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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Oh Yeah right

    Try and tell my missus to ignore a missed call.

    Its against her religion.


    Minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sora-at Klinpratoom (สรอรรถ กลิ่นประทุม) said that explosions set off by missed calls have not occurred yet. He also said that the National Telecommunication Commission of Thailand (NTC) will be in talks with Malaysia, finding measures to control phone signals sent to Thailand.

    The ICT Minister said that if anyone receives a missed call, he should call up the operator to find out who the caller is; and if anyone loses his mobile phone, he should inform the service provider immediately.

    Minister of Interior KONGSAK WANTHANA (คงศักดิ์ วันทนา) said that he will discuss with Ministry of ICT to implement measures in controlling siganls crossing over the two countries. He said roaming services might be blocked unless users register their phones. 

    Source: thaisnews.com วันพุธที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน 2548

  2. Smells like sensationalist journalism from a bored reporter to me.

    Long as the volunteers dont start recruiting retired petty crims and wearing blackshirts and poncing around trying to look important.

    I am sure a decent media campaign warning people to be on the alert would work better.

    Well, can't they just do as normal people do when they see something suspicious? i'e. go to the police and report it.

    That is what I thought they were doing?

    Good luck to them, if it works then all the more power, if not atlest they tried.

    underage sex needs to be gotten rid of!!!

  3. I suspect perhaps Mr T has overstepped even the wealthy persons mark.

    Time will tell.

    There was an interesting piece in the Wall Street Journal Asia today that gives some support to a number of the comments above.

    In essence it suggested that the reason the southern provinces were such a mess is that the military is trying to undermine Thaksin's transfer of primary responsibility to the police for, you will excuse the expression, pacification. The military had a cozy deal going, goes the theory, profiting hugely from traditional smuggling activity, and now the police have taken that over and the military is hugely resentful. Therefore the military is actually trying to stir things up and make the police look bad until Thaksin turns everything back over to them. The piece even suggested that the military had effectively opened the border and was failing to make any effort to supervise trans-border traffic.

    And this is the Wall Street Journal, folks.

  4. ok thanx Neeranam

    I am just closest.

    For practicality of course.


    Now I know why she likes that side!!

    QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-11-29 09:14:36)


    If I am not mistaken, the orientation of the bed in reference to the bathroom and the staircase is also important.

    I know that the head should never be pointing towards the bathroom.


    The bed should not be pointing to the bathroom.

    Surely iy doesn't matter what side you are on?

  5. I would think a fiance visa.

    But with that you only get one shot!!!

    From what I can gather anyway.

    A tourist visa if for touring, nothing more, nothing less.

    If you complicate your application with any other reason for visiting Australia, you will probably be refused.

    If she is to study, you need a students visa.

    If you want to think about marriage, you need a fiance visa.

    All the other requirements can be found by the bucket load in previous threads in this forum. Use the "search" option.

  6. I cant pinpoint the exact time,but prob early this year.

    I travel a lot.

    I buy a lot of Duty Free Booze.

    Relatively recently they did a sneaky in AU and NZ and the bottle sizes changed from 1.125ml to 1L,I think a few months back,looking at my stash closely back in NZ.

    The prices didnt .

    I dont normally look closely in BKK as the missus has a trolley that gets filled quicker than I can empty it.

    Thats a pretty hefty price rise.

  7. Like the Newstalk stations.

    Great idea.

    Nothing wrong with having a blend of the Real life and the Prurient life.

    Surely that reflects Thailand from the Falang Target demographic.

    But then again... sensationalism is what journalism seems to be all about.  It certainly gets attention hey?

    You'll find that real journalists can make stories interesting without sensationalism.

    Sensationalism is like a sugar rush. It gets fast results but the results don't last long, and the positive effects are nil.

    With so much interest in real estate, and building here why not talk to someone about the ins and outs of obtaining land and building houses, or buying a condo? What to watch for before you sign a lease? We have sponsors who deal with the legal and visa issues that everyone faces. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the extra publicity of being interviewed while they explained visa issues.

    Time to take your eyes off the sugary treats in the karaoke bars and get to the protein of what really matters in people's lives in Thailand. Villas, and visas. :o


  8. Does everyone get a tribute thread upon their approach to 3,000 posts?

    Or does it only apply to bitter old c*nts?

