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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. A blind man went to a restaurant. “Menu sir?” asked the owner. “I’m blind, just bring me one of your dirty forks. I will smell it and order.” The confused owner went to the kitchen to retrieve a fork, and returned to the blind man. The blind man smelt the fork with a deep breath, “Yes I will have the lamb with seasoned potatoes and spring vegetables.” “Unbelievable!” thought the owner. The blind man ate and left. 2 weeks later the blind man returned. The owner, wanting to see how good his smell is, quickly went to the kitchen where his wife Brenda was cooking and said, “Do me a favour and rub this fork over your private part!!” which she did! He then goes to the man and gives him the fork. The blind man takes it, puts it to his nose and says, “Oh, interesting! I never knew Brenda worked here!”
  2. It's like re bar, but not as hard (Unless you rub it vigorously).
  3. I'm surprised you got a cellphone for 700 baht... I'd expect something more like this for that money: And regarding the heat, I agree. My smart watch didn't like the 40+ temp either. Kept on shutting down to 'save internal workings'. Sometimes you have to pay a bit more to get decent quality. But I think this heat would even kill off them! I tend to stick with known brands for electronics. Other stuff not so much. So far so good. Strange your phone won't accept a sim. Have you checked with any sim provider to find out why? I know there are a few differing sizes but unsure about formats/upgrades etc that can cause this to happen. I remember some earlier digital cameras couldn't accept later model memory cards... software problems and different technology. Hopefully someone can sort your sim problem.
  4. “Hey, you’ll love it! All she needs is some gravel, a few plants, and maybe one of those miniature human skeletons.”
  5. “Well, here we go again! I always get the gurney with one bad wheel!”
  6. “Hey! Now her whole head is out! … This is getting better every minute!”
  7. “Well, Mr. President, let’s see—carry the one, take away three, carry the two … that would be four score and seven years ago.”
  8. Now that would be the life I reckon. Change of scenery whenever you want and access to thousands of dive sites. Sounds like a dream.
  9. It looks to have been a really nice yacht and would have been a great home too. The owner is probably feeling a bit like the yacht.. Gutted.
  10. And then Al realized his problems were much bigger than just a smashed truck.
  11. Boeing NOTAM: “Oh, great! Now there goes my hat!”
  12. “Boy, there’s sure a lot of sharks around here, aren’t there? … Circling and circling. … THERE GOES ANOTHER ONE! … Killers of the sea … yes siree …”
  13. Each time the click beetle righted itself, Kyle would flip it over again—until something went dreadfully wrong.
  14. The bozone layer: shielding the rest of the solar system from the Earth’s harmful effects.
  15. God as a kid tries to make a chicken in his room.
  16. Sorry darling, but I think I burnt the eggs. Let's go into town for breakfast.
  17. What else was written on the desk? For a good time call 099 *******? Could have been a good little side hussle 😉
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