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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Hi Greg, Surprised no replies yet. I'm a kiwi in my early 60s and looking at Vietnam too. I think Thailand is going to hell, not the place I remember only 12 years ago. I'll keep you posted when I find more info. If Vietnam doesn't pan out then maybe Cambodia... Sihanoukville. But I want to go look first. Have heard both good and bad things about that place. Regards Andy
  2. I hear all the talk about the visa fees not being increased for a while, and that they normally have a big jump when they do decide to increase them. OK so what difference have they made to their immigration/tourism etc to warrant such a leap? Is it now 600% easier to get through immigration (airport)? Are the tourist attractions 600%,better? Bang for the buck doesn't really add up. I agree what another post says. Come here for 30 days under visa exempt. Apply for an extension if required. And if you want to stay longer.... Do a border run. I think this may just be the start... Other visas may get hit with a price hike soon. It may no longer be the land of smiles for us retirees. I'm thinking Robbie Williams... Good Morning Vietnam has a nice ring to it.
  3. Cheers for the updates George... You're doing a great job passing on important info.
  4. Captain : "I am certain that I told the rating to ensure the bung was put back in before we sailed" Rating: "But I thought he was talking about my butt plug"
  5. Stole from the wrong people. Retribution can be swift. He won't do it again
  6. I expect those coming for a holiday will likely just use visa exempt at the airport anyways. Most will holiday for 30 days or less.
  7. I saw a bottle of Capt Morgan at 7- 11 a few weeks back. Only 399 but then it looked insipid as heck. Decided to give it a miss. Watered down bitch piss I think. Love to get my hands on some decent dark Rum.
  8. Didn't notice an increase in Sang Som... still 295 at local Lotussss for the 700 size bottle.
  9. Hooters with burqas... Tempting, as long as mine is a cheese and bacon burqa
  10. You got me going there for a moment, I thought you wrote... No Hooters in sight
  11. Well I think the TAT have shot themselves in the foot on this one.
  12. We're also visa exempt so can come in free for 30 days. Then jump across to Vientiane for Tourist visa which gives another 60 days and once that's nearly done apply for a 30 day extension. Why would anyone pay those new prices?
  13. That's just dumb. Fly to Vientiane and get a tourist visa for 1900 baht. That's just NZ$85 I knew things were expensive in NZ (and that's one of the reasons why I left Nov 2023) but I thought Thailand was suppose to be encouraging people to come visit. Crazy crazy crazy
  14. I hear what you're saying. I've done a few places that people may have deemed dodgy, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bougainville to name a few. Actually had a great time in all those places. I'm now looking at Dump truck driving in WA. And I'm in my 60s too.
  15. Don't know if I'd want to be doing much in Myanmar.... Its a bit unstable methinks. Although others maybe able to confirm what it's like for foreigners. Could be a bit risky.
  16. Hell, I'm tempted to check the Certificate of Fitness of any bus I get on, after all the vehicles that have apparent brake failure. Seems to be a regular occurrence. Either poorly maintained or just a cop out excuse for terrible driving.
  17. I think immigration has been handing out viagra without people knowing..... Cause most of them are hard to understand at the best of times.
  18. This prik should have a warning shot placed between his eyes. Absolute scum bag. He didn't give a <deleted>e about these people. Feed him to the sharks.
  19. Or maybe non binary (whatever the fak that is)
  20. Wrap a bit of insulation tape around it before cutting. Then you get a smoother edge/cut.
  21. As long as I've got my 2 minute noodles I'm happy. 😊
  22. When I was in a Chiang Mai condo there was a portion of the bill which was part of the body corporate fee (electrical), but nowhere as steep overall compared to your bill. I'd do as others have suggested. Turn off your main switch and ask to view your meter. It shouldn't be spinning. If it is then requested to have MEA inspect and/or replace it. Hate to think if some toe rag has latched onto your supply for free!
  23. Yes it's the 'middle' ground that tends to tip them off. Not quite light/dark enough and the sensors work overtime. Other option is to go for motion sensor lights that you can adjust for both daylight and amount of time you want the light to stay on.
  24. They will be upto their necks in seamen....
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