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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. Looks like we have a loser who worships Andrew Tate nonsense. Probably an incel
  2. in all the news. https://www.komchadluek.net/news/general-news/583395
  3. 16 years old and Matayom 4 https://www.khaosod.co.th/around-thailand/news_9368929
  4. A lot of assumptions as usual. It was an accident, there was no intent to kill the kid. There had been 494 accidents there over the last three years, one every two days, maybe there is more to it than just blaming the truck driver who had the decency to stop and assist with enquiries. And I doubt if a helmet would have done much being dragged down the road under a ten wheeler gas truck. RIP Pailin 16 is too young to die
  5. Still quite cheap really. Just plant more, they are easy to grow. Glueayๆ
  6. Surprised this doesn’t happen more often with all the groups of cyclists in Phuket. Too many bad drivers, drivers on phones and drivers who can’t handle their booze on Phuket’s roads to be on a push bike. I wonder if the cyclists were in a single file or hogging the road blocking traffic?
  7. Sounds like Nattapong was more interested in his inheritance more than the welfare of his father.
  8. They say dogs are a good judge of character. Franz. Another Swiss idiot attacking Thai women? Deport and black ban the scumbag.
  9. Nice weasel word that “characterizing” It is happening Everyday. Your bombs.
  10. And you are a real hypocrite Indeed Israel and the the USA have killed more people in than any other country . That is the reality. How many have been slaughtered this week? We are better off without them, the dead are gone and the survivors are full of hate and grief. So who are the real pigs?
  11. Good advice would be to buy a car. If you were in a car you probably wouldn’t have needed to go to hospital. Too many bad drivers, drivers on phones and people who can’t drink drive responsibly out there. Too dangerous.
  12. We have a choice. But the choice is an overweight middle aged frump. So a slim girl just out of her teens for a pittance is a better choice.
  13. There is a certain rapey feel about it for sure.
  14. Very true. as an overweight, shabbily dressed male in my 50s hot girls in the UK will not do me for free and the prostitutes who are young and fit are too expensive and make you wear condoms. Here in SEA I can have very young women who often look even younger than they are for prices that are so cheap they are almost free and if you work out the hourly rate for a long time it is cheaper than drinking beer per hour. Plus you can get them to do the things to them that most girls in the west will mostly refuse, anal, threesomes, facials, bareback etc etc And they have nice hair and beautiful skin.
  15. Yes, by the richer Thais. And a large proportion of the girls are Laotian, Cambodian or Burmese. The Thai men are using their advantage the same way we do. But I think the OP was referring to us white people exploiting the locals in this thread so that is what I was discussing. Nice bit of whataboutism though. good one.
  16. Many things are more enjoyable when stoned like eating and having sex. More pleasure.
  17. Perhaps because of the issue of consent. The prostitutes are only consenting to let us use their bodies because we are paying them. And by sheer luck we were born from countries with higher wealth, in the UK because our ancestors went around colonizing and exploiting other countries resources, in the USA because they used kidnapped black slaves to do all the work for free. So the result is we can defile these beautiful young girls, from poor and often dysfunctional homes with our sickest sexual perversions for the price of a meal. It sure is good being us. But people with empathy will be upset by this situation. It is to be expected.
  18. You sound like a jealous person intimidated by those who have achieved the success that you can only dream about.
  19. When I was over there recently I have to say I didn’t even notice it. A bit of a non issue for me. I couldn’t care less.
  20. Not all Muslims care about the west. Living in the south of Thailand I come across many and they are not obsessed at all and are more concerned about just living their lives, getting their kids to school, running their small businesses. There seems to be a higher percentage of the blood thirsty, gun toting, idiotic Americans who obsess about eliminated all Muslims. And it is the American government who goes in and slaughters hundreds of thousands of them in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc and destroying their homes and businesses, not the other way around apart from one or two attacks by small groups of redial terrorists.
  21. I wouldn’t be shedding any tears. However it won’t happen, Israel and the USA have too many weapons, it is physically impossible and just scaremongering nonsense to claim that is what will happen. It won’t.
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