    Thats not nice Scampy

    Udon is not bitter.

    You need to understand other points of view.

    Some of us enjoy your lurching from disaster to disaster however pointless.

    Others see it as self absorbtion.

    Thats what forums are all about....Diversity.

  9. Thai politics are labyrinthine.

    There has always been a delicate balance struck with the Military.

    Thaksin systematicly has tried to remove the power of the generals for many valid reasons.

    Their is only one person who can tip the balance with populace support.

    His name is Lek.

    There will be no coup d'etat, confirms Armed Forces chief

    BANGKOK: --  There will never be another coup d'etat in Thailand, Armed Forces Chief Gen. Ruengroj Mahasaranond confirmed here on Monday.

    Responding to journalists over continuing rumours on a new coup, the supreme commander affirmed that the Thai military now has no idea of staging any coup d'etat.

    "The rumours are definitely groundless, the Thai military in this modern age has no idea about any coup," he told journalists before attending a National Security Council (NSC) meeting.

    Gen. Ruengroj was asked for his comments on a reported claim by an academic recently that some military officers had sought for his advice on how to stage a new coup, citing their dissatisfaction with the government's performance.

    "Even if any military officers wanted to stage a coup, they would never have sought for advice from anyone outside their group, particularly any academic. The reported claim sounded unrealistic," said the armed forces chief.

    Earlier Army Chief Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratkalin also denied the rumours.

    "A coup d'etat causes a huge damage to the nation; so, I can say as long as I am still in office, there will never be any coup d'etat," the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Army vowed.

    Gen. Sonthi's remarks were in response to a previous claim by a government source that a group of military officers was attempting to stage a coup.

    "You media please tell the general public, traders and business persons that there's nothing to be worried about--there will never be a coup d'etat as feared," Gen. Sonthi stressed.

    "Our nation must be strong and stable through political, economic, social and military strength. A coup d'etat will destroy the goal; and so, it will never be allowed to take place again,"  the army chief affirmed.

    --TNA 2005-11-28

  10. Will he sleep rough ,drive a motorbike ,and get mao on thai whisky


    Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra stated that he will spend 7 to 10 days at various districts to eradicate poverty since the officials in many districts have not shown any progress in their works.

    The Prime Minister said his visit will not be on a tour basis, but he wants to follow up the officials’ performance in solving indigence problems in their respective areas. Therefore, the premier and skilled officers will travel to those communities and demonstrate the plans to the provincial officials.

    He said the reason for visiting the communities by himself is because the government policy of poverty eradication is still new that the government’s poverty alleviation program is still new, and certain officials may not have a clear understanding. Thus, he will work with the local residents and other academics on the policy.

    The premier also admitted that there have been many discussions on the government’s performances. However, he said that there is nothing to worry about because it is considered to be a normal matter. 

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 November 2005

  11. Could be good if they get the branding and marketing right.

    I remember seeing a docu on a Vietnamese company doing quite well in the USA ,doing the same thing,although the name escapes me.

    Freshly brewed from Laos

    BANGKOK: -- A Lao producer is tapping growing demand for high-quality coffee with plans to sell franchises for an outlet opened last year in Bangkok

    The company opened the first Laotian coffee shop in Thailand last year on Rama IX Road in Bangkok and plans to franchise the outlet in the future.

    Sold under the Dao Coffee brand, it is made from Robusta and Arabica coffee beans and is one of the local products from Pak Song City of Kwaeng Champasak in Laos where there is vast fertile land with volcanic soil and water resources, making it suitable for coffee plantations.

    "We placed our instant coffee for sale at large discount stores in Thailand such as Makro and Big C two months ago. We are about to put it in Tesco Lotus in soon," said Leuang Litdang, president of Dao Rueng Import-Export Co, the largest trader of duty-free products and one of the major integrated coffee business owners in Laos.

    The instant coffee is available for sale in the form of three-in-one, ground and brewing products. It is made from beans planted, processed and packed by the company's plant in Pak Se City in Kwaeng Champasak.

    Mr Leuang pointed out that the company's coffee products had gained in popularity worldwide and were now key exports of Laos. Major export destinations for the products include France, Italy, Holland, and Japan.

    The company generates around US$1 million annually from selling around 500 tonnes of raw coffee beans. Its yearly coffee bean production in Laos totals 20 million tonnes.

