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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Welcome to the Third World.

    Just above 3rd World... chances are we wouldn't have heard about it if this was the 3rd world.. so, things are continuing to improve here rolleyes.gif

    The term '3rd world' was replaced some time back with the term 'developing nation'. It would seem it is appropriate, in some cases. laugh.gif

    Yet in another sense, like the systemic corruption in many sectors, Thailand is more or less "developed"...in fact, they've developed corruption to high farce.

    Still Third world. The same as a refuse technician is atill a Dustman.


  2. Yet more needless deaths R.I.P... Now a thourough investigation is needed, driver, bus company and bus. The problem is for that to be possible, an independant team of crash experts will be needed. What will you see on the television tonight, as many bib as possible getting on camera, pointing and picking up pieces of debris. I doubt very much that this is an accident as incompetence.


  3. The old bluesmen grew up playing a "Guitar" made out of a shoebox with some kind of neck cobbled on & God knows what for strings. Whether from the Mississippi Delta or Chicago they are great. This is what Jeff Beck, Keith Richards, Eric Clapton & John Mayall grew up listening to.

    Not black but Jeff Beck can trade licks with the best of them. So could Stevie Ray Vaughn. So can Billy Gibbons, Kenny Wayne Shephard & the 17 year old phenom Jonnie Lange.

    My faves are Robert Cray & the Ice Man Albert Collins. Robert Cray blew EC off the stage in Madison Square garden a few years ago. Butch Trucks Doyle Bramhall II - stunning.

    Went to see Clapton at the Royal Albert Hall a few years back. Robert Cray was in his band (they are great friends), along with Andy Fairweather-Lowe & Nathan East, I forget who the drummer was. A great show. Also saw Robert Cray at the Cambridge Corn Exchange. A pre tour warm up gig, excellent.


  4. Perhaps "demand" is too strong a word but I don't think requesting a possible escort it too way off.

    Various navies are just steaming round in circles looking for pirates and if by chance they do happen to come across any there seems very little they can do anyway.

    If they are patrolling anyway why not escort a vessel through the troubled area, I'm sure this couple are not the only ones wanting to travel this route so perhaps they could organize a convoy to escort.

    At least the various navies would be seen to be doing something positive instead of whining that the area too large to patrol effectively.


    Exactly. It would also show some good faith. Something I think Thailand is in need of right now.


  5. The Thai Police are merely a product of a flawed cultural and societal system.

    They are representative of Thai society itself, and the country as a whole.

    They can never be changed or improved until the cultural flaws are addressed.

    Oberkommando. I have been trying to think of something else to say. But you seem to have summed it up in those few words. Really very sad.


  6. The southern situation seems to be escalating.

    A few too many problems on too many fronts here. It may be only a matter of time until things really melt down.

    My thoughts are with the people living in the south.

    Very true Scott. Sometime someone in power in Thailand,is going to have to address their problems. Because for sure they are not going to disappear. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the UN offer to help over Cambodia. Which was refused. :hit-the-fan:


  7. Wow all you chaps are lucky. In nearly 3yrs have been stopped quite a few times. First was on route 2 that bypasses Korat. I was overtaking an old slow bus that should not have been on the road. Didn't see the bib in time, so was late in pulling in, 100bt. A couple of other times I was with ex girlfriends brother (cop)no charge. Then when I moved to Bangkok a year ago was stopped at On-Nut. I hadn't put new tax disc in window, although did manage to show it. This one wanted 1,000bt, he didn't like it when I laughed at him, but G/F managed to talk him down to 300bt. Another time going back to Korat, near the first place I was stopped. Went through a speed trap they showed me the read out 120km in 80km limit, 300bt with a proper ticket. So ok there. Then there was the time again I was stopped near Khon-Kaen, again on route 2, this time a cop with a motor bike, 100bt, with a bit of advice, as in keep to the speed limit for the next 1/2km? sure enough there they were with a speed trap :whistling: The most recent one was in Bangkok, I was on the upper toll road, when I came t the turning I wanted, Indicated to show I was taking the slip road, although there was nothing behind me. Came down to another pay booth, as I was still on the toll road system, looked to see which booth to go to turned to head for it. Paid my money and went through, there the little darling was, pulled me over, with hand gestures told me I pulled that I pulled the steering wheel to the left to sharp? So now he is asking for 1,000bt. I told the g/f I am not paying anything, so she negotiated for a bit and came back with 700bt, he can get stuffed, so he then asked for my licence (Thai 5yr)looked at it walked off to the police office place, that looks like a border post. After a couple of minuets, she got out of the car, she had seen him coming in the wing mirror. I'm really fuming at all this, as to me it is pure extortion. She gets back in the car as the same time as he arrives at my side, hands me back my licence. She says ok we can go. I looked at her, how much did you give him, no answer, how much, 300bt. I bit my tongue and went. Cor blimey sorry if I've gone on a bit :annoyed:


  8. Newbepat. I have not read past your opening post (did not get involved in any way with the first) From what you have said, it would appear that you have done your homework. We are about the same age, so there are two little pieces of advice I would give to you, 1/ Don't burn all your bridges in Ireland (keep a property) 2/ Do what you think is right for you. That's what I did. I did make the mistake (for me) of going to live in a village first. Since I moved out, all is good. Not quite perfect, but am working on it.


  9. ??? So why don't the people from the rural areas of Isaan, move to where the jobs are if they want better pay or more financial security? In Europe, back in the 1700's- 1800's many poor Europeans moved to the "New World" to have a better life; after WWII there was a flood of rural America that moved to the cities for better jobs than what was in the country. The JOBS DID NOT COME TO THEM, THEY HAD TO MOVE WHERE THE JOBS WERE.

    In the UK after the first and second world wars. Many Farm labours left the farms to go to the City, taking up job offers.

    Bangkok is full of people from Issan, looking for work, or doing mundane jobs.

    If the government really want to help these people, now is the time to show it, by taking note and starting government training centres, to give them the skills required. But will they. I don't think so.


  10. Structurally the airport is good, a reasonable assortment of shops etc. Direction signs could be better displayed and too much walking for my liking, but this seems to be common to all airports.

    What really lets the place down is the staff, not just immigration, although they seem to set the overall tone, even the duty free shops have surly staff.

    It is an international airport, English is the International language, yet no one, including the airport police and immigration speak it.

    LOL. Most passengers arriving aren't English so why shoudl the staff speak English? The immigration staff I've dealt with have always been able to speak basic englisg. I've never had a poblem communicating with them. You need to get over yourself and stop expecting the rest of the world to speak English. As China grows the use of English is likely to drop. It'sin most people's interest to learn some form of Chinese, not English.

    Actually English is considered not only the internationally accepted language but also the official language for airlines. Every pilot (I believe even non-international) is required to speak and understand English though they certainly are able to communicate in their natural tongue if the staff and/or tower are comfortable with that but the official language is English.

    As I have no doubt that business people learning Chinese may have a leg up on others ... the number of those learning Chinese are likely to drop as the number of Chinese continue to rapidly grow who speak English.

    Yes except in France. Where they refuse to speak any language other than French. Over their own air space,supposedly. :whistling:


  11. More to do with one of Eric's contemporaries, I don't recall ever hearing Dave Gilmour play a bum note, does anyone have any recordings where a wrong bend or note is discernible?

    Dave Gilmour plays live around once every ten years,Clapton plays live around 10 times every year. But hey they are both great. Use to go and see Dave play in a band called "Jokers Wild" in Cambridge, when we were in our teens. :violin:


    I like them both & while you dont hear blues from Gilmore much he sure can.

    Gilmore when he did that muddy waters trib cd with Paul Rodgers did "Standing Around Crying" & was excellent

    Clapton of course has tons of blues & Have You Ever Loved a Woman was great...Also some stuff he did with various guys like Doyle Brahmhall II

    Take a listen..............



    Hi Flying,

    Just listened to "Standing around Crying" Thanks for that. It is now added to my favourites. When I get my itunes sorted out will put it on my iPod. Going a little off topic. Paul rodgers seems to like doing tributes. I have an live album he did with Queen, for Freddie. Still a great voice.


  12. I advocate total hygiene in all things to the level of fetishism.

    I would certainly not share or eat from another's plate.

    Bar peanuts ... ugh

    The English "round" system which is unfussy about whose glass you get, I avoid.

    I even use a paper towel to use on the handle when leaving a toilet.

    Maybe a certain amount of "germs" help the system build up immunity, but it is in the head with me.

    If I have to shake somebody's hand , I immediately retire to the toilet to wash.

    Ah me thinks that you have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We had a guy when I was at work had the same thing. He wore Latex gloves all the time.


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