. https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/penguin-day https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/animals/polar-bear
  24. Still not an excuse to treat animals inhumanely like many zoos do.
  25. I feel the same way you do. Many zoos today have fewer animals because there are no cages with the animals living in enclosed areas similar to their natural habitat. San Diego Zoo is well known for its captive breeding program for endangered species. Many are released back into the wild. Where I live, there is a bird sanctuary sponsored by the zoo for rare, endangered Hawaiian birds. We also have similar programs for sea turtles which release the young turtles in an annual event for the public. Fees to the events help to support the programs.
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