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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. So what if the monies don't come from pensions? No extension? Looks to me as someone in Roi Et decided he can have his own rules and invented a new document. I do not believe that if this was issued by immigration head office that it would be so poor English
  2. Stock market prices are based on profit the company makes. You didn't think their profits would be lower while increasing prices, way over what would be reasonable? Nope they all make record profits, while the man in the street keeps less money in his pocket.
  3. Of course, because with such comments he secures a Trump presidency. You do know that stock price is based on how companies will perform in the future?
  4. So the links I posted are not credible enough for you, because they contradict what you want to hear?
  5. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/canadian-doctor-behind-cognitive-test-says-trump-s-score-is-normal-performance-1.5036251 TORONTO -- The Canadian doctor behind the cognitive test Donald Trump recently took says the U.S. president's results are "normal performance," adding that the assessment is not an intelligence or an IQ test. Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, who developed the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in the early 1990s, told CTVNews.ca that the 30-question test is used as a screening tool to identify cognitive dysfunction, including early signs of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. "The average score for normal individuals is 27, the cut off for normal is 26 so anything above 26 is considered normal. When [Trump] got 30 out of 30 on the test, it's still considered to be normal performance," Nasreddine said in a phone interview on Thursday. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/11/24/health/trump-hospital-gupta-analysis/index.html “He actively asked me to include that in it, so we did,” Jackson told reporters, including myself. Jackson said Trump received a 30 out of 30 on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a quick screening for mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s disease but not a diagnostic tool. Jackson said that President Trump asked that he be administered a cognitive exam, which is not a routine part of a physical. Jackson, who had also been the physician to President Barack Obama, said it was the first time he was aware of any president taking any sort of cognitive test.
  6. And he passed the test with flying colours. How about your dement incumbent?
  7. So you don't have 17,400 pound but you want to retire in Thailand? Try to learn the quote function on this forum first. If you apply for a Visa in the UK, you have a visa, and you can open a bank account in Thailand, to apply for your extension in 1 or 2 years. @khunPer explained that to you already
  8. Out of curiosity, how do you prove you have 400K or 800K in a Thai bank account, without having a Thai bank account? Because you can not apply for a visa inside Thailand, you apply for a visa in your home country, and as such have to show the money in an account in your home country. Oh yes they are, because they only can open a bank account with Bangkok bank, since there is someone dodgy there who accepts money to bend the rules. Try going to Bangkok bank yourself, and see if you can open an account. Same for the TT3, to show you have sent money from abroad, which you haven't, also only can be bought at Bangkok bank
  9. And this explains what an idiot you are and why you can't even use an internet based service
  10. Yes you can, spoke to Shopee on the phone this morning
  11. That excludes Biden then, because it is obvious he has no ability to think.
  12. The reason for that is price and corporate discounts
  13. ABS products that have gone yellow can be made white again with hydrogen peroxide. Plenty of youtubes available on the subject
  14. Is that the same as being in an elderly home? My parents had been in an elderly home for the last 4-5 years of their life, and the cost was 1800 Euro per person
  15. @Crossy I have opened one of the motors and taken some pictures. Is this something that is common available at a reasonable price? I think the biggest issue will be the top as I'm not sure that is removable. Thanks
  16. Agreed, I have 2 Daikin inverters 13 years old now, and been problem free and proper white. Have also 2 Fujitsu's and 1 LG inverter, and they are completely yellow, although the Fujitsu's are mounted so high up that no daylight ever can reach them.The LG is a problem unit and has been repaired 3 times already for different issues, and still doesn't work properly. The last thing I would consider when purchasing a new unit would be some Chinese crap, leave them for the same people who promote Chinese EV's on this forum
  17. Did you receive these questions after you initiated a transfer, and is your money still in your bank account or already with Wise?
  18. You mean as in the UN investigating the UN? Shows again how naive you are.
  19. This issue has increased worries about the possibility of corruption within the council and the need for stricter supervision. I corrected it for you
  20. Sure it wasn't Thai immigration that sent that message? Now how would anyone be able to comply with that? If I send money from my home country to Thailand, it is because I live here but my account is still in my home country, and there will be no statement from yesterday, because there are no other transactions than those wise transfers
  21. After covid, and much less western tourists, I guess several major importers just stopped importing a lot of products. When you look at Big C xtra, it is obvious they are