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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Everyone talks trash, but you. Many of your rebuttals are as clear as mud, except to you.
  2. It is in China's best interest to have stability in the Middle East as any disruption in the oil supply chain is very bad for the Chinese. After all, China is the number one buyer of Iranian oil.
  3. Consistency sounds good, but who determines when such a response is required? Trump's inconsistency is what kept our foes guessing and less inclined to be more aggressive. Of course, you will more than likely disagree.
  4. Too much salt is an issue for me. As the cook in our house, I am very stingy with salt. Like you say, I let each diner decide for themselves. From a health standpoint, excess sodium is not good for your heart.
  5. It is no secret that most of the mainstream media in America has become propaganda outlets for the liberal left. They are losing more of their audience as Americans realize the news they used to trust is highly biased. You tend to forget that the older generation was once young and naive. Many of today's younger generation will also go through the same transformation as their elders. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  6. Hawaii has the largest consumption per capita of Spam in the U.S., 7 million cans a year. One very popular use is in Spam musubi, a Hawaii style sushi. We bring a dozen cans with us when we visit Thailand. I have taught my niece to make Spam musubi and it quickly disappears when we have guests over. I buy for it for a third of what Makro charges.
  7. Saudi Arabia feared that Saddam Hussein might attack the next. Because of that possibility it was feared Saddam would control a whole lot of oil. That was one consideration for the coalition to act. As for 9/11, it has never been established that the Saudi government was responsible. Lots of circumstantial evidence, but no proof. Yes, Saudi citizens were involved in the attack, although not acting in behalf of their government.
  8. After Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait in 1990, the U.S. led a 42 nation coalition against Iraq. The U.S. was specifically asked by the Saudis to help. Then in 2003, the U.S. and Britain invaded Iraq again on the premise that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction. This turned out to be based on faulty intelligence. Supposedly, the U.S. pulled out in 2011, but a small contingent of troops remain there until today. As to Syria, the U.S. got involved in the civil war against the Assad regime and to help the Kurds fight the Islamic State. Yemen is a slightly different situation. The U.S. is there to protect maritime shipping in international waters. U.S. ships were repeatedly fired upon by the rebel Houthis. Now the U.S. is retaliating.
  9. I am also not a Biden, but any military action he has ordered was in defense of our troops in Syria and Iraq. Same thing goes for the Houthis in Yemen. They fired first.
  10. Maybe he doesn't know that Americans overwhelming support Israel over Hamas by 80%. In older Americans it rises to over 90%. Much ado over nothing.
  11. So do I. If 6 months and fining the parents doesn't do it, then more drastic measures need to be taken. Like.......
  12. The problem is how many someones are there. It would have to be an extremely charismatic someone who would have little or no opposition. Who is this someone?
  13. You are right about lunar cycles. Many beaches in Hawaii post warning signs. Until now I never knew that box jellies elsewhere were so dangerous. https://www.hawaii-aloha.com/blog/5-things-to-know-about-box-jellyfish-in-hawaii/
  14. Repeating the So they are outraged. They found something new to demonstrate about. Most of them are rabble-rousers looking for attention and they are getting it from the news media. Biden has gradually been losing support on other issues, like his illegal immigration mess at the U.S. southern border. Why aren't these young people concerned about the security of America? If they are, they sure aren't expressing it.
  15. Now that Ron DeSantis has quit and is endorsing Donald Trump, the probability of him being reelected seems more probable. It is also looking like the various prosecutors will not stop Trump from running. Even the U. S. Supreme Court has indicated that the decision should be up to the voters and not the courts. It still remains to be seen how much support Israel will get from Trump if he wins, as he often reverses course midstream. As an independent voter all my life, I take issue with your labeling GOP supporters as "spineless yapping dogs." In conclusion, I still haven't figured out exactly what your yapping is all about.
  16. Morality work both ways. Both the Israelis and the Palestinians have their on own justifications for their action in this conflict. While they may be similar, different cultures and religions have their own standards of morality. No where in my post and the link provided was the Holocaust mentioned.
  17. I don't think the U.S. has ever been considered a neutral mediator in the Middle East or just about anywhere else. The U.S. will say and do what is in America's best interest. In many cases, these interest coincide with the rest of the free world. No matter who writes the script, the U.S. always seems to get into the act.
  18. Most world leaders are briefed by advisers as well as many members of legislative bodies. For the average guy on the street, his information comes mainly from a left or right biased media.
  19. Agree. The pro-Palestinians demonstrators making the news are not representative of the general American population. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/12/08/americans-views-of-the-israel-hamas-war/
  20. Read my posts again. Placeholder caught on right away. I am referring to a scenario after the conflict is over. As to the fate of the hostages, nobody knows. Seems that you are very familiar with nutcases. Wonder why?
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