    Apart from positioning its coffee products in the Thai market, Mr Leuang said, Dao Coffee planned to franchise its coffee shops in the country.

    "Other coffee growers have expressed an interest to sell coffee from their plantations in our shops. We plan to start a chain of franchise shops," he said.

    In addition, the company plans to set up a coffee-processing plant in the Phibun Mangsahan district of Ubon Ratchathani, which is adjacent to Pak Se City.

    "We are in the process of finding a suitable location. We need time to survey transport routes and the markets in Thailand because they outnumber those in Laos," he said.

    Mr Leuang's daughter, Boonreuang Litdang, who is in charge of the company's marketing activities in Thailand, said the company also planned to develop more than 1,000 rai of its coffee plantation area in Pak Song City into an integrated farming-related tourist site.

    The site will purchase coffee beans from thousands of local households, and have a coffee plant nursery and plantation, give harvesting and processing demonstrations and provide restaurants and accommodations in conjunction with the Lao Tai tour programme offered by local tour companies.

    Ms Boonreuang is not concerned about the stiff competition from producers of brand-name coffee in Thailand because her company has it own coffee plantation and processing plant.

    "Our selling point is that we grow coffee trees in a fertile plantation area without insecticides and produce coffee beans without modifying their colours and flavours."

    Prior to entering into the coffee business, the Litdang family, who are Lao-Vietnamese descendants, imported many products including sugar, monosodium glutamate, liquor and cigarettes.

    The family now operates three duty-free shops at the Wang Tao checkpoint opposite Chong Mek of the Sirinthorn district in Ubon Rathcathani, in Vientiane, and in Lao Bang Town on Highway 9 adjacent to Vietnam. It plans to open its fourth outlet at Kwaeng Suwan Ket.

    The company began developing the coffee plantation five years ago. It bought coffee saplings from Vietnam and distributed them to local people who were participating in a state-supported occupation promotion programme.

    --Bangkok Post 2005-11-28

  12. Great Concept

    Sounds like the founder of dental holidays found a nice niche winner.

    Wonder two things.

    Does he get commissions on the Dental work as well?

    Will the AUSSIE dentists will jack up the price for xrays and photos :o

    Dental holidays popular in Phuket

    PHUKET: -- Phuket in Thailand is welcoming an influx of visitors from a new and somewhat unusual source.

    Clad in a colourful Thai sarong, relaxing in a shaded deck chair on Karon Beach and looking forward to a midday massage, Linda Grace looks every inch the contented tourist.

    She is, but then on the other hand, she isn't.

    Yes, she's enjoyed the sea canoe tours to the limestone cliffs of Phang Na Bay, the elephant rides in the jungle, the luxurious spas and, of course, the shopping.

    But the main reason for her visit was a dental appointment.

    Grace is just one of an increasing number of Australians who are heading overseas for dental treatment. The reason of course is simple - cost.

    "In Melbourne I was quoted close to $10,000 for five crowns, whitening, gum cleaning and periodontal work. Here it's cost me $4,000," she says.

    Before deciding on Phuket, Grace did her research. She'd heard about dental treatment in the Philippines, but when she logged onto dentalholidays.com.au she realised there was a choice.

    "I've heard the dentists in Manila are excellent but let's face it, if you want to combine the treatment and have a holiday, where would you rather be, Manila or Phuket?"

    In recent years Thailand has become known as the plastic surgery capital of the world with foreign patients generating over $US500 million a year in revenue for Thai hospitals. The most famous is Bumrungrad in Bangkok. But Phuket International

    Hospital's reputation is spreading and it will double in size in the next seven years.

    The already highly respected dental facilities are an integral part of that expansion. The hospital is managed by Australian Peter Davison, a former Tasmanian Ambulance Service Paramedic Coordinator, who was brought over by the Thai Board of Investment to help develop and improve hospital quality. He's been in Thailand for 10 years and at Phuket International for three.

    "I love it here," he says, strolling beside the lily clad ponds in the hospital's grounds. "We have brilliant facilities which are just going to get better and we can do most treatments for a third of the cost charged in Australia, Europe or Singapore."

    When it comes to dental treatment there's another major difference. If you're undergoing plastic surgery, or even having major surgery such as a hip replacement, you'll spend a lot of time in the hospital itself. With dental treatment you can actually have a holiday as well.

