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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. They were lifeguards so I hope they can swim otherwise they will need to be rescued when doing rescues.
  2. Well that goes against the narrative that I have read here over the last two weeks.
  3. That is great news. i was thinking 5-6 bedroom villas would be the most profitable. So I won’t even need a license.
  4. Who said you bank/s aren't passing on your information to governments. I dunno. Who said it?
  5. What are you on about? 99.999% of tourists can get out of the airport. It is a very good airport. And some stunning women who are welcome to give me a full cavity search if required.
  6. I reckon the sushi here is better than the Japanese stuff. They have improved on the original. Cheap too.
  7. I guess you never qualified for a citizenship? Plenty have and if you read the comments here you will see it is very doable. just takes a bit of time, which I have.
  8. Bit jealous are we? I wouldn’t get too excited. That will buff out in no time.
  9. If Americans were happy with the terrible job he did he wouldn’t not have been turfed out after only one term which is rare. That is how it works. And he lost to a terrible candidate. He is a Loser.
  10. Trump had his chance when he was president for four years. He failed spectacularly and was turfed out in a landslide by the voters.
  11. You don’t need an Apple phone to track a phone down. google “Find my phone”.
  12. I doubt if they would have needed five Thais for this punk. The woman nearly took care of him herself. And these Thais can fight, as shown by the way they handled those much larger British hooligans last week in Pattaya. The national sport in Thailand is Muay Tai. Like boxing but elbows, feet and knees also allowed.
  13. Yes I have been busy getting visa, bank account, citizenship, hotel license and business advice. it has been fantastic to be honest and saved me a lot of legwork. and have been awarded many awards also from the forum which you probably noticed. What has horrified me is the constant stream of shocking reports involving Brits behaving terribly, murder, ripping of sex workers, hit and runs etc etc No wonder the UK givernment has given this warning with the threat of jail. Thai jail at that.
  14. Thais tan up nicely if out on the beach all day helping tourists. He is a lifeguard. Especially in southern Thailand
  15. Ok, good to know. I think it will be best that I ask sellers to apply and obtain a license before I buy just to be safe.
  16. Thais are such beautiful people. We are blessed to be living here. Another day in Paradise.
  17. Got to love the Thais. Helped him more like you would help a drunk friend. I am liking Thailand more and more everyday.
  18. Thanks for the real life information Sounds fairly simple and straight forward. Good luck with it.
  19. You sound very uptight. The thread is UK warns British tourists to behave in Thailand or face jail time I don’t get what you are ranting on about.
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