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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Thanks for the education. Now I've learnt something new can I go home? I've got cold IPA and Dunkel awaiting! 👍👍 😉
  2. Karachi in Pakistan would be the worst place I've ever been to. I'd take any of your 3 over that place.
  3. I actually had to look it up... Product of Chit Beer. I'd buy it just for the label!
  4. You two boys still at it! What is this? Who can have the last word or something? Move on fellahs.... PLEASE!
  5. The proverbial poop is hitting the fan everywhere. Cost of living is increasing just about everywhere. Wages are stagnating. The USA are worried about the next elected president... as is the rest of the world. Ukraine is hanging on by its teeth against the Russian bear. Conflict in Gaza continues Corruption is rife in the Land of Smiles However it's probably better here than there!
  6. They were thinking of using this easy to fit engine: But at the 11th hour found out that it's air cooled. (vw beetle engine)
  7. I agree. And I hate having a 'changover' after just 3 bottles. Prefer Carabao dark to the lager. Is Cheers Extra the one with a red label? Can't find that in Korat, drank that alot when I lived in Chiang Mai. Red Horse (Philippine beer) is good too. Tawang Dang IPA is very tasty and only 53baht a can at local Lotus'sss. I'm still trying to find a decent dark Jamaican rum. Capt Morgan too sweet. Sangsom is rather tasteless.
  8. Agree Vientiane does have that feeling about it. I found the beer there to have a different taste to the beer Lao we get here. It's still very drinkable tho. My last trip there (Nov 23) I spied a locally produced rum called Rhum Laodi Was going to buy a bottle from a store in town but decided to try duty free at the airport on the way out. Big mistake... Duty Free was twice the price. Never got to try it. Maybe next time. Trying to get a decent dark Rum in Thailand... Mission Impossible
  9. Although the idea is good, medical staff ignore them. Tests are always conducted prior to any blood transfusion. SOP.
  10. He couldn't produce a 'current monk certificate'.... I can't stop laughing over that one. Reminds me of Monty Python Fish Licence sketch.
  11. Just go on Aliexpress, cheaper and delivered quicker: "What, me worry?"
  12. This poor kid had to put up with this sick MF for 7 years. I hope uncle Loy gets his head lopped off. Either one will be fine.
  13. Maybe she didn't have any cash and was going to pay the taxi fare with something else... When the driver saw what it was he asked her if she's got anything smaller.
  14. Didn't the police not have a meeting with taxi and uber drivers just yesterday? To talk about driver and passenger safety? Obviously in one ear and out the other. Just another day in paradise!
  15. Although it appears to be the BMW driver at fault, what's the legality of having 3 on a scooter? So sad all round.
  16. More like it was the spirits doing the talking! As for some falang that sold her the tickets, what a load of B/S. More likely an excuse so she can save face.
  17. You couldn't make some of this stuff up... so many twists and turns. The fact he was drunk probably renders his recollection of events untenable.
  18. I thought it was... Lucy in disguise (With diamonds)
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