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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. And it is still scaremongering, which should not be allowed. There is no news, info or indication that the tax return will be connected to visa extensions. You are the only one continuing with the scaremongering without any evidence. Give it a rest
  2. Obviously it are the communication companies that provide the call centers with the numbers. Prove is that I have 2 sims in my phone, one post paid, and one pre paid./ The latter has never been used to make a call, or given to anyone, since it is only to have enable a subscription to an online service, which isn't Thai based either. I receive spam and scam calls at least 4-5 times a week on that number, but never answer because since nobody knows the number, it can't be legit
  3. You mean YOUR lies, as usual? Trump never made the claim that it would happen the day after he was ELECTED
  4. May I ask why only 3, since there are many more. Is there anywhere a link with the details on how many hostages and in what timespan they will be released?
  5. Is your AN handle correct, or should it be lookforproblemfarang? Why not ask him yourself, or even better, mind your own business.
  6. Livenet is a free app, they get funded through the advertisements.
  7. I doubt my embassy's messages are based on media reports, but Benjamin likes his own voice a lot, and his company is raking the baht in from people who watch his videos.
  8. I don't know about your embassy, but mine has informed me by email about this on 31 October 2023, and an update on 19 March 2024. Are you registered as living in Thailand at your embassy?
  9. Are you sure this post wasn't intended for the worst joke forum?
  10. I'm not ignoring the law. If you have an income, but below the threshold, you need to file a return. If you have no income at all, you don't need to file, and according to reports on this forum, most offices won't even give you a tax ID. But the most important thing is this. It will not happen They can't even link traffic fines to the car registration renewals.
  11. It are not just small steps. They are complicated for the conditions the Thai bureaucracy is in. They can't even link traffic fines to the car registration renewals. Yes of course, they have scare mongered about that in the press as well, but obviously from the reports on this forum, it isn't happening. Lastly, I stay in Thailand 365 days, but haven't remitted any money in the last 3 years, so I don't need to file a tax return. I can't get an extension because I don't remit any money??
  12. Because you don't have to be a tax resident to get a 1 year extension. You can have 1 year extensions and stay less 180 days in Thailand
  13. Maybe stop the selective reading to prevent making an invalid point. From your own link. While evidence suggests it has generally resulted in higher productivity, some studies indicate that working from home can have a negative impact on one's motivation and creativity. And Dr. Benjamin B. Dunford: Remote Working Heightens Risk of Miscommunication These issues often lead to unresolved conflicts and misaligned expectations, hindering the team's ability to engage in healthy, productive discussions and effectively navigate disagreements.
  14. Plenty of researches available that prove remote work is 10 - 20% less productive. Only anti Trumpers will deny everything the Republicans introduce
  15. Oh yes we did, and there may even be earlier ones.
  16. No the shoulder doesn't disappear, the third lane disappears. But as we all know already that you like to hear your own voice, and in every thread want to have the last word, don't bother to reply as I will not engage in any conversation with you again.
  17. It is still no point of discussion for me. The road in the picture is a 1 lane road, where there is a signage that it concerns a designated bike lane, and there is a double white line, which indicates that it can not be crossed by either the bikes or the cars. So it is not even to be used as a hard shoulder. The road in Phuket is a 2 lane road, with no bike lane signage, and a single white line
  18. Maybe comprehension isn't your strongest point, try to read my post again, s l o w l y this time. I said insurance will not pay if there is head trauma because no helmet. Does that make him at fault? Certainly it does for the insurance
  19. Are you sure about that? I'm confident that if there is head trauma because not wearing a helmet, the insurance will refuse to pay, regardless if at fault or not.
  20. It's not unclear. If there is a full white or yellow line between the hard shoulder and the road, it is an emergency lane. And it is not allowed for motorized vehicles to use the emergency lane, except in emergencies
  21. I'm sure that ladyboy is now serving a 10 year jail sentence, not?
  22. I'm pretty sure their change of policy is not directly directed at people using the bathrooms, but that comes with the rules of course. As another poster mentioned already, and I know there are posters on this forum that do this, is people who sit for hours working online without ordering a consumption. It is also clear from the OP what triggered the change of rules. They were not just there using the toilet. This policy marks a departure from the company’s 2018 decision to allow unrestricted public access to its stores. That change was implemented following a widely publicized incident in Philadelphia, where two Black men were arrested while waiting for a business meeting at a Starbucks. They had not made a purchase,
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