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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Driving while tired, and doing a live feed. Hmmm not something I'd consider wise. He paid the ultimate price...
  2. Departure tax used to be collected before you went through into departures. From memory you got given a ticket to say you'd paid. This allowed you to pass thru into immigration departures area. Some tourists got caught out as they would give away their loose Thai change forgetting about departure tax. I expect this tourist tax will go towards anything but tourists.
  3. Time for me to head back to Specsavers! If it was that simple, arrival/tourist tax could be done the same way? Although many here would be up in arms cause they aren't 'tourists' as they stay here long term.
  4. If its that urgent, it gets added to the airfare. Then it's upto the airlines to forward the $9 back to Thailand. Handling fees will mean actual amount received by Thai authorities will be about $1.50 I was glad when Thailand got rid of that bastard departure tax. What a pain that was.
  5. I didn't see anything relating to Russian bratva, but anything is possible. My initial thoughts is suicide but then it can be made to look that way. I just read that the most powerful underworld boss is a Jewish Ukraine born Russian by the name of Semion Yudkovich Mogilevich. I doubt that you'd want to upset him
  6. . 22LR means .22 calibre Long Rifle You can also get a shorter round of the. 22 calibre. The actual bullet (head) can be the same length but the casing is shorter. And smaller bullet is also avaliable.
  7. I'd suggest not biting Soi dogs, they might bite back! Barking should be kept to pehaps a few small yelps...
  8. So this 31yr old has (back in the US of A) been declared clinically insane. Oh how the 'mighty' have fallen. I would have thought a possible drug test would have been in order. A little bit of fame went to his head? Weirdo for sure.
  9. Wrong type of legs, these are more mosquito type... Hence probably a midge. I too looked at the dragonfly life cycle. Crazy looking beasties early on.
  10. Correct... Don't know why I put 'generally' in the sentence. My brain fart.
  11. I now think it's a Lake Midge... If it's only got 2 legs out front. Had to tell from photo. Here's one
  12. As per usual, politicians and senior officials are like the weather.... Full of hot air. They are very similar to artillery soldiers... Gunners They're gunna do this and they're gunna do that. Whereas they do fak all. Actions speak louder than their piss weak grandstanding.
  13. With all this TM30 bs appearing time and time again, be it via agent or online or whatever why pray tell me haven't central government/immigration/RTP sorted this out using today's technology? A simple card with magnetic strip or QR code that has a foreigners details is given to those on long term stay. This card (same size as credit card) can therefore be swiped at dedicated sites to renew notifications. 7 Eleven may be able to do it like when you pay bills there. No doubt there would be a cost associated with initial setup, but if you were to move anywhere with Thailand, just swipe at nearest dedicated site. The current online system fails regularly. How about just keeping it simple? 1 card and you could move about freely. I'm sure people could add other ideas to this but the current system is not fit for purpose.
  14. A man in a hotel lobby turns to go to the front desk, but he accidentally runs into a woman beside him and his elbow bumps into her breast. They are both quite startled. The man turns to her and says, "Ma'am, if your heart is soft as your breast, I know you'll forgive me." She replies, "If your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 436."
  15. What? Since when did that stop? Shows how long it is since I visited those establishments... talk about window shopping/perving!
  16. A scammer at 20yrs old.... Starting young, should help her in a future political job if she's keen.
  17. The urgent meeting will produce enough paperwork to replace the incinerated recycled paper. No net loss therefore no problem?
  18. Ok checked Google maps and also known as Nakhon nowhere. Very close to Lao border.
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