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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Wouldn't want to run into the heifer in black on a dark night... Or any night really.
  2. I'm sorry but I skim read your post and completely stuffed up in what I thought I saw: Meanwhile the UK's latest AssUte Class Submarine HMS Armageddon is commissioned. She is nuclear powered so does not need to be refueled for 25 years and only needs to surface for food and reaming. Her Tom Cruise Missiles and Spearfishing torpedoes? Specsavers here I come.
  3. Buxom food sellers... I'd rather they sell their product instead of throwing it out. Win win around in my book.
  4. Nothing a bit of lip (balm) couldn't sort aye? πŸ˜‰
  5. Whoops spoke too soon. Currently in the middle of a real good downpour. Closed all windows but the rains coming in underneath the frame. Windy as hell. Temp down to 32Β°. Very nice.
  6. Nothing new here regarding relocating the capital. It's been bandied about for years. Nakhon Ratchasima had been earmarked but nothing will happen in my lifetime.
  7. Hells bells... Obviously thinking with the wrong head. 14yrs old... Probably a good thing for her that this boy will be out of her life for some time.
  8. The whole story sounded like an episode of the Keystone cops.
  9. It's cooler now in Korat than it has been the past 3 weeks. A few passing storms but nothing major as yet. Certainly not getting any hotter
  10. All very melodramatic.. I'll await the TV series and then change channel
  11. It's all to do with money, influence and loss of face. The government was embarrassed by her and lost face. Now it's just about political etiquette and appearing to be sympathetic. Truth is they don't give a damn. One less thorn in their side.
  12. 5 shots and he survives... time to go buy a lotto ticket. Hope he fully recovers.
  13. β€œSay, Willβ€”why don’t you pull that thing out and play us a tune?”
  14. Well that will teach ya. Certainly brings reality into view at an early age. Lucky she survived. What's the bet she doesn't touch the stuff now.
  15. Not sure how the Russian-Arab relationship is faring but if the later is trying to move in on Russian territory.... this could serve as a warning.
  16. I'd think that dress material would be a bit irritating on her nipples after a short while. Then what?
  17. Yes I too received an email from Wise saying fees are increasing in some cases doubling! Seems to be occurring alot in the financial sector.
  18. I must agree without fear of being banned but this AI reporting really is the pits. What a verbose load of crap. I couldn't read the whole article as it was that bad.
  19. Actually I always have my passport with me. On the odd occasion that it may be with my agent then I have both a photocopy and a photograph on my cellphone. Some years ago when doing visa runs from Chiang Mai to Mae Sai, the bus was bordered by police/immigration officials. All passports were checked. Happened twice in my time in CM. On one occasion several Laotians were removed from the bus. I have no problems carrying my passport with me. I'm always are aware that I have it and it is secure, same as my driving licences.
  20. β€œAnd so you just threw everything together? Matthews, a posse is something you have to organize.”
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