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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Until they change their minds again. Then a new story begins.
  2. Still waiting for more perennial vilifiers to show up. Only a handful so far. Some of their comments are actually amusing.
  3. Thank you. You caught my mistake before I could edit my answer.
  4. McConnell, Collins and Murkowski did.
  5. Vance just cast the deciding vote.
  6. There's no doubt in my mind that Trump will do some good. The previous administration realized too late, after major damage had been done, that "open borders" was a disaster. Trump is already tackling this problem. The damage will take years to repair. Things like renaming the Gulf of Mexico and Denali are probably among some of the silly things you referred to. Let's hope for the best.
  7. IMO, just the opposite. Patel will pass muster and Gabbard won't.
  8. Capitalism like any other economic system needs to be governed by a set of laws. Laws that do not allow one group of citizens to control another group. As it is now, those with the most money are able to pass or amend laws that benefit only them. This is done through various forms of unethical and corrupt practices. History has shown when inequality reaches an intolerable level there is anarchy and revolt. The big question for the U.S. is when will we reach this point.
  9. We always bring in a 4-pack of 3 oz sticks on my annual trip for one of our best friends. He and his son use it.
  10. They rather have cheap charlies from China.
  11. Which is true for me. My girlfriend has a smartphone while old-fashioned me uses a flip phone. Upon arrival she buys a 30 day sim card. I use a pocket wifi for my laptop.
  12. Right. They keep shooting themselves in their(the) feet(foot).
  13. Did anyone claim they were?
  14. I served 23 years in the U.S. Navy and Naval Reserves not wanting to go to war, but prepared for it. I'm in favor of compulsory national service, either military or civilian.
  15. You hit the nail on the head. Getting to the whole truth normally takes time and patience. Information from ALL sources should be considered. At times I have accidentally uncovered facts that I never expected to find. Similar to "looking in all the wrong places."
  16. This is what I wrote. "The ragtag army that is Hamas today can still cause a lot of headaches and need to be reckoned with." For whatever purpose, you conveniently quoted a fraction of what I wrote. If you want to introduce your POV, no need to resort to distortion of my post.
  17. The problem is that do not comprehend what you read. Big difference or have you not comprehended? You also have serious memory and writing problems. You did not write what you claim and thus don't remember what you wrote. Go get help and not from Putin.
  18. Evidently reading comprehension is not one of your skills. Go play your games with someone with your level of mentality.
  19. $4.9 billion worth in 2023. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/imports/russia
  20. In the 10 years you refer to it is estimated over 14,000 people were killed, but most were armed fighters and not civilians. How convenient for you to use "murdered" in delivering your pro-Russian message. It was the pro-Russian fighters and not the Azov battalion that killed innocent Ukrainian civilians. You need to get your facts straight.
  21. No, I have not denied anything. It's quite evident you don't really understand the meaning of the word "propaganda."
  22. In referring to Russian propaganda, you replied, "I never said it wasn't, but it shows the Russian side of the story." How do you distinguish the difference between presenting accurate facts and propaganda?
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