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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. I never said they were facts. They are part of news and information and true more times than not. I understand you don’t agree with me and that’s ok. I’m a fiscal conservative and a Trump supporter. I won’t try to censor or ban you. The left are masters in that field.
  2. Little late to the party . We’ve heard that same story at least 10 times already. But I do understand seeing how you’re usually on the Lbtgxyz thread and not on this one. Snowflake is a term for the left. I thought you knew that. All forgiven.
  3. I’ll respond in accordance your first paragraph. The first paragraph explained everything I needed to know about you. The rest is as boring as Walkers. No need to feel sorry for me. Quite comfortable in my political affiliation. Show the pity for yourself. Like it not Fox is legitimate, acceptable news and here to stay. Perhaps not in your eyes but who are you to dictate to anyone what’s acceptable and real. You sound like a dictator , facist, Marxist and Nazi all rolled into one. Exactly what the left claims Trump to be. You don’t agree with Fox so no one should be able to post news or opinions. Classic leftist! So as long as the left posts their news, I’ll continue to post Fox. You don’t have to like it, but you’re going to have to deal with it. The scroll button is a nice feature too, and it’s free. Check the forum rules or consult with a moderator.
  4. I’m quite capable. You on the other hand, can’t!
  5. Nothing wrong with good opinions. We’re a nation of opinions. Mine and yours and yes, even Roos.
  6. Yep, when he first outed himself, the sign of a true professional. I said to myself, First red flag, this is going to be fun. I still can’t get beyond his second paragraphs.
  7. A citizen of the world. No need for a passport. Until it’s time for the benefits. The illegals entering the USA southern border are not refugees. Your board name was well chosen. I commend you.
  8. Random? Tell that to the dead person or their families. Make sure you tell them it’s cherry picked. Better yet, what if you were the one murdered? Still have the same kumbaya attitude. The fact is the murder and other heinous crimes would not of happened if the border was properly enforced and the illegal aliens were not given a free pass in.
  9. Not a gun problem. People problem.
  10. People problem, not a gun problem. Guns don’t fire by themselves, unless you’re Alec Baldwin.
  11. Again? A lot of nothing. You must be impressing many on this thread. They’re gullible. I suppose you missed the chapter on short, concise and to the point during your CIA Correspondence Course (CCC).
  12. Purposely done. The times are changing, Latinos can’t stand Biden. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-says-pelosi-probably-little-bit-smarter-nikki-haley-claims-purposely-mixes https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-leads-biden-among-hispanics-registered-voters-overall-poll
  13. Perfectly acceptable for Trans to groom children in the classroom but don’t ever call one what they were biologically born as, a male. Got it! https://www.foxnews.com/media/bbc-disciplines-top-radio-host-calling-trans-women-male-during-radio-show
  14. You’re forgetting a key point. Unlike yourself and most likely your cronies in the CIA who are left wing loons. Almost all at DEVGRU are Trump supporters. 100% rank and file. O-6’s want to make Flag so a few are yes men. You won’t find this data in any nerd’s “stat sheet “. And now you’re supporting political assassins. Not surprised . Not going to happen though.
  15. So why do you even reference it? Drunk? No. Having breakfast in Pattaya now. Back in San Diego this summer
  16. Your report says nothing about IB or the Plank Inn being “rowdy”. So naturally I would think your assessment comes from first hand experience. Did you get your a— whipped at the Plank Inn? Why else would you even mention “rowdy” and “Plank Inn”? The forum awaits your answer or will you deflect to a different subject or just walk away as you and others do quite often when confronted with a direct question .
  17. Nice try but no cigar! How’s your head feeling?
  18. I must of been spot on. How’s your head feeling? Tell Tony I said hi.
  19. Well well, Even the locals along the border can’t stand Biden and his failed policies at the border. Real people, real quotes. Not some geeks quoting “stats”. Many Latinos for Trump. Times are a changing. Same for the Border Patrol. Along with failed policies they didn’t forget his false accusations towards the mounted BP officers towards the Haitians. But then I’m sure Biden was an expert horseman at one time along with his many other careers. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348048938112 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/border-patrol-union-mocks-biden-texas-visit
  20. Anyone can write anything in Wiki.
  21. Crime is more than just bar fights. Had plenty of colleagues with homes in that area that the illegal aliens would use as a one stop shopping from their backyards while transiting North. Rowdy? lol. Are you speaking from experience? I suspect if you went into the Plank Inn spewing your anti -Trump agenda to the wrong crowd you just might exit the door head first.
  22. About 3 years too late despite having a worthless Border Czar assigned, Harris. How about enforcing the laws already in place .
  23. Surprised no one has mentioned the Philippines lies in Typhoon Alley. While not an everyday occurrence they can be a pain when they do hit. Another plus about Thailand is no typhoons. Other than better English for communication my opinion is Thailand is still the better option. Better infrastructure and safer too.
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