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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Lechon Baboy in the Philippines... Available everywhere. Succulent barbecued pork. Best dish they have.
  2. Ole paddle face is looking quite spritely for someone with serious health issues.
  3. Oh the Thai male ego... I can't have so nobody else can have. Rot in prison you idiot
  4. Yep, and good luck with that. Put lipstick on a pig, and it's still a pig.
  5. “He told you that? Well, he’s pulling your flagellum, Nancy.”
  6. “Well, I’ll be! Eggbeater must have missed that one.”
  7. A standard off the shelf TMax or NMax are not loud scooters. It's the bogans that change the exhaust/muffler that make them loud. The TMax is one very nice maxi scooter. I'd hazard a guess that a lot of newbie riders don't realise it's also quite powerful. Ridden properly (like any bike) it's fine. You mess up... It's going to hurt.
  8. Come on now.... What else is Lou going to do for the rest of the day? If he hasn't wound up 10 people before his second coffee then he's gonna have a bad day!
  9. Red bull heiress / Red bull heifer Same same.... Moneys the name of the game
  10. “I asked you a question, buddy. … What’s the square root of 5,248?”
  11. “Oh my God, Bernie! You’re wearing one of my nylons?”
  12. “Whoa! Whoa! C’mon, you guys! This is just a friendly game of cards—ease up on those acid-filled beakers.”
  13. My god! Is that place still running? Is the downstairs Irish Pub still there? Haven't been back to Singapore for ages.
  14. Upon inspecting the stolen minibus, authorities found 2,000 baht in cash under the driver’s seat, though it was unclear if it belonged to the vehicle’s owner. The money was seized for investigation. Yeah Right! Donuts for smoko anyone?
  15. So Patong will be without nights until the fellow stumps up with where he hid them... Could be some long days ahead! (Unless he just stole a couple of hours)
  16. The officer explained to his boss that it all started off innocently. He arrived at the residence not realising his zipper was undone and willy hanging out. When she opened the gate he said " You Wannachoo?" It went downhill from there...
  17. That was better than some Hollywood movies! Idiot speeding (Probably faulty brakes) Hits 2 vehicles and flips onto one which promptly puts him over the side of the bridge. I imagine anyone below the bridge would have been in for a shock. 21yr old driver travelling way too fast for the conditions. Dumb arse.
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