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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Does big pharmaceutical really want it cured?
  2. An original observation coming from the resident expert himself.
  3. Prove it’s not grooming. Chopper can’t so I’ll give you a shot. I call it how I see it along with the various links posted from a news source approved by the forum.
  4. So? They give commentary and their opinions. Same same
  5. You’re equally confused, to be blunt! Just because you don’t agree with Fox means no one else can? You dictate what’s real and what isn’t. You’re a joke. As long as Fox is an acceptable form of news on this forum I will continue to reference them whether you or Roo like it or not. What exactly are you going to do about that? Nothing I can provide the handkerchief to soak up the tears.
  6. You’re so confused! That is the real news.
  7. Ladies, it’s Saturday night in Pattaya and I presently have important things to do than go back and forth with those in denial of children being groomed in the classroom by Drag Queens. To be continued. Maybe I’ll bang a LB tonight. Many are hot. But the children will never be exposed. Adult only entertainment.
  8. That wasn’t the question that I asked chopper and he? keeps evading for whatever reason. If you’re truly that concerned go back and re read my questions directed to him, not you. Comprende?
  9. Nice try Chopper but nothing to do with the questions I ask and you can’t or won’t answer.
  10. I have provided. You just refuse to accept. Just man up and admit you can’t answer my direct questions to you. You'll get more respect that way.
  11. Keep on dreaming! My posting of links proves otherwise but you refuse to accept it. You’ve got issues.
  12. Do you understand English? I’m trying to get his opinion by the questions I’ve asked but nothing from him except evasive BS.
  13. As many as you want? You’re still avoiding as predicted.
  14. Did I ask you? No But seeing how chomper can’t come up with an intelligent response for the motive, perhaps you can. But you can’t so you default to your weak reply. I’m not surprised.
  15. Exactly how much more proof do you need regarding indoctrination of children, not adults? You won’t read about this or the others I posted on the liberal news media which is why I posted from Fox, an approved source on this forum. Still in denial? https://www.foxnews.com/media/la-elementary-schools-celebrate-national-coming-out-day-week-lgbtq-lessons jhttps://www.foxnews.com/media/michigan-school-board-demands-removal-lgbtq-mural-middle-school-health-clinic https://www.foxnews.com/media/pennsylvania-high-school-students-organize-walkout-protest-trans-bathroom-rule-compromised-
  16. Just admit it, he’s stumped. He had an explanation for everything else.
  17. You really enjoy writing long boring thesis that say a lot of nothing. And you weren’t a desk jockey? Hard to believe. Can’t even get past the second paragraph without completely losing interest. Too much peace pipe with the Taliban can damage brain cells.
  18. You sound like a skipping record, annoying!
  19. I’ve provided the links you desperately were seeking. Are you legally blind? If so there is software that can assist you. You can’t answer questions because you can’t! You’re stumped! Fact.
  20. Your opinion which you are entitled to, same as mine. I’ll believe Laura over Rachel Madcow or Keith Overbite any day. My choice unless the left can manage to take that away.
  21. Come up with something more original. I liked nasty.
  22. Listen up, Are you going to answer the questions I previously asked or just ignore as you can’t provide an answer? In case you’ve forgotten. “Please explain the queens purpose of indoctrination of children? What’s the motive? The only motive I see is grooming.”? So why are you/these people so obsessed with grooming children? I’m sure you a valid answer.?
  23. Go back and re read your previous posts. You are one claiming the benefits of illegal aliens on the economy. I beg to differ and provided your coveted links.
  24. First your types cry about no proof, no evidence, no links then when presented with links you try and “wiggle” your way out. Nice try but the world sees the hypocrisy of the left.
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