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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. Good afternoon. Another version of Cold Yellow Noodle and Bonito Stock Vegetable Soup. Sweet and hot sauce for the noodle and topping. Ingredients for main dish: Yellow noodle, carrot, cucumber, onion, steamed chicken breast. Seasonings (of sauce): Vinegar, soy & oyster sauce, sugar, grated garlic, and tiny amount of chili powder. Ingredients of soup: Bean sprouts, Pak choy, eggplant. Seasonings: Bonito stock and soy bean paste.
  2. Migrated for Mass Killing? Exactly the same motive of settlement in Hostile Territory, as the bomber of the World Trade Center in 1993.
  3. Even if the media doesn't disclose where they are from, they are nearly revealing where they are from by themselves: Screenshots below shows it. Look at what that woman is wearing over the head.
  4. Does it include "Magic Bullet"? Back then, Warren Committee concluded one single bullet from Oswald's 6.5mm Carcano M91/38 rifle, hit multiple victims including JFK. Technically impossible BS, officially announced as the statement of US govt. I still remember this masterpiece watched decades ago.
  5. On Tuesday, Myanmar informed Thailand about 53 foreigners, including nationals from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Philippines, being sent to Tak province due to Myanmar's inability to care for them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Govt of Burman, doesn't even care for own people. Burmese migrant laborers used to work for my landlord, said they even had to pay for primary education. All those bas*ard at the top of the regime & military can do, is attack and kill their population.
  6. nationalism is just as high as ever in Thailand after decades of this crap being in their faces and I think the social engineers may try and blame tourists for any woes in the nation here on out,.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have been here(Chiang Mai) for nearly 2 decades by now. Sometime last year, there was an Anti-Alien gathering in Phuket, after some 1st world trashes made headlines. I, myself, have never felt any collective hostile eyes to foreigners, while there a very few haters of foreigners(like any countries). Mass media often greatly exaggerates negative phenomenon for their ratings. Thailand is pretty much the same as you used to know about. So you don't really have to worry about it. Hope your (early)retirement plan works out well...
  7. His post demonstrated the stupidity of Thai bureaucrats at its worst. I felt he was just like talking to the Bunch of Total Idiot; not knowing what they are doing. Only thinking about grabbing as much as money possible by chance, well exercising bandits' mentality.
  8. Some cooking hacks for Rice Lovers: If you want the texture(close to the medium grain rice) like Calrose(Japonica rice), good to mix any Thai rice(Indica rice) with Sticky Rice. Japonica Rice Indica Rice At the ratio of 3(Indica Rice):1(Sticky Rice). Rice & Water ratio: Rice 1: Water 1.2 And soak it for 30 minutes or so before you switch on your rice cooker. Once the switch button flips back, leave it for 10-15 minutes. This way, rice is finished nice and tender. Also good to save the water you used to wash your rice in a bucket. As it makes a good natural detergent. If you soak emptied tub into it, for 30 minutes or so, it is a lot easier to clean it up. And that same water also has an effect to help remove oily greasy stuff; soak your used dish and cups for several minutes before you wash them up.
  9. Sorry, I could not watch the video. Is this the audio only thing? I could hear slight clicking sound though. I felt that woman's clothing funny; looks like wearing a carpet.
  10. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Chunky Mild Fish and Vegetable Curry and rice with salad. Ingredients of main dish: Mackerel(canned), carrot, onion, okra, potato, tomato paste and water. Rice and sticky rice(ratio 3:1). Rice and water ratio: Rice 1:1.2(3.5 cups of rice and 4.2 cups of water). Seasonings: Curry powder, soy, oyster & fish sauce, ketchup, grated garlic,
  11. An Idiot is a lot closer to death than others; inviting needless physical danger himself. And he well demonstrated it.
  12. Heavily intoxicated. Unfair demand to the stranger, despite her refusal. Pretty much like 100% self-inflicted...
  13. Living example of the drug hazard. Chronical dose of the weed lowers the intellect of the user. He just perfectly demonstrated it.
  14. Spending more for other countries, than for own people. Most common form of structural/institutionalized corruption among the 1st world countries. Its scale, far greater than the Brown Envelop practice than in the 3rd world in practice.
  15. In some "Civilized" countries, Corruption has been more Structural/Institutional. Such as, Mass Acceptance of Fake Refugees and their VIP Treat, all at the expense of law abiding tax payers. When they do it Openly, As Govt Policy, it is not called Corruption whatever it is rotten and against public/national interests. In that respect, Corruption Scale in the 1st world is Far Greater than the visible brown envelops in the 3rd world countries. Also a lot better Disguised.
  16. Regarding road safety and saving lives, even the "Civilized" world's richest country isn't really doing great. I found it extremely easy to find the following info. Denied access to the essential need in the supposedly wealth country looks more miserable than the similar phenomenon in "poorer/lesser" 3rd world country. And medical cost here, seems a lot lesser than in the World's Richest Country. On the eve of 2022, I fell Vestibular Neuritis(sudden continuous spinning view that made me unwalkable). And rushed to the hospital(by my expat and Thai friend). I only had to pay less than THB700(U$20- or so) for all the treatment at the public hospital's ER... highway pot holes increasingly common in usa - Google Search millions of americans can't get proper medical care due to poverty - Google Search 100 million people in America are saddled with medical debt | The Texas Tribune uk unrealistice waiting period for medical attention - Google Search
  17. Embodiment of China puppet here. In 2012 ASEAN summit in Cambodia, he did his best to sabotage all Asean's collective defense against Chinese expansionism. Also selling away tens of millions of own people's personal info to another country; AIS sell off to Sin Tel(now owned by Temasek Holdings) over a decade ago. *Sin Tel=telecommunication corporation of Singapore.
  18. I never mind it either; it is other people's business, not impacting me at all..
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