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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Quite ignorant for a "seasoned" observer. Diplomacy to Hamas means, "My way or the highway." To put it mildly, he sounds like another Bernie Sanders.
  2. Maybe you could find out by sailing a ship flying the Israeli flag through the Red Sea. Any other volunteers?
  3. I viewed this earlier from another source. As an American, I took a deep breath and said Bernie Sanders is right. What is going on in Gaza is a horrific humanitarian crisis. Then I took another deep breath and said what is Israel supposed to do if the enemy (Hamas) hides behind women and children and stores their cache of weapons in schools, kindergartens, hospitals and peoples homes? Typical of Sanders to tell only one side of the story, his side. By appealing to an ignorant and uniformed public he is only inciting more pro-Palestinians sympathizers to demonstrate and riot. This is happening at the gates of the White House right now.
  4. Biden's response to countering Trump's political actions is beyond childish. They are now coming back to haunt him as he attempts to unravel the mess he has created. Trump had a close relationship with MBS who was relying on U.S. weapons and support used in the Yemen conflict. Once the Houthis were removed from the terrorist designation, the Saudis moved out and Iran moved in. Today we are paying the price, big time, for Biden's stupidity.
  5. The U.S. has stepped up its efforts to halt revenues supporting the Houthi attacks by issuing new sanctions, some with connections to Iran. And as far as the mullahs go, they know a direct confrontation with the U.S. would be a disaster for Iran. So it is in their best interests to stop the attacks on shipping. If Iran refuses to replenish the Houthi arsenal then it will be just a matter of time before they run out of steam. China, in the meantime, is does not want to see a full-on regional conflict since it will certainly curtail their oil imports from the Middle East. The Chinese are already having a hard time meeting electrical power needs and are turning more and more to coal.
  6. From this link: "even the ghosts of the Israel-Palestine colonial past are being resurrected in polarizing debates about this conflict." A lot of attempts at rehashing this by certain individuals on this forum. Enough, already.
  7. Where is the link I requested? If you can't find the link because there is none, just say so.
  8. Thank you. I didn't see anything in the article about an Israeli acceptance, rejection or counter proposal.
  9. If you read the article, you would have seen this, "Israel offered no immediate public response to the revised plan." Your response appeared about a minute after my post, so I rather doubt you even bothered to read the article.
  10. The latest attempt at a ceasefire was a plan proposed by Egypt. So far neither side has accepted or made a counter proposal. https://www.npr.org/2023/12/27/1221761431/gaza-israel-ceasefire-palestinians-war
  11. The whole world will pay in one way or another, whether it be in shortages of critical supplies or higher prices for those goods that are available. And if the Red Sea shipping lanes remains shut down for a prolonged period of time it will most likely lead to job losses and corresponding problems. https://www.npr.org/2024/01/12/1224357964/red-sea-shipping-attacks-have-economic-implications-for-the-entire-world
  12. In between jobs my girlfriend was collecting unemployment compensation when we decided to visit Thailand. The UI office told her to submit her boarding passes in order to continue receiving benefits when she returned.
  13. I should have mentioned that here in Hawaii, we don't have foxes, we have mongoose. The other day my hen scared off a mongoose attempting to grab one of her chicks. When he came back the second time I nailed him with my pellet gun. Action speaks louder than words.
  14. Sure as hell wouldn't want YOU guarding my hen house. The fox would have a holiday.
  15. According to your logic it is not immoral or indecent to interrupt international shipping as punishment for Israel not stopping in Gaza. That is the justification the Houthis have given. To put it bluntly, you have wacky way of expressing yourself. Totally confusing, to say the least.
  16. Yes, the U.S. does not have an unblemished record. I agree that Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya were disasters, mostly because the politicians did let the admirals and generals fight the wars. Getting into details would entail going off subject. However, the Korean Conflict wasn't a complete loss. Again, explaining why is for another forum.
  17. I don't think that is the intent of the U.S. and the U.K. I believe the goal is to degrade the Houthi's ability to continue their aerial barrage on commercial shipping. How long it takes is anyone's guess. However, the U.S. will not tolerate these constant attacks any longer and is determined to continue as necessary. If I am not mistaken, the Saudis still have some intelligence operations going on there. If they are sharing information, it surely will be done covertly.
  18. Seems like this argument came from an opinion piece written by Marc Champion on Bloomberg's Nightly Briefing. You're not the only one that subscribes to this.
  19. Where have you been? Quite obvious no where close to the Red Sea, where some commercial vessels have suffered damage with one ship actually set afire before being extinguished. You have not replied to my suggestion about reporting back with a first hand account. That is, if you survive.
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