    "Most treatment can generally be done in about 12 days and that will consist of approximately four to five visits. So there's plenty of time for the patient to enjoy Phuket."

    Robert Graham who owns Jetset Kenmore in Brisbane is the Australian pioneer of dental holidays. He also owns the dental holidays site and it was he who booked Grace into Phuket International and arranged her accommodation.

    "When we started Dental Holidays we were just offering Manila. But then I heard about Phuket International and Peter and Phuket sort of took off. We now have an average of 10 people a week going overseas for dental treatment and most of them will be going to Phuket."

    The concept is being backed by the Hilton in Phuket as part of its entire Wellness campaign which includes the very latest in spa treatments.

    "We have special day clinics with a trained nurse in a number of the major hotels, including the Hilton and they've been very supportive and encouraging," says Peter.

    "Many of our clients could easily afford the treatment in Australia," admits Robert. "But they want to combine the two, dentist and holiday. It may sound like a misnomer but it makes perfect sense."

    Recent figures estimate that there are 650,000 people waiting for public dental treatment in Australia and some of these are drawn to Phuket purely because of the cost factor.

    Mel Newton owns the Club Hotel in Kamala, one the areas that bore the major brunt of last year's tsunami onslaught. He'd be the first to admit that his hotel is no Hilton but it's clean, comfortable and the beach is just three minutes away.

    "We have 12 people coming for dental work who'll be staying here in the next couple of months. We would have had more but it's the high season. Come the low season we'll have a lot more and most of them are Australian."

    But the last word should go to Grace who offers this advice:

    "If possible send over your X-rays and photos ahead of time. This will speed things up in the long run. But the dentist was fantastic, he spoke perfect English and the nurses were wonderfully friendly and supportive. In the end I had a three week holiday for myself, my daughter came over for two weeks and I had my teeth done. All of that for less than I would have paid for the treatment in Melbourne."

    She smiles and yes, it's dazzling!

    --AAP 2005-11-28

  13. Especialy Pattaya expats.

    Few would fit a true expat defintion anyway.

    Sexpat,Pensionpat ,


    You should also bear in mind that – with a very few exceptions – Bar Owners are the bottom feeders in the Expatriate Community anywhere in Thailand, and your social circle will be pretty much limited to fellow Bar Owners and your / their Patrons.

    Do you really want to move to a foreign Country and earn a living as a Pimp?

    OK chaps – flame away!


    Absolute <deleted> :o

    I for one could'nt give a toss what the "expat community" thinks of me.

  14. Well Mr T and his mates have big investments there now.

    So things may improve.

    He is building on a high headland though :o

    Tax,thank you. I have agreed with you before on a lot of issues regarding the island.The most frustrating thing is there is no quick fix to what has been done.

    Samui community NEWSPAPER not the magazine, have interviewd a lot of local officials & I think some of issues are starting to sink in ,there was even a directive from Bangkok re land re zoning ,with a freeze on title changes of some plots until end of december.I think & I hope that they are starting to pay attention to the problem facing the island.

    Building codes are ( or so the say ) more strictly enforced.

    So I think the more people that write to the paper with issues the more concerns will be listened too , as it is bilingual.

  15. Samui is overbuilt and underplanned and serviced.

    Unscrupulous falang investors have made a killing on Phangan.

    Land there was giveaway prices 5 years ago.

    Even the new roads look very unsafe and will prob wash out or be prone to slips.

    Its definitely a lack of proper local government planning and of course rating.

    Thais need to consult with succesful local bodies in falangland if they want to Falang investment to continue.

    Oh , by the way it is RAINY season ,on a trpical island .Go figure Think too mut.

  16. HISO and Hiphop do not go together anywhere that I have seen.

    Its gangster music at best.And Hollywood is to blame for sure,


    I think it only gets press beause of its unusual design.

    I heard the owners were trying to franchise it.

    There is a market out there however for these hi-so hip hop bars. I suppose there are people who want to be cool so they scramble to places like Bed-Supper Club on Soi 11. The NY Times has had at least 2 articles in the past few months touting that place and Bangkok in general for all the wrong reasons. I think that Bed Club is scary myself. It looks like a major fire trap; It looks like an oil tanker on stilts with only a single exit linked by a super long concrete stairway. The place is packed nightly with morons

  17. Yes ODD they think rap and hiphop is cool.

    Here in AU most the good bars avoid this crap like the plague.

