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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Gee we are defensive today. Makes me suspicious to be honest. These are the sorts of foreigners that give us all a bad name unfortunately.
  2. The complainers will join us soon, anything positive brings them out.
  3. Try and keep up.. Here is one from two days ago discussing a 16 year old girl from a Bangkok “bar”
  4. Thailand does attract these types. Some even openly discuss it on this forum.
  5. Let the muppets complain. That is all they have in their lives. Based on a sad narrative, not the real world.
  6. These Thais, the police and courts always take rage sides of the Thais when there is a Farang involved. Racists. Oh wait?
  7. How could I be wrong. A prediction was made by the experts. I am not going to believe some clown on the Internet with no access to any figures or reality.
  8. That’s the problem these days. Kids are too soft. Back in my day three months wouldn’t have passed without the teachers pulling me and my friends into line. Talking to us would not have cut it. About that age it was usually the ruler on the hand. Teacher used to get pissed off when she missed because I was too quick. When I was older it was off to the headmasters office for a caning. Mum and Dad used to dish it out when required also. Then later teens, police would give us the same. The old phone book didn’t leave too many marks. Hardened us up for the real world. And look how good I turned out. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Sadly these days the kids are all spoiled and have “mental health” issues. Woke
  9. You seem to have issues with many on this forum. A lot of conflict. Did you ever consider “it might be me?”
  10. I have told you a million times before not to exaggerate.
  11. It was pre COVID. i wouldn’t remember exactly how to get there to be honest.
  12. I would do the same. Prison rape is not up there on my to do list
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