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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. I am afraid, it is you who rather got an issue (with my post or this whole topic of this thread) LOL. Didn't you notice, more excitement and overreaction you show, it is giving away your Sense of Guilt(of being a beneficiary of that backdoor deal)? Don't worry. I am nothing like a police informer or online snooper; just quote a slice of Thai fact lightly. So relax and use your time and energy to enjoy your life here...
  2. Bangkok Post - 2 senior officials transferred over visa scam
  3. Good afternoon. Today’s lunch: Teriyaki Chicken and Onion on rice. The green vegetable is lettuce. I always meat and fish with onion; has an effect to lower blood sugar contents. Ingredients: Chicken thigh and onion. Seasonings: Soy, oyster & fish sauce, soybean paste, grated ginger.
  4. Looks like happy ending to all 4 parties involved. Foreign men: Can stay on in their favorite country. Their wives: Can retain their financial backers(even if the men cannot prepare 400K up front, they still have some overseas income, e.g, social security payment from their home countries). Officers in charge: Some extra income(untaxable). Immigration bureau: Getting 1900B, by just stamping on aliens' passports.
  5. It was roughly THB2000(for all of the periodic injection at the public hospital: For rabies and tetanus) back in 2008. At hospital, treatment was done at the emergency outpatient room(no waiting time). And then, they issued me a 6-7 page card. Every time I got the shot, it was stamped. And that card is valid at any Thai hospitals. It was not a serious bite. Dog teeth just tipped the surface of my skin. Seemingly a friendly dog, suddenly bared its teeth and attempted to bite me. I sensed it, swiped my hand away. But some of the dog's teeth scratched skin surface. So I rushed to the municipality hospital just in case...
  6. Worst case scenario. While No Seat Belts/Helmets case won't hurt anyone else(other than themselves in accidents)...
  7. Is it about the last September incident(A Swiss kicked the female doctor in her back, yelling get out of my property. They later found out it was part of the public road, not his property. Despite his act of assault, the court dismissed charges against him)? Phuket court acquits Swiss man accused of kicking Thai woman on beach
  8. All of your texts here, Fruits of your contentious and overly emotional nature Pointlessly accusing someone who unemotionally quoted some reality in Thailand. After all, are you in Thailand? If so, why you choose to stay here, the kind of place you seem to be abhorrent of? Or you are half the world away from here, and barking at someone(who isn't any prominent figure) to get your steam off? I wouldn't know who you are, where you are. But at least, I can predict you hardly look like living a very happy life. Seemingly full of anger and dissatisfaction.
  9. If you feel I am a beneficiary of that sort of deal(traffice ticket cheat), it is irrelevant. As I don't drive here at all. I only quoted it as the example, from my knowledge(tales from those experienced it in the past).
  10. Not intended to attack others. Just quoted it as an example of what money can buy here, in response to someone's post. I don't believe my texts looks like accusing those in that sort of deal though. If you take it things that way, I suspect you must be paranoid.
  11. I have learned some complicated issues behind that. Quite a few 1st world expats in Thailand are actually savers to some Thai women who are otherwise likely to end up as the destitute(after they can no longer work as bar girls/prostitutes). And such foreign men are serving financial guardians to such people(those females are often from very poor family). Because of their lack of sufficient education(quite a few who could only finish primary school or even dropped out from it due to their dire poverty), they find it difficult to get some straight jobs. And not a few men in uniform at immigration bureau also seem to know that...
  12. One Perfect Example of the Black Market Economy here. A kind of Win-Win Deal. Rider/Driver: No bad marks on their lic. Cops: Some extra money. No real problems as long as no actual victims.
  13. During the previous military regime, there was some crack down on that. But the head of the immigration responsible for that(police General) was only transferred out to nearby province. And after that, business as usual(he continuing on his old backdoor trade) LOL. After all, it is a kind of Victimless Offence. Just like illegal foreign workers here; filling in the vacancies no one else applies for.
  14. Being successful is all about state of mind. Strongly agree. No stable happiness as long as you define it with someone else's measurement. In that respect, SNS is often the source of polluting information. Millions of people are trapped inside the illusion of someone else's flashy glory (including fakes). And devalue and blame themselves as inadequate. Just the same as spontaneous psychological imprisonment. Putting themselves behind invisible bars without guilt. The very last thing they should do in the Land of Freedom.
  15. E.G. 300 baht to cops' pocket, instead of 500B traffic ticket...
  16. Malanie recounted how a late swim from her Koh Lanta Yai accommodation turned into an unexpected overnight ordeal. Losing her bearings in the dark, she drifted us. ----------------------------- Looks like she was swept away by Rip Current. Quite an Irony. What risked her life, also led to her rescue later. Area of that Killer Wave is also an excellent fishing spot. That is why her rescuer's boat was operating around there. *Rip Current has an effect to round up sea creatures.
  17. No need to volunteer to be a guinea pig LOL. Already battle-proven in the past 8 years.
  18. Have never measured gas's strength it by any device. But easy accurate test for its effect. One shot in a cup/bowl. And get it close to your nose. If it makes you cough, it works; dogs' sense of smell is 50000 times better than man. If I feel suffocated with it, it is 100% effective; busted over 260 attacking dogs since its employment in 2018. Then most bad tempered dogs started to avoid me; they learned no senseless barks, no gas on their face.
  19. The most familiar example: Some expats and immigration(through visa broker). Visa extension without meeting prescribed requirements...
  20. How much bribes did these countries offer the judge under the table for their "Better Rank"?
  21. What do you mean by that? Any links between dog bark and individual health status? While I have heard some dogs detect particular medical condition of mankind.
  22. In Thailand, stray dog life is surprisingly easy and comfortable. Usually fed by town folks. Periodically get a Raby vaccinations and anti-tick spraying from the government. In addition, no freezing cold winter. It is far from Tough Life you imagine.
  23. There is one nasty half-stray in my neighborhood as well. While its color is black and white. Truly hopelessly stupid dog. Shot by my teargas spray a few times, and still doesn't learn. Needless vicious bark when it sees me in the street and get shot again. While most others learn very fast not to do it(understanding barking results in chili-vinegar jet onto own face).
  24. To the victim's family member, the monetary compensation is the most realistic form of justice. As it helps to cover the cost of her child's medical treatment. Without that incident, that family didn't have to shell out not a small amount of money for cure.
  25. Another tragedy caused by do-gooder attitude(toward strays) and apathy among the public here. Pretty much like the misplaced love of animals. Every time any dogs pose threat to me, I immediately shoot them with this(always with me while I am outside home). One squeeze and they dash away.
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