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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Right or wrong, you're onto a looser on this one. Why ? Because this is how things work in Thailand.

    You need to understand Thai "ways".

    I do agree with your principle though, 100%.

    absolutely correct.

    It's some kind of "unwritten law" here in Thailand.

    Don't do it....problem solved.


    I am not so sure that it is an unwritten law. I was told by a Thai that they have the right to the foot path outside of the shop as well as the road. Because they pay for it. They certainly put enough obsticles outside the shop on the footpath as well as the road. Thais seem to e accept this as the norm


  2. Will take a lot more than a few hundred baht a day and free drinks and rice to get them to raise up and fight the army!

    Given that a large proportion of the army are conscripts from the North/North East I would be unsure how stable the army would be if things deteriorated significantly.

    That is exactly what I thought last time. As luck would have it, it didn't go any further that time. But who can really say how it will all play out.


  3. Prayuth says govt must be held responsible if violence breaks out

    BANGKOK: -- Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha said the government would be held responsible if violence happens during the Bangkok Shutdown rally on Monday.

    He said the government would be required to take responsibility by the principle if the people clash or kill each other or riote.

    He said he hopes that there would be no violence and anyone who causes violence, he or she must be held responsible.


    -- The Nation 2014-01-07

    I just hope that they never want to be taken seriously.


  4. Bangkok's BTS and MRT are two fine mass transit systems. Clearly a great mass transit system is one that works and one that provides passenger security included in the price of a ticket. This breakdown of the BTS reflects poor management, security and safety. The delay in communications is a terrible management breakdown.

    Fourteen years without a major problem, I think your post is a bit over the top. If disruption of the system becomes a regular occurrence then I might agree with you.
    Agree with you there mate, 14 years without a major hitch is a fine achievement. Personally I think Thailand. Can be proud of the MRT system in Bangkok.
  5. Another stupid russian monkey...Guys, I lived in Russia for several years) I know all about this country. When you think that the Russian - stupid - you're wrong! They're not just stupid! They SUPER-MEGA-STUPID!)) There is no one dumber them russians. I wonder how they can to live up to 30-40 years, with their sub-zero intellect ...

    what do we have here, angry Ukrainian, I guess?


    They must be Stupid. Would you pay 50 Million for Torres. lol whistling.gif


  6. For gods sake. Enough already! Put this nutcase in the slammer where he belongs and let the ordinary people of Bangkok enjoy their last Sunday before Christmas in peacebah.gif

    Which would be OK if Thais celebrated Christmas ... which they don't, if you hadn't noticed, Mr Farang

    So why all the Christmas trees outside every mall and decorations being sold everywhere, along with Christmas tunes in every supermarket?

    Also, Thais celebrate the Christian New Year, or haven't you noticed there's a 5 day holiday coming up?

    Unless I am mistaken, the Thai New Year is in April. Please inform me if I am wrong.

    Where is your logic, apart from rampant wrongly thought out nationalism, please?

    Christmas in Thailand is for the benefit of the tourists and simply to make money. It is not a public holiday and many will be working. Again Thai New Year is in April , however the calendar New Year is recognized as a public holiday more as a mater on international convention. Perhaps you may have noticed that this country has an abundance of holidays however, Xmas is not one of them.

    Correct. thumbsup.gif


  7. None. They voted for her brother.

    Her brother wasn't on the party list. The 297 MP's that voted for Yingluck to become PM didn't vote for Thaksin either.

    Her mandate is undisputed.

    I dispute it - it's hypocritical to do away with appointed senators when you have an appointed (Note NOT Elected) PM

    If nobody in the electorate voted for her, how is this democratic?

    She was chosen because she is her brother's sister

    Hell! She wasn't even a member of PTP and even now isn't the leader

    It's all a big con

    The Thai PM is not directly elected, so disputing her mandate on that basis only shows ignorance about the electoral process. The Thai PM however is indirectly elected, elected by Mp's who in turn are elected by either the constituenty or by party list, which in both cases is done by the electorate. So yes the Thai PM is not appointed but democratically elected. Futhermore, as far as I know Yingluck was on the party list in 2011 and ran the PT campaign. Certainly the 15.7 million people that voted PT on the party list, mist have had a pretty good understanding who they were voting for.

    By the way, this isn't special, as in many countries the PM isn't directly elected.

    That.s how it works in the UK.


  8. Indeed I don't know of anyone that has been so much as thumped by a taxi driver. Then again I have only been here 20 years so give it time.

    There was the story about an American being hacked to death by a Taxi driver using Samurai Sword. No I didn't know him either. I did see the video from CCTV so am sure it happened.


    Yep, old news.

    There you go. It seems that you do know of someone. Unless you don't believe that it actually happened!


  9. Today I read a Thai language web page, maybe interesting for you. If you cannot translate I can help. It is called 9 Things That Foreigners Do Not Understand In Thailand.


    Sorry, I thought this was about you not understanding? I'm sure - nay positive - I've seen you posting here before. lots of times?

    Yes maybe posting with a sweaty sock accent. xwink.png.pagespeed.ic.HJgPQ3U3SA.png


  10. Yes it leads to very serious life threatening diseases (typically cancer) if you don't know you have it and you don't radically change your diet. Of course many people are living in socio-economic environments where living on a 100 percent gluten free diet (which is what actual celiacs need) is basically impossible. Such people will know they are in distress but just might not ever know why (lack of good medical care) and cause severe permanent internal damage. So yes it kills but of course not if you totally avoid gluten. Again, statistically this is very rare compared to gluten intolerance. BTW, my understanding is the only way to get a definitive diagnosis is for a doc to actually have a look INSIDE. Many people who think they have celiac never go that far and don't really know whether they are actually celiac or not. I think if you are going to radically alter your diet for life, you really NEED to know that it is necessary.

    I was not diagnosed as Coeilac even after three endoscopies. So we did a simple test, a weekend eating bread, Pasta and drinking beer the result was the symptoms I stated in my first post. Next was staying free of all products containing gluten. Result fine no problem.

    Coeliac's/gluten intolerant you can believe me, you know when to alter your diet.


  11. Quite a girl this YS! She's already upstaged the Dear Leader by resigning and calling a new election - nothing Suthep fears more than an election which will once again show the he and his Dem ex-chums are disliked by the majority of the voters.

    Now she does it again by offering to talk and take on board reasonable measures to improve things. What can Kim-Il Suthep do now. Sit down to tea with the devil herself, and lose face big time, or rant and rave like a wounded buffaloe, screaming hatred to the Shinawatras and losing the support of sensible people every step of the way.

    Yep job done... Next... 2 Trillion please chink, chink. Thanks.


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