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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. "only targeting israeli linked vessels" Even if that were true (and it isn't) these ships are in international waters. Your "other countries" are letting the big guns handle it.
  2. It will be interesting to see what the response by the Houthis will be. Once they run out of drones and missiles the huffing and puffing will be just that. The coalition forces will block any attempt at replenishment of these weapon systems.
  3. Russia has their hands more than full with Ukraine. And because China is so dependent on Middle East oil they will not do anything to rock the boat.
  4. The Saudis have been at it for a few years and gave up because of the costs. Now they are waiting for someone else to do it. Isn't Bahrain part of this coalition?
  5. Israel can cave in to pro-terrorist supporters or they can continue with their stated goal of destroying Hamas. If Israel plans to survive in its present form they will choose the later.
  6. It would be a disaster for Israel if they stop now and Hamas is "allowed" to rearm with more sophisticated weaponry, including long range precision missiles. So now, Israel needs to choose which is more important to them. I would think they will pick disarming Hamas over worrying about bad PR.
  7. It might disappoint you when some impartial entities see that genocide has not happened. I've read that some cases have taken years to settle. I really don't know how long it will take and don't care to make a guess, especially since I am not a legal scholar nor an expert on genocide.
  8. Since when does armed resistance mean pre-planning and intentionally butchering civilians like what Hamas did on October 7?
  9. San Diego Zoo has them. https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/penguin-day https://zoo.sandiegozoo.org/animals/polar-bear
  10. Still not an excuse to treat animals inhumanely like many zoos do.
  11. I feel the same way you do. Many zoos today have fewer animals because there are no cages with the animals living in enclosed areas similar to their natural habitat. San Diego Zoo is well known for its captive breeding program for endangered species. Many are released back into the wild. Where I live, there is a bird sanctuary sponsored by the zoo for rare, endangered Hawaiian birds. We also have similar programs for sea turtles which release the young turtles in an annual event for the public. Fees to the events help to support the programs.
  12. My favorite is the San Diego Zoo in Balboa Park. While stationed in San Diego during the 1960's I often spent my weekends there. Besides the zoo, there are several excellent museums. Was very affordable with my military discount. Now the entry fee is as much as I made for a month's pay in the Navy. That was 60 years ago. Today, the zoo alone attracts 11,000 visitors a day.
  13. While you are tossing around accusations: https://www.thesun.ie/news/11971257/israel-finds-hamas-biggest-underground-rocket-factory-gaza/ What is Israel supposed to do? Wait until these rockets are ready to be fired into Israel to kill innocent women and children? If you you know how to stop this without more carnage, the whole world is willing to listen. Until then............
  14. Erdogan has taken a secular state and turned it into an Islamic republic. When dealing with the West he denies it. And when dealing with the Arab world it is all about Islam. As Morch says, he is all over the page. As long as Putin is in power, Russia's allies are only friends of convenience.
  15. Justification is commonly used as a reason for the commission any act, whether it be humane or inhumane. In this conflict, both Hamas and Israel claim justification for their actions. In my opinion, what Hamas did on October 7 was despicable and cowardly. When pressure cookers explode you have an awful mess to clean up. Seems like Israel feels it's their job to clean up the mess. How they are doing it has created a lot of controversy. War is hell. War is costly. If you are not ready to accept the price don't start one.
  16. Quote from the comments section below the article. "Remember Oct. 7. Finish the job".
  17. How can anyone with a sense of decency defend the actions of Hamas. https://www.aol.com/news/freed-israeli-hostage-says-she-111806494.html
  18. Something I don't have worry about. At my age I will be long gone when that happens.
  19. You're right. Only a few, including me. One poster is waiting for links to two quoted statements, but fails to name the author(s) of those statements. Could be they have chosen to ignore his request. NOTE: He refers to the statements as "claims."
  20. This is the very reason I chose to reply to your post. As to the other poster in question, he will cherry pick a link and only acknowledge those items he feels align with his views. Of course, he will ignore (his favorite word) anything that is counter to his point of view, which in his mind, overrides every other persons point of view.
  21. This is what MBFC has to say: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/un-watch/ https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/ngo-monitor-bias/ And for the honorable and trustworthy Kofi Annan: https://theconversation.com/kofi-annan-a-complicated-legacy-of-impressive-acheivements-and-some-profound-failures-101791
  22. According to Nikkei Asia the Coast Guard plane was NOT cleared for takeoff. This information came from the Ministry of Transportation. Link not furnished because of paywall.
  23. This from NPR https://www.npr.org/2024/01/02/1222442383/japan-plane-runway-fire
  24. Thank you. An excellent explanation of a what could have been a tragic loss of almost 400 lives. NPR aired a first hand account from a reporter that happened to be on another flight landing right after this incident. She evidently witnessed the crash from the air.
  25. Playing with an under inflated ball and an over inflated ego.
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