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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. The local people don’t give a damn. But you do. So you will have to do it if you want your problem solved. I was talking about council taxes. Go on, get out there. It is going to take you a while. Do your bit
  2. A world wide problem with global warming sadly.
  3. Thai males remind me of dogs. They have a built in sense of being able to judge a good or bad character. I remember you posting on another thread about drinking with your Thai male friends. Perhaps they were imaginary like the friends you claimed to be with in Koh Chang this weekend? Still waiting for your photo of all the booze you claimed to have bought for the trip in the “boot” of your van you hired.
  4. With climate change and emissions from fossil fuels increasing every year this problem will just get worse as sea levels keep rising.
  5. I am a sexpat now. No longer a tourist. Full timer.
  6. Yep, and now the indiscrete Chinese have alerted the average Thais to it and stuffed it up for all of us.
  7. The women from there seem to be a more beautiful, whiter and taller than their shorter and darker Burirum/SiSaket/Surin cousins.
  8. I got mine done in Bangla Road last week. i rang the bell and the girls all confirmed I have a good heart.
  9. Well this news will ruin the weekend for many “owners”, real estate agents, lawyers and the Thais who are nominees.
  10. I thought it was a popularity contest voted by the members? If that was the case it seems a bit weird to ban the most popular.
  11. It is called planning ahead. And part of the reason that Thailand is leading the world in the tourism sector. Now stop wasting time and get back to work. You need the money.
  12. Gawd. Do you ever get through the day without some conflict? It was our boy who brought race into it, and quite nastily and unnecessarily also. Ugly
  13. Rubbish. A hostage was rescued this week because of a tip off from a Palestinian
  14. Get out there and start picking it up. Everyone complains, but very few actually do anything about it. You don’t pay any council rates in Pattaya correct?
  15. In your rush to be the first to post again you obviously did not read the OP correctly. Nobody said they were going to have 80 million by 2031. But they would increase the capacity to 80 million by 2031. Now you get back to work in smoggy Bangkok, I am going out for breakfast in the tropical sunshine overlooking the Andaman Sea with a beautiful young lady.
  16. The reason Thaksin is so, or was, so popular with the masses is that he did lift millions out of poverty. Millions genuinely love him for it. Prayut and his gang had no idea about business and closed many beach and street vendors down, and stuffed things up. They didn’t create wealth for the people, they just took for themselves. Thaksin is the man.
  17. How would you know? You would not have a clue. if you do have a clue please give your estimate.
  18. I read on another thread that the most popular posters who won the best posters of the year, including a handicapped man and a Thai woman were banned. Which would be like banning all your best players of a football team. lt won’t be a good result
  19. 500-5,000 Depends on your negotiating skills.and their self esteem. And time of the month. Today, is bargain day with rent and other bills being due tomorrow. Good luck.
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