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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. That's the only reason for most male solo traveler to Pattaya from any countries.
  2. Buying a drink for himself and some extra for hostess. And refused to pay for that? No wonder these workers and the store keeper get upset with. That trouble seems pretty much like self-inflicted. Should have studied destination before his travel...
  3. Thailand is keen to retain the 3rd world country status for practical reasons; they are greatly benefited by that. Such as lower license fee to generic medicine production. That is why the cost of over-the-counter dose is often so inexpensive here. In that respect, expats are also beneficiaries of that scheme. lower license fee of generic medicine production license in the 3rd world countries - Google Search
  4. And far greater numbers of Locals. There are even animal volunteer foundations actively collecting donation for dog feed. Many of them often hate their sterilization, while some does.
  5. 7.62x51mm for a dog seems overkill. .22 will be enough. Or even air rifle(silent unlike charge weapons) does its job if the shot is well-placed(in the head). So the hunting can be done in the middle of the night without disturbing the locals.
  6. Thailand is said to have 10 million stray/free ranging dogs nationwide.
  7. Another brilliant (practical) idea. Even though they recently banned the consumption of dog meat back home(the new law will be enforced in 2027). south Korea banned dog meat consumption - Google Search While it is still the common practice in N/Kore. Apart from their traditional dietary culture, party because of their chronical food shortage.
  8. Good afternoon. Today's lunch: Sweet Hot Chicken, Vegetables, and Fried Tofu Stew and rice. With Sweet Chunky Tomato Soup. Main Dish's Ingredients: Chicken mince, egg plant, bean sprouts, carrot, and deep fried tofu(bean curd). Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy & oyster sauce, grated garlic, sugar, and tiny amount of chili powder. Soup' Ingredients: Tomato paste, Chinese cabbage, okra, onion, and water. Seasonings: Chicken stock, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, plum sauce, and tiny amount of sugar.
  9. Shrugging off their shoulders: Common Thai attitude when it comes to the stary dog issues. Relentlessly encouraging homeless dogs to breed on, while it has been a physical threat to the society for decades; frequent dog attack incidents nationwide. It often results in the death of the most vulnerable (infants and infirm elderly). Even a cop was arrested by shooting dangerous street dogs to protect own family member. Bangkok Post - Policeman 'shot dogs to protect his wife'
  10. Very good idea. I also posted the similar text in some other thread recently. That way, the nuisance vermin can be useful resources that generates new income. Even though it is highly unlikely to come true. Years ago, someone doing it privately arrested and prosecuted on the grounds of animal abuse. Some newspaper articles covering that sort of incident. Bangkok Post - Saving man's best friend from the butchers Thai police uncover truck filled with dog carcasses
  11. Hello,novacova, Unfortunately, I couldn't watch the footage you kindly posted(for unknown reasons). D/Loaded, but didn't play on my PC...
  12. Just a few minutes ago, I saw something really Creepy on YouTube. Not a ghost, not any paranormal thing... (1) ขนลุกน้ำตาจะไหล ตะขาบอะไรยาวใหญ่ได้ขนาดนี้ - YouTube
  13. Salute to another brave Instant Vigilante. Confronting a thug with knife. I often admire their valor exercised in a tense situation. Thai crowd helps police officer to battle a man with knife in Don Muang Market
  14. but doesn't work, LOL. I have heard of another stupid excuse(re: Burglary case, from some other country). During his court procedure, the robber tried to justify own action saying it was his Rescue Attempt. After a few knocks at the front door, no one responded. So he felt the "Old Man" in the house might have fallen unconscious. Then he forced his way into total stranger's home, breaking the door lock, to help him out...
  15. Authorities were still working to identify and locate the suspect known as Kevin.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They should have all these information suppressed till they capture the whole criminal ring altogether. When it makes a headline, it only alerts the accomplice(still at large) and helps his escape to outside Thailand. It is said to be Thai police's common tactical error. Premature Media Release...
  16. Is it that important to you after all? If 2 of them agreed to do so through intensive talk, it was Their decision. And it looks more concrete. That is all. We are just strangers; it is none of my business. And I am not even an Americal. Just a reader of one article...
  17. Little Had I Expected to witness any Extremist would possibly make any Positive Input to the society during my lifetime... If Self-Claimed Liberals activate the Genetical Self-Destruction Protocol, What the Opposite Side would start? Breed, breed, and Breed? Future power balance in US of A, will certainly change that way; through the shift in social demography. America is the most powerful and influential country in the world. So that would certainly impact the rest...
  18. Quite an Irony: One of those people denied own future bloodline by Choice. 100% Spontaneously...
  19. United States of America, often regarded the Land of the Freedom & Opportunity from the time of its foundation. And that certainly includes a kind of Freedom to make herself Infertile By Choice. Nothing more, nothing less...
  20. Good morning. Today's breakfast: Mild Red Fish Vegetable Curry. With Chunky Milk Vegetable Soup. Curry's Ingredients: Mackerel(canned), egg plant, potato, onion, tomato paste. Seasonings: Curry powder, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, grated garlic, and (tiny amount of )chili powder & sugar. Soup's Ingredients: Milk, potato, pumpkin, okra, pak choy, and tofu(bean curd), Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster, and fish sauce,
  21. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am posting a fun footage taken yesterday morning at Chiang Mai Gate Market(in Chiang Mai, Thailand). I also posted it on YouTube. Hope you like it. If you have recently photographed/video taped) something funny/interesting, please post.
  22. Are these Beach Sleepers deemed Close Cousins to the Beg Packers in SE Asia?
  23. Which is the actual issue to the writer(SNS viewers) of this article? Those sleeping on the beach(not paying for hotel accommodation); not contributing local economy? Or their litter bug habit?
  24. At least, not built as the Sacred Site, in the first place. Originally, sleepy fishing port. Then developed to be the town of Booze and Sex Trade for military R&R during the period of Indo China war...
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