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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Are you saying the leader of the world's fourth ranked military power will sit on his hands?
  2. The is way past serious. Question: What will Modi do, besides cooperating with others? https://indianexpress.com/article/india/indian-flagged-oil-tanker-hit-by-houthi-drone-in-red-sea-us-military-9080799/
  3. Also reports of another ships attacked in the same area. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/initial-probe-of-ship-attacked-in-indian-ocean-confirms-drone-strike-india-deploys-three-warships-to-maintain-deterrent-presence/ar-AA1m0CEt Looks like Iran is raising the stakes. If so, a miscalculation on their part.
  4. I agree Did you read the whole article. It gave the number of rockets fired and the number shot down. Although it is rather doubtful the Houthis can match this. As a U.S. Navy veteran, I would be the last to downplay the effectiveness of our Navy. The Aegis Combat System has a proven track record of excellence in actual combat. The USS Mason (DDG87) successfully shot down a Houthi barrage of 12 missiles. The USS Carney (DDG64) also shot down a barrage of missiles. I served aboard several ships, but none had these kind of advanced defense systems. I retired before these systems were developed. In doing a little research, I found out other countries in the task force have ships that were successful in shooting down Houthi missiles. Not sure what missile systems they use. Hopefully, the mission is a success. If it is, what will the Mullahs in Tehran do next?
  5. Iron Dome "overwhelmed" https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-10/what-is-israel-iron-dome-air-defence-gaza-rockets/102952172 There are other links out there saying the same thing. Relevance is, no matter how good a defense system is it can be "overwhelmed." This has been a major concern with ABM defense systems.
  6. What makes the head of this task force think they can provide the protection now. Commercial vessels were hit in the past even when naval vessels were in the vicinity. Israel's Iron Dome was overwhelmed when Hamas fired more rockets than the system could knock down. I read reports that some of those that got through did significant damage. I think someone is being over confident. If a barrage of missiles were fired at different targets, including both navy and commercial targets, what do you think the obvious choice would be? I am looking at this from logical point of view, not knowing what the plan of action is. I am quite sure there are standing orders governing such a situation.
  7. The continuous citing of the same statistics over and and over makes one wonder if some posters have run out of meaningful things to say. I realize this post has a different title, but the comments and statistics are the same. The best Christmas present they can give us is to knock it off. Maybe Santa will reward them with a lump of coal.
  8. Interesting. Seems as if they have volunteered to be the guinea pig to see how effective the task force is. I say guinea pig because the announcement also indicated that they may halt shipping again if the situation becomes too risky.
  9. Sounds familiar. https://dnyuz.com/2023/12/24/pro-palestinians-disrupt-christmas-fundraiser-for-blind-children Wonder if one of this forum's most prolific posters was there.
  10. History of Antisemitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism Hint: Get off your high horse.
  11. Then what are you doing online on a forum filled with haters? Enjoy the holidays with your children. They are fortunate, not having to live under such horrendous conditions.
  12. The same old tripe keeps on getting repeated here over and over. Several posters seem to be limited in their vocabulary. They keep repeating the word genocide not understanding the legal definition of the word.
  13. So Hamas has taught the children of Gaza to love thy neighbor as thyself? Quite the opposite, a culture of hate and revenge is more like it
  14. Israel has learned from the past the results of relenting to pressure from the outside, especially when facing a determined enemy whose goal is about destroying you and not for fighting for the rights of their people as some have claimed. As I have stated many times, war is hell. If you are not ready to face the consequences, don't start one.
  15. This is not directed at any poster in particular. Israel's main supporter may pressure the Israelis into negotiating with whomever ends up actually representing the Palestinians. The U.S. can truthfully claim that support for Israel by the American public is slipping and they had better come to the table and negotiate in good faith. With the elections (presidential and congressional) coming up, the sooner this happens, the better. NOTE: See my previous post. I have not been able to provide workable links to MSN News.Supposedly, this problem has not been addressed by them, as I have seen others with the same complaint blaming MSN News for the problem.
  16. Of course, no solution is ever perfect. In this case, it is going to take a lot of pain and suffering before both sides will even contemplate or attempt a workable solution. There has been much argument about a two-state solution, as to who refused to negotiate and who said "never going to happen" and who said "maybe." If Israel and the Palestinians continue to dwell on the past no progress will ever be made. Notice I said Palestinians and not Hamas. To be realistic, Hamas or what may be left of it, is inflexible and will not be supported by the majority of Palestinians. Yes, not easy to forget the atrocities from the past, but once the hostilities are over it's time to move forward. If negotiations are to be considered, the big question is who will represent the Palestinians. As for the other side, Netanyahu could be replaced by a moderate. Lot of "ifs" to contend with.
  17. Correction to link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50mRjYB7f90
  18. Don't be surprised to receive the comment, "Some people never learn." I would say, "Some do and some don't."
  19. Not posting this as a rebuttal to anyone. Interesting and informative for even for those very familiar with the history of the area. https://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine/Palestine-and-the-Palestinians-1949-67
  20. And if there is not enough demand we will create it.
  21. Exactly. Now is the time for the U.S. to replenish their strategic oil reserves which Biden tapped to bring down gasoline prices. That is not the purpose of this stash.
  22. I mentioned this in another forum about ships being attacked in the red sea, along with other related comments.
  23. Your comment hit the nail on the head. Difficult having an intelligent conversation with that kind of attitude. This is why I'm staying away from him. I hope he feels the same.
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