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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-01-20/saudi-arabia-mbs-strengthened-as-iran-influence-decimated-by-gaza-war-fallout Link leads to a page that offers a free access to this article. Just follow the directions.
  2. Agree. There is a difference between grievances that led to the present Gaza conflict and the date the conflict actually started. This is similar to the actual date the U.S. declared war on Japan in WWII.
  3. Please show me where I mentioned the use of napalm and agent orange. You can't because I didn't. The mining of Haiphong Harbor was off the table until the end. If the U.S. had bombed military targets in Hanoi things might have ended differently. In the Korean Conflict we were not allowed to go after Chinese troops when they crossed the Yalu.
  4. One estimate says 60,000 in 2017, out of 14.5 million Palestinians worldwide.
  5. Sad that there are low-life's out there undermining Wikipedia's credibility. They need to be blacklisted.
  6. Who has mass support of the population? Very conflicting post, or am I missing something.
  7. Agree. While the anti-Hamas sentiment may be growing, it will be a long, long time before Hamas is overthrown. Let Israel finish the job.
  8. Every conflict the U.S. got involved in after WWII was fought with so many restrictions that they became lessons in futility. Yes, it definitely was a different time. That is why applying the same kind of restrictions on Israel will end with same kind of results. Let Israel finish the job and the Middle East will be a better place for everyone except the terrorists.
  9. It is more than a question of revenge. It is about destroying an enemy. What would have happened if the Allies had not defeated the Axis powers? Today, they are part of the free world with democratic governments.
  10. Good answer. Gazans forget," You reap what you sow." Committing such atrocities and not expecting any retaliation? Not so with Israel.
  11. Hamas is doomed and is in its death throes. Why? What happens when they run out of bullets. Hezbollah cannot help. Iran's weapons factory in Syria has been destroyed by Israeli commandos and the new leadership in Syria knows aiding Hamas is self destructive. The Israeli Air Force will continue to pound the Houthis in Yemen. The leader of the pack, Iran is facing serious challenges at home just trying to keep it economy going. And now that its air defense system is barely functioning, if at all, Iran is going to be a sitting duck for the Israelis. If Trump furnishes Israel with "bunker busting" bombs standby for the fireworks. When it is all over the Saudis and Israelis will most likely normalize relations. A weakened Iran benefits both countries.
  12. Hard pressed. But I did find an example of "consequences." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c0vewvp14zdo
  13. https://www.npr.org/2024/07/26/g-s1-12949/khalil-shikaki-palestinian-polling-israe-gaza-hamas Very revealing what the polls say about the inhabitants of Gaza. The results show the great majority approve of Hamas' terror tactics and atrocities even after 90% of them are now homeless and on the verge of starvation. No wonder Israel is so determined. My mistake was to even pose the question of "consequences" because one would be hard pressed to find anyone who opposes Hamas.
  14. Would be interesting to hear from some Arabs who choose to live in Israel and have been granted Israeli citizenship. There are a bunch of them. I recall an article in which guy of Arab descent who lived in the West Bank described his ability to travel back and forth and throughout Israel conducting business with Israelis. He evidently was quite happy with his success. Any difficulties Gazans have are the result of the demands imposed by Hamas requiring them to live under Hamas's constitution which calls for the destruction of Israel. They are obliged to support Hamas' atrocities. There are consequences for those that don't.
  15. Although similar environmental protectionism exists elsewhere, California's is ridiculously extreme.
  16. So, exactly what do you expect Israel to do? Why don't you go over there and convince Hamas to stop using innocent civilians as human shields by hiding out in hospitals, schools and homes. Yes, it is unfortunate and sad that innocent people are dying, but what is Israel supposed to do? The world is anxious to hear your solution.
  17. I understand the first part of your post addressed the issue, but then you added. " Inhumane. A subspecies, IMO." Just saying.
  18. If I recall right, it has always been Hamas who first violated any agreements , with Israel responding to those violations.
  19. In the next round Israel will most likely demand that Hamas be replaced as the governing authority in Gaza. The problem is that no one really knows what shape or form of the entity to replace Hamas. This needs to be resolved quite soon since it has been reported Hamas is replacing much of it's decimated force with new recruits. One bright spot is that Hamas will not be getting much help in restocking its arsenal. Hezbollah has been greatly weakened and Iran's weapons factory in Syria was demolished by Israeli commandos. No matter what, Hamas needs to go, the sooner the better.
  20. Whoever buys Tik Tok is will find that China's restriction on the use of the social media's algorithm is going to be a major roadblock. Could be wrong, but I think Musk has already regarded this problem as a no go.
  21. This is the right move. If the cease fire holds and leads to a permanent cessation of hostilities it will weaken Iran's influence in the Middle East. It really shouldn't matter who is responsible for brokering the deal unless one wants to play politics.
  22. IMO, Trump want to keep Tik Tok alive as a bargaining chip with Xi. Sacrificing a national security threat for something of lesser importance is a foolish and dangerous strategy.
  23. Yes, no Santa Ana type winds to spread the embers.
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