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Mo Sawadee

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Everything posted by Mo Sawadee

  1. It’s narcissism… women always say it’s for themselves but they want attention! It can never be enough! Recommend you also go feel a few pairs! Nice to look at, otherwise not much fun! Want to work on your self esteem, go to school… she’s going to love it, bet you won’t! 🙏
  2. Most Western women are so entitled! My Thai wife is close in age! She is so loyal and loving! Don’t have much in common with a young woman… just a preference.
  3. I recommend Texas bus another 50,000 there so they can prove their commitment. They can go-fund me the transportation costs. Time to let these geniuses get what they are asking for… Republicans shhh 🤫 California, Portland… Denver! Let them 🔥! It’s a good billboard for us. Sometimes you just need to cut a few of them off! Let them shoot their feet and reload! After Americans witness 4 new years of seeing competence, I don’t think it will matter who they run! We might get a good 12 year run out of this! 🙏 Its not courage to ignore the laws of our country!
  4. Camel toe = good ….. Camel hump = bad! 😂
  5. Let’s see….? NY, Philly, Baltimore, ATL, St.Louis, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, all of California = Dem created 💩 🕳️. Open borders, 40 year high inflation, Afghanistan pull out disaster, crushing policies, high energy prices, billions to Ukraine with no progress and record breaking debt. You guys are crushing it!
  6. 100% agree, their are bootlickers everywhere. They love to do this because they are ashamed of their performance. Chicago, NY, San Francisco, ATL, Baltimore, Philly, St.Louis, all of California, Detroit… all 💩🕳️. High tax, high crime, poor education havens. So mud slinging is what you do when you can’t run on your record. 4000 net ppl fleeing California a week, only being propped up by the illegal immigration the Dems have created.
  7. And every Villiage has an idiot. Nearly all the violence, mask wearing, flag burning and looting is on the left.
  8. They were antifa scumbag imposters and were treated accordingly as you'll see in the video." Antifa is a term for far-left groups that resist facists and neo-Nazis. The user then posted a video of Trump supporters on a different boat using its engine to splash the boat bearing the swastikas with water.
  9. The extra votes and eventual mass amnesty doesn’t hurt either!
  10. Trump shut down the economy? What Federal mandates did he impose? The left politicized it, mocked him for calling out China. Held no one accountable. Dems still claim it is by Bats. Meanwhile forced Seniors out of hospitals into the worse layer of our healthcare. Zero responsibility… massive death. Wait… Trumps fault. Biden had more Covid deaths in his first year than Trump had in the first year of the pandemic. Biden had 3 vaccines and therapeutics… when he entered the office. The Lame stream media was silent. The Country certainly did react to the Pandemic. It’s the Blue states that locked down the most severe. put 10’s of thousands of businesses out of business. States rights, not the Feds. This is typical of Dems, like blaming Trump for the crime in Chicago. Dems have run that city for 100 years. Dem police Chiefs, Dem city councils. They have 100% control over who gets hired, how many get hired, the training, the engagement rules and gun laws. But it’s The “Donalds” fault they have 40 shootings and 10 murders a week.
  11. Says the spokes person from the Party that has been calling half the Nation racists for the last 10 years. You’re literally being decisive here calling the other side divisive. You’re the CNN reporter calling the protest mostly peaceful while the town is burning down in the background!
  12. Of course the OP doesn’t understand that the facts don’t care about his feelings. Everything is fine? It’s the Kamala plan… roll out feelings! Genius… pure genius! Love what your Team did on the border… next stop, going to fix the Housing shortage, bail out more college debt and fix the SC. Perhaps you should educate yourself, recommend you start by reading the federalist papers… CNN has led you astray!
  13. The first thing to take note about Bidenomics is the 1st letter and the last letter. Inflation is cooling… let’s hope so from a multi-decade high! The 9% didn’t go away… the recent 3% is added to the nearly 17%. Core prices are much higher than 20%… Let’s not forget the last recent Big Lie where they reported… I mean adjusted the jobs down by 811,000 jobs. The last time the Government lied this big, I mean adjusted down this drastically was 2009, when Joes old boss was the President. Seems they have problems with the truth…. Blue states are hemorrhaging ppl… Fleeing from high crime and high taxes. California has been losing 200,000 net ppl a year. Illinois and NY failing just as famously. It’s the not so secret secret…. 🤫
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