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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. The poster, ME, asked a question, clearly visible from the question mark at the end, and added IF to his question. The poster, ME, also wasn't the first to bring world wide taxation in to this thread, since the expert ex bank doorman very active in this thread, brought it up
  2. Then why you start a thread instead of asking Roojai? You think anyone on this forum gonna know the answer? BTW, why I was removed from the 103rd spot on your ignore list. Please add me again
  3. Nope that was NOT the post you replied to. Do you see anywhere in that post the line "I'm well aware that it currently isn't taxable as long as I don't remit, " This was the post you replied to and omitted part of it.
  4. I tried to answer your question, shame you don't comprehend it. To me it is clear that Roojai doesn't insure drivers over 75 year of age, and that will apply to any driver
  5. Why omit part of my post to make it fit your AGENDA?
  6. I'm well aware that it currently isn't taxable as long as I don't remit, and that was also why I asked IF wwt is implemented
  7. As pointed out in my post, I don't remit any money to Thailand in the foreseeable future, and my pension is my only income. But my understanding is that 460.000 baht is more than what I can deduct in Thailand to be tax free. So does the DTA cover me, because it is not taxable in my home country.
  8. I receive about 13000 Euro (460.000 baht) pension in my home country, which has a DTA and I don't remit any money to Thailand. I don't get taxed on that in my home country, because it is below the minimum. In the event that Thailand start to implement world wide taxation, will I have to pay tax on it?
  9. If they don't insure you as first driver at age 75, why do you think they still will insure you as second driver? Think easiest way would be to change insurance company
  10. Because an IT professional, which is what they are looking for, is not an engineer?
  11. Thanks for the confirmation, my thoughts were also that it is because of less popular with Thai people. All my bikes, big and small, for the past 40 years have been Yamaha, so I lean more that side. That said, I have no intention to sell in a few years, since the bike is secondary transport for around the block for me. The bike in question is actually end 2023, and goes for less than a PCX from 2022, and what is more important, it has a full service history with service book and Yamaha warranty card included, so it should still qualify for the 5 year Yamaha warranty.
  12. Because it doesn't fits with his woke mind.
  13. I discovered PDFgear recently. Best free PDF reader I found in years, with lot of options. I avoid everything from Adobe, unless one want his pc messed up at one point in the future
  14. You make my point, about being silly. How long in your silly brain would someone have to search before buying something?
  15. Really sad when people can't read between the lines of a post to understand the point. Especially those that litter the forum with their wisdom day in day out
  16. Thanks for your replies, but it seems you all missed the point of my thread. I wasn't asking investing advice, but rather, would it be safe to deposit the purchased gold at Hua Seng Heng?
  17. Why not share the link here? I buy this one. https://shopee.co.th/🔥11.11🔥🥤ผงนมแดรี่ริช-1KG-(มีให้เลือก2สี)-นมผง-dairy-rich-หัวนมผงเบเกอรี่-หัวนมผงเต็มมันเนย-i.84409515.22775977921
  18. Looks like you have too much time on your hands posting silly replies. Please don't tell me that was a serious question
  19. Prepare your meals a usual, put it on your plate, then discard 30% of it in the rubbish bin. Eat the remaining part
  20. And that is just the problem with the liberals, they parole illegal immigrants so they can vote, but the US doesn't need these unskilled people. The Indian visas Musk is talking about are predominantly skilled tech people from India
  21. Thanks for the useful feedback, I learn from it. I only started looking for a bike when I started the topic, so I'm a complete noob. I notice Nmax goes slightly cheaper than PCX, but don't know if this is related to popularity, new price or quality. I currently have my eye on 2023 Nmax with 4500 km and complete service history, and it is cheaper than the listed 2023 PCX, which are mostly also from professional sellers and rarely have a service history. If you had to choose between Nmax and PCX, which would be your choice, and why?
  22. Although I'm 66 years old, I'm not much into movies from the sixties or seventies, with a few exceptions maybe. I also not a favourite of the newer action movies. I like action movies like Die Hard and Mad max, but after part 1 or 2, the actions scenes start to be unrealistic, and they put me off. I mainly like comedies and those with a sentimental touch. This is another favourite of mine, which I will watch again tonight. Lion 2016
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