    Its definitely seen as Westie music that attracts the wrong crowd.

    I always like CM2 for a great BKK bar,club experince,good party every night,hundreds of Gals for lease,

    I hate it when they have res bands that play hiphop and the fact that they changed the really cool boom room trance room and started playing all the YO yO yo wave hands and fingers in the air music ...well that ruined the whole place.

    Rivas really screwed up too ,it was great two three years ago with a really good AUS band,now its very average.

    Another thing driving away biz, as if outrageous prices weren't enough, is the loud, majorly annoying hip hop rap that many establishment's DJs like to blare. This horseshit offends the majority of paying customers. The DJs are playing this music for the employees and not the customers; what a great way to do biz, allowing this incredible nonsense to go on. Exceptions are few and far between. Perhaps bar owners might learn something from the likes of Morning/Night bar down in Nana who have tunes cranking which cater to PREMIUM PAYING CUSTOMERS. Check out how PACKED that place is daily. The Dude stuffed all of his remaing shovels into his maid's qtrs cause they won't be needed to dig the current bar situation in BKK

    Bangkok has had for some time a major inferiority complex. BKK wants to be contemporary, on par and trendy. This is the reason for the inflated prices because they want to look like they are the same high-priced type of establishments one would find in HKG, Seoul, Shanghai or Tokyo. The reason for the rap music is because "hip-hop" music is trendy nowadays and they want to appear to be on the cutting edge. It's all about portraying an image of parity with the bars in the "big-time" cities I listed above.

    Problem is that these things are not what a majority of foreign patrons come to BKK for. BKK nightlife spots don't know who their customers are for the most part. They are doing what they feel is right and not what they actually should be doing. Most patrons visiting a bar in BKK have come here for cheap drinks, cheap entertainment and a good time. This is after all a third world country and this is whats expected. Its a simple case of nightclub managers being out of touch with the demographics in BKK. They just don't know and your expectations should be kept quite low. Not knowing the nightlife scene much myself I would be comfortable guessing that the most popular places here are owned and operated by farang. Is that right?

    It's the same dilemma with the country of Thailand itself. They are a third-world country and we all know it. Seasoned farangs expect things a certain way knowing where they are but LOS wants to think they are equal to a Japan or Singapore. It just isn't so. Kuala Lumpur and BKK making new airports hoping to turn into the regional leader is a futile exercise IMO. I can't see them surpassing the class-act operations out of HKG or SIN for some time. Thailand being how we all know it to be is part of its charm. :o

  18. I find all this quite fascinating.

    Why do falangs want to live in LOS??

    Logical things come to mind like cheap booze and the fact even the desparately dateless in Falangland can get laid.

    I hear many references to the culture?,but few long termers I have met bother to learn to speak thai other than the Eee By Gum Thai variety.

    Couple that with the number of Falang suicides ?

    What is it???

    My Missus is thai and their is NO way I can get her to move back to thailand from AUST.

    I find it extraordinary that self-respecting farang would leave their home country to come to live in Thailand if they only have enough money to live in a 2500 baht box.  I mean, why do it?  It can't be for the lifestyle.  It can't be quality of life.

    If you have no money, ok . .stay where you are and use welfare, rather than be dragged into a poverty spiral in Thailand.  I would never live here unless I can do it on my terms and in relative luxury?

    So is it for the girls?  That is flawed too.  You're not going to get much respect from women when they discover you are farang kee nok.

    Seems very sad to me.

    I live in Phuket in a 2500 a month room. Its awesome, i party with my neighbours all the time, my room is nice, i have a magic rice cooker and a wok. Being retired on tropical islands just seems to make unliMIteD sense to me. I make a lot of money in my birth country and dont have any issues there at all but the whole retirement thing is just too good. Its like be retired and give up some material possessions vs work all day and then buy a lot of shit. Also rum costs 150 bahtz a bottle in Thailand too.

    Hi, what comes with that room for 2500b a month in phuket. does it come with a bathroom with western toilet or a squat thing.

    what would a one bedroom apt/condo cost with ac, western toilet, and wireless internet connection.

    thank you and look forward to your reply

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