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Everything posted by AnotherOneHere

  1. There's a difference between seeing somebody on the television and "knowing" them.
  2. There's a difference between seeing somebody on the Facebook and "knowing" them. 🀨
  3. Just release them back to the streets. There's a 10 millions stray dogs in the Thailand and they are doing just fine. By locking 14 of them in your backyard you are not helping anybody. You are just locking 14 of them in your backyard.
  4. I heard about a Thai lady who managed to use a foreigner to get into Australia. Then, she left him and, through her own hard work, managed to own two houses. I also heard about Australians who lived their whole lives well over 80 and never owned a house or a condo. So, it really depends on the persons intelligence. 🧠 So, some people are just "simpler," and some are very skillful.
  5. Junkie. All of them should be locked up, and they should be re-arrested if they try to write a book about it afterward.
  6. Because you said you live on a social security alone while in Australia and a $15 a week for food. And everybody was wondering how is that even possible.
  7. What kind of crime have you encountered while in Thailand?
  8. They have a standards what can be posted in this section.
  9. Two of my dogs died in exactly the same scenario a few years apart. I took dog to the vet saying, "Dog seems sad." The vet looked at him from across the room and said, "Yeah, that's XYZ season's disease. Every dog in the village has it right now," and prescribed some pills. Three days later, the dog stopped eating. "Yeah, this disease takes time to cure. Here are more pills for XYZ." Three days later, the dog stopped walking. "It's time to double the dose of pills for XYZ disease." All of this happened without the vet ever being near the dog or examining him. Three days later, dog became unresponsive. "I guess it's time to triple the dose of pills for that XYZ disease." And then both of them died. Happened a few years apart. I started to drive my purebred German Shepherd to the provincial city (previous were street dogs taken from the street), where basic yearly vaccinations cost 2,700 Baht (rabbies ...) (before, I was paying 300 Baht). But at least I don't feel like I'm driving her to a slaughterhouse.
  10. Judging from his Facebook guy is a professional and knows what he is doing. Not some desperate farang giving 50 Baht haircuts to be able to afford the food.
  11. Could it be used on females if they are horny or just faking it tonight? Somebody with thermal do an experiment and report on it. πŸ€”
  12. How comfortable has to be living in your simple head? πŸ€” Just parrot everything media feeds you without thinking, analyzing or getting information on your own. 🫀 Just get fed and then go around and repeat what were you told. gargamon TikTok is owned by China goverment and they are spying on us and if I don't vote for these politics (only which can save me) China will hack me. - source: talking head in the TV told me that Ownership Breakdown of ByteDance: Majority (around 60%) is held by global investors: This includes investment firms from the US like BlackRock. Founders and Employees hold 40%: This breaks down to 20% for founders and 20% for employees, including a significant number in the US. So, while ByteDance is a Chinese company, the majority ownership comes from global investors. It's important to note that ByteDance does have a complex structure, with one subsidiary having a 1% ownership stake held by Chinese state funds.
  13. But the @BobBKK post is the most brainlet take on this war read to this day. If he didn't have 5k posts I would asume it is a troll account, because nobody can seriously think these things.
  14. You have claimed that you live on a $15 a week. Does it mean that for the rest of the week you are on a diet? (or was it yet another one of your make up things?)
  15. What's pint?
  16. Could you convert a pint and a Β£ into more convenient units? Perhaps in terms of Empire State Buildings, football fields, or Olympic swimming pools? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
  17. Linux have disgusting UI/UX. I'm using 8 - 12 hours a day for years and I wish I could switch to Windows or Apple. πŸ˜‘ But I can't, because all the servers are running Linux and I have to be compatible... .
  18. That explains a lot of your nighttime messages.
  19. What could you know? You don't even live in Thailand.
  20. The divorce was quick ... Thailand caught my eye ... vibrant scenes of markets, beaches, and bustling cities sparked something in me. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Ok bro. Do you think we are twelve? πŸ“
  21. Then they would probably instead jump from the roof of that restaurant over 700,000 Baht battery replacement bill.
  22. Yeah, imagine working your ass of for 70 years and then ending up living completely alone for "taxation reasons" and "cheating the system". Guy is going place I'm hoping I will never end up. πŸ˜ƒ
  23. Living separately from the wife for taxation reasons. πŸ˜„ That's the biggest excuse I've ever heard for coping with the fact that your wife left you after you brought her over the border to Australia. πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
  24. You are 78 years old and you are renting? What were you doing your entire life that you don't own a house! πŸ˜„Especially growing up in that era! Jesus! πŸ˜„
  25. You're not living in Thailand either. Yet here you are, bestowing your daily wisdom upon us. πŸ˜‘
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