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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. It would be great to see the reduction of needless deaths, most due to the lawlessness of Thailand's road users.

    Thailand needs to see how other countries do it.

    One thing for sure is it will not be achieved overnight.

    Thailand needs to do a lot of things like:

    • Computerized driving licence records.
    • Banging up corrupt police officers who look the other way for a few baht.
    • Take police away from police boxes and check points and mobilize them.
    • Give the police the tools to do the job.
    • Making owners of vehicle responsible for checking any user of their vehicles is legal.
    • Making parents/guardians responsible for minors.

    In the UK we have ANPR (Automatic number plate recognition),with cameras at fixed points, fitted to police vehicles and some times just set up at the roadside, ANPR is linked to the various agencies to check it is, taxed, has a current road worthy certificate (MOT), it is insured, and the named drivers are properly licensed, but one thing leads to another and a stop for a traffic violation often uncovers more serious crimes and the perpetrators.

    I have always said that I would love to see our traffic Police over here (GB) for a few months. It would make great television.


  2. With approximately 1.5 million new cars and trucks coming on the road each year with the same amount of people that have no driving skills and have no intention of improving their driving., Not to mention all the under age kids driving motorbikes. Thailand is not going to be a safe place on the road any time soon.

    Then you have to contend with the Kamikaze mini bus drivers.

    When I see driver improvement centres opening up over Thailand then I would say they are serious about safety on the roads plus getting the kids off motorbikes.

    Yes and the only cars and trucks that wil be leaving the roads are those that finish up like a concertina.


  3. Gen Prayuth said he has yet to discuss with leaders of the armed forces and report to Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra in her capacity as caretaker defence minister.

    He said he was not empowered to make the decision and protesters should avoid pushing the armed forces into the middle of the current conflicts.

    I would be very careful if I was you Mr Suthep. As the end could be neigh.


    • Like 1
  4. Thanks ubonjoe & 96tehtarp, I'll check out those links and Sunbelt. Much appreciated.

    You really don't need a Lawyer. There is plenty of good advice on here. Just take your time and sift through it.

    Just remember what others have said. If you buy land you will never own it, permanently.

    To open a bank account you will need a Thai address and your Passport, so take your GF along use her address, You should be out in about 20/30 mins with bank book and nice new shiny ATM card,beware.

    Do not rush into any business.Many have and many have failed.

    The best advice I can offer is Don't rush into anything. Once you have made your mind up, give yourself at least another 24 hours before committing to anything.


  5. Just seen one of the sub-rallies pass through lower Sukhumvit. The protesters were peaceful and good humoured, but I'd say the numbers were quite small, There was a mini convey of pickups accompanied by people on foot and then three or four small groups of motor bikes and pickups a few minutes later. At the moment all is sweetness and light, and I hope nobody does anything silly to get hurt. My own view is that there are good people on both sides, but that the yellow side has to be patient and accept that the party that wins the election governs. With the USA and the ASEAN partners looking on any move to suspend democracy in Thailand will have negative consequences. I suspect that the US has whispered in the army's ear already.

    We were around Siam about 12.30 - 1.00 and it was heaving.


  6. So when this Suthep character says we don't want democracy, we want an unelected peoples council, he's talking about himself right? Who would the "people's council" be held to account by. Is the plan to put a mix of people together for this council so there's some kind of fair representation? Or is it basically a cartel of high society clowns? Will this people's council have people with some experience to talk trade etc with other countries or will it be a manufacturer who has a friends etc.... Most countries want democracy - which is why so many are dead in Egypt and Syria and fighting still goes on in Syria. How many revolutions and civil wars have there been in the last century fighting to get democracy? This country has democracy and they're fighting to get rid of it! How bizarre

    There is absolutely NO PLAN!! I have asked many many many protesters to see if they know what the plan is...NOTHING...."what are you going to do when/if Yingluck steps away?" Uhhhhhhhhhhh...........really. No one knows anything!

    Tonight on telly they showed a guy on stage at the rally shouting... We have our own democracy, we don't need western democracy. Look at America!

    Can't wait.


  7. HO I agree with you and if I could insert "buy affordable great quality wine and cheese" then my life here would be complete

    Yes you can,, in Vientiane, Laos. Many wine and cheese importers there, must be the French influence.

    where do i find those? Im heading there shortly. How do you keep the cheese fresh?

    I just came back from oz, supermarket mature cheddar 1kg 200-300bht :-(

    How can you call cheddar cheese? Okay, your username might explain it. -coffee1.gif

    Cheddar Gorge-ous, must be ripe.


  8. This is something that I am trying to sort out at the moment. That is transferring Pounds Sterling from the UK to my Thai bank. Just to verify can the funds be transferred in Pounds to my Bangkok Thai currency account.

    Sorry not wanting to hijack the post.


    Yes. Send Sterling, it will be converted at a better rate on arrival in Thailand.

    Which bank are you sending from in the UK and which is the bank in Thailand (there are a few wrinkles and other options if your Thai bank is Bangkok Bank).

    GB Nationwide Thailand Bank of Bangkok or Kasikorn.


    I have been looking around and found the link above. I have actually just posted it on another thread.


  9. "Tomorrow we will seize all ministries to show to the Thaksin system that they have no legitimacy to run the country," Suthep said, addressing the crowd through a loud speaker.


    The way I read it, If  they do go ahead with this. The Police/Military will have no option but to go in. Because like it or not they are an elected government.

    Tin hats at the ready.




    The police will fight a bit.  But they won't fight that much after a few of them were found guilty for the way they tried to break up the yellows before.  If they fight too much, the army will come out to protect the "citizenry".


    Either way, the government won't win.  They must have a plan C.  Thaksin always does.  What can it be.

    Ah, Plan C that's the $64, 000 question.

    It makes me think is this all part of the master plan?


    Sent from my GT-I8160 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. "Tomorrow we will seize all ministries to show to the Thaksin system that they have no legitimacy to run the country," Suthep said, addressing the crowd through a loud speaker.

    The way I read it, If they do go ahead with this. The Police/Military will have no option but to go in. Because like it or not they are an elected government.

    Tin hats at the ready.


  11. It is standard practise to charge the surviving driver. Then an investigation takes place to decide whether to proceed with or drop the charges.

    Hi Edwin, I htink you might want to re-read the article. It didn

    t say the NZ chap was driving fast, it said he was driving in the fast lane. It went on to say that he drove into the rear of the garbage truck as it was parked to collect garbage which hints at the fact he was parked in the fast lane. Which is probably a crime even in Thailand?

    Where did it say he was driving in the fast lane?

    I missed that.


    Sorry I didn't realise this had already been taken up. I should have read on a bit more.

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