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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Is that really the best you can do in the last thousand or so of your posts? Posting one-liners and calling people names like silly billy, fruit cake, Russian stooge etc
  2. The main argument for Brexit was immigration., which is also one of the key points of the conservatives, so yes Brexit was a right wing decision. And since the poster I replied to was a hardcore Brexiteer, that makes him far right
  3. And you are in denial. You were a staunch Brexit proponent, which was a far right act
  4. In other threads, you are bragging about how your electric toy has faster acceleration than ICE cars, so I nominate your post for troll post of the year. Actually it is difficult to distinguish between all your posts which one qualifies most
  5. As our resident Brit far right supporter, you should know everything about
  6. I stopped watching series and movies more than a decade ago for such reasons. If one wants to continue to live in an unrealistic dreamworld, then enjoy your VoD.
  7. Following you around, really? You have an inflated sense of ego as well
  8. OP is jealous and tries to be a Bob Smith wannabe with his topics, but fails miserably at it.
  9. See you there. https://restaurantguru.com/Cheap-Charlie-Pattaya-Pattaya/menu
  10. You must have a special skyscanner, because this is what I get selecting flexible dates for the whole month of December. Cheapest is 864 AU$ Take note this is only the departing flight, then still have to select the return. I select the one at $640 and this is the result I got.
  11. Patel would need to have a case to go after them. Maybe that's why they need a pardon?
  12. Didn't the OP posted just yesterday that he was going back to Canada, and that he was financially strong?
  13. If you knew all that, and didn't learn anything, congrats. If the opposite, oh well This is not about what I knew or not knew, it belongs in the same category as the climate change threads. Ok we can not eat sugar anymore, we also should not eat fat, also not processed foods and I'm sure I forget a lot of other things we should not eat. Oh yeah, salmon is healthy, but just the other day I read an article that claimed you should not eat it more than once a week, otherwise it would become unhealthy. Maybe we should start grazing like the cows? In short, I have eaten all my life what I like to eat. I'm 66 years old, and I can't remember the last time I saw a doctor, other than for a dirty flute. My dad died last year, 2 days before his 96th birthday, and he never has looked after what he could or could not eat. The only medicine he took was something for cholesterol, so I think I will be fine with my diet.
  14. That was 29 minutes of my life wasted.
  15. What does this thread have to do with politics, other than that it is another anti-Trump thread, started by a sore liberal loser?
  16. Skyscanner shows me prices starting at 35.000 baht for a direct flight. W#hy you not provide evidence?
  17. 800 AUS return flight with Thai? I have a hard time to believe that
  18. My granola has 15/100gr sugar. A portion is 100 - 150 gram with skimmed milk. Most foods I know have a much higher sugar content
  19. Yes you are confused, battered fish is something you order in a fish and chips shop, not in a seafood restaurant that serves fresh seafood. Surprised you didn't order chicken nuggets a side dish as well
  20. You just took it to a new level, asking for fish and chips in a seafood restaurant, and then you are surprised they don't have that
  21. Just another misconception from the same "experts" that know MSG is unhealthy. First of all, fruitwine isn't juice with alcohol in it, it's wine to which fruit juice got added. Something comnpletely different. Next, I always see members brag on here that they buy fruit juice in the supermarket, and ferment it to the best wine money can buy.
  22. Bread and Tapas don't belong with Khao man gai, and neither does wine. The price for the meal, without the wine, was 8.80 Euro + 10% VAT = 9.68 Euro (348 Baht at today rate) A similar meal can be had in Thailand for less than 400 baht, in a beach front restaurant hundreds of meters away from the beach, as in the case of the OP. A glass of wine can also be had for 2.5 Euro (about 100 baht) in the same restaurant
  23. You pretend to know everything, then why you show your ignorance over and over again, in every thread you get involved? https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/about/about-mosquito-bites.html About Mosquito Bites Key points Female mosquitoes bite people and animals to get a blood meal. Most female mosquitoes cannot produce eggs without a blood meal. Male mosquitoes do not bite people and animals. People react differently to mosquito bites.
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