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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. I have no idea what was on those messages and would not even venture to guess. And exactly what claims are you referring to?
  2. Correction: Bennie Thompson vice Bernie Thompson. I was unable to provide a workable link, hence the Google search. The letter is to the Department of Homeland Security's General Counsel, Jonathan Meyers, from the chair of the Jan. 6th investigation committee, Bennie Thompson, in which he mentions, "We were very disappointed to learn that text messages on many Secret Service phones had been deleted in the weeks after January 6th." This is not an idiotic claim. It is an official record. Unfortunately, you like to dismiss anything you disagree with.
  3. Try googling "Bernie Thompson letter 2022-12-30." Look for "Dear Mr. Meyer" letter.
  4. Why are you repeating my question if you don't have any evidence?
  5. I would say it is old evidence that has been resurrected because it's validity has been challenged. Is it true text messages were scrubbed from SS agents' phones? If so, were any rules or laws broken?
  6. As if name calling is going to stop Donald Trump. "Small minority of Americans even a large percentage of republicans." You sound very confused, like your main man.
  7. There was a similar situation in 2015 when many thought Hillary was a shoo-in. Rather brave of you calling the election with still 8 months to go.
  8. And for the rest of the story. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/9-11-and-the-reinvention-of-the-u-s-intelligence-community/
  9. Things are beginning to blow up for these haters, and not in their favor. Hate is self-destructive. https://www.everydayhealth.com/emotional-health/destructive-power-hate/
  10. The reality is that the Democrats are becoming desperate in their attempts to stop Donald Trump. They have introduced a bill in Congress to kick him off the ballot. The truth is that it will go no where.
  11. I agree with you. Putin is attempting to scare the Europeans into stocking piling weapons for themselves thereby cutting supplies to Ukraine. You don't have to be a CIA operative to figure that out.
  12. Three days ago Bulgaria halted their importation of Russian oil. Most of Europe has already done the same.
  13. First of all, I am not a Trump fan. The reality is Donald Trump, with all of his flaws (as called out by his distractors) has gathered an enormous following. The truth is, his opposition feels so threatened by him they are using every trick in the book to prevent him from sitting in the White House again. By the way, you act like a CIA operative wanna be.
  14. Another one of your posts rambling on and on about someone you evidently despise. Wall Street has been hiring security pros like former CIA veterans to advise them on geopolitical matters. Those afflicted with TDS are automatically disqualified. Too bad, you could be making double or triple your former salary. People like you are perfect examples of what I mentioned in my post. Show me where in any of my posts that I would consider Donald Trump as my messiah. Another disqualification, poor reading comprehension and poor judgement.
  15. Amazing how much Donald Trump has influenced his supporters. Even more amazing is how Donald Trump has inflamed his detractors to the point of driving them mad. Look for more insanity now that SCOTUS, in a 9 to 0 decision, has overruled those states from removing him from the ballot. Let the show begin.
  16. According to Hunter Biden he did nothing wrong. This was confirmed by his father who never lies. Only Donald Trump lies.
  17. Putin already invaded Ukraine in 2014 when Obama was in the White House. Once Trump was out of office he decided to finish the job. Putin didn't need any encouragement from Trump. Nice try.
  18. North Korea, China, Syria and Turkey. What damage was done by Trump's praises?
  19. It's no secret about Trump's and Kushner's business dealings. That said, it is better to be on the right side of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. Their tremendous wealth is often used for political purposes. The U.S. does the same thing throughout the world; buying friendship and loyalty. It's all about money. If enough countries join BRIC and abandon the dollar the U.S. is screwed. No more printing money indiscriminately, followed by austere budgets and high inflation. Yes, Trump should have said something about Khashoggi's murder. Was it was mentioned in private? We may have to wait for another Julian Assange to find out.
  20. It's going to take more than luck to fix the monumental problems facing America.
  21. "Threatened decades of old alliances." Trump basically told countries taking advantage of America to put up or shut up, including NATO members. Besides Putin, exactly which "corrupt autocrats" did he cozy up to. Biden soured our relationship with the Saudis. Like him or not, MBS is someone to have on our side. And it is not just because of oil. Rodrigo Duterte could have the done more damage if Trump had badmouthed him. Now Marcos Jr. has mended a rocky relationship. Agree, Trump did some bad things, but his detractors forget some of the positive things he was responsible for.
  22. Why is it that you only reply to some of my posts and when you do reply you go on a tirade filled all sorts of hateful language? Is this something you learned as a case worker?
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