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Everything posted by BigBruv

  1. If the jabs are effective, the residents needn't worry if others are jabbed or not. Makes perfect sense *IF* the jabs are effective, the residents needn't worry if others are jabbed or not.
  2. Like it or not, almost 70% of Frontline NHS workers are now REFUSING covid jabs. Frontline workers are all offered jabs. Maybe they know something that you don't. : ) Also pasting big *3 YEAR OLD CHARTS* with BIG TEXT is very misleading / disingenuous.
  3. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/seasonal-influenza-and-covid-19-vaccine-uptake-in-frontline-healthcare-workers-monthly-data-2023-to-2024 100% of NHS Frontline workers are offered covid vaccines. Nationally 31.3% accepted the covid vaccines 100% - 31.3% = 68.7% of refused the covid vaccines Therefore, just under 70% of NHS Frontline workers (68.7%) are now refusing jabs. Seems odd no? Does anyone have any suggestions as to why ALMOST 70% of NHS Frontline workers are choosing to refuse the 'safe & effectives'? Do frontline UK NHS healthcare workers know something we don't???
  4. Western ground zero for covid tyranny (Australia (also see Canada)) gradually climbing down from the covid nonsense. Never forget these <deleted>. Major win for Aussie workers who refuse to get the Covid vaccine as 'unreasonable' mandate is scrapped Mandates requiring health workers in NSW to receive two doses of a Covid vaccine in order to work will be scrapped this week. In March, NSW Health said it was reviewing the rule and it has now been revealed that it will be removed for existing personnel and for new recruits from Thursday. The rule was put in place in August 2021 and about six months later NSW Health said that 995 staff members had either resigned or been sacked for not following the policy. Former paramedic and campaigner against the mandate John Larter received a letter from lawyers for NSW Health informing him of the change. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13419117/Covid-mandate-NSW-health-scrapped.html
  5. This boomer brained comment alone marks you out as a text book dupe. Overly trusting of authorities - despite the events of the last 4 years. Please make sure you are fully up to date with your boosters. Mask would also help so we can identify your type. Good luck - you need it 👍
  6. That's very risky behaviour in Europe - gonna make a lot of powerful enemies if you don't go with the globalist flow Seems like a proper geezer / big balls
  7. Cool story bro 👍 I just think the mainstreaming of sodomy, sodomites & 'child lovers' is a bit sick. That's all. The technicals details are disgusting though the prawn industry normalises it. Sure, some probably were born that way but many were fiddled with as kids and pass on their trauma in the same way to others. Not negative to disagree with 'anything goes'. It's actually positive if you think about it - and much more healthy for the people involved and society at large. Can't legislate for what goes on behind closed doors but imho disfunction shouldn't be celebrated.
  8. I think it's probably more due to their customers/partners/whatevers being takers/receivers (not givers).
  9. He seems OK but doesn't prove anything - just bluff / theories on the origin of life & this realm. Are you also a fan of Stephen Hawkings? FWIW as far as I can tell he never made it to the Phillipines.
  10. Massively inflated money supply = increased profits. $1,000,000,000,000 of new 'money' every 100 days Maybe not so good for society
  11. You're beginning to sound like that 'Tall John' over on the covid threads with his 18 hours per day "Yes, but the science" BS. (Thanks for not posting walls of 'evidence' and big text though). Wonder what his theory is on Filipino dinosaurs is 🤔
  12. Actually very clever from some strategist in the the Dems - a judo move making Trump the 'pro war' / 'pro Israel' option. Esp. clever now the (non-boomer) US, ROTWorld and their dogs have recently turned on that group. And this despite the fact Biden's top appointees are all Jews (Blinken, Yellen, that tranny army guy/girl & so on & on & on). Seems like Netanyahu has both under control (Epstien's picture / videos now with Bibi?)
  13. Everyone has a theory but bottom line is there's no more evidence for the big bang, evolution etc. than there is for God, garden of eden, virgin birth, coming back from the dead etc. I believe atheism / 'life is meaningless' etc is just a psychological defence mechanism to the concept of hell. Also easier for elites to control people who have low standards (feed em gambling, sportsball, high fructose corn syrup & porn etc.) Your meat suit won't last but maybe your consciousness will. Obvs I can't prove that though.
  14. Agreed. Do Americans outside of the over 70's actually like Biden or believe he's competent? Or he just supported because 'anyone but Trump'? I'm not American but believe Biden belongs in a retirement home (at best). VDH summed up many people's thoughts the other day - great piece - so many blows landed in a short text (buffon, blow-hard meddler, fabulist, confessed plagiarist, racist, mean, liar and so on):
  15. Covid &/or Boosters became a boomer only phenomenon since 2023 (at the latest). Special treatment (in the UK at least) for the inconvenient generation who are asset rich and claim govt benefits. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination/getting-a-covid-19-vaccine/ Who is eligible for a spring COVID-19 vaccine You or your child may be offered a spring COVID-19 vaccine if you: are 75 years or over (you need to be 75 years old by 30 June 2024) are 6 months to 74 years old and have a weakened immune system live in a care home for older adults
  16. Doubt they're waking up tbh - more just noticing their bills are going up and maybe health issues (e.g. blood clots) that are difficult to blame on a coronavirus (another word for a cold). TBF boomers have been well trained to only believe things once they have seen them in the movies or on a TV screen. Whole policy of establishment / 'reputable sources' (lol) on here 'works' that same way (it's a site by & for boomers after all). Younger generations (esp. zoomers) have a better understanding of corporate motives (profit), celebrity endorsements, advertorials, who funds the CDC & medical journals el al so will be harder to fool them.
  17. Absolute nonsense but if you wanna believe in that knock yourself out 👍
  18. Big bag of antibiotics is Thai docs answer to *everything*
  19. Morons everywhere. 'c19' was a proper wake up call for all *thinking* people Now we know how people act so brutally in wars - 'other' them by name calling etc & then exclude, isolate & exterminate. Beware the people you deal with everyday...
  20. And how many jabs has the mother had?
  21. Tight, stingy, literal translation: sticky isht Stereotypes exist for a reason my precious Probably - look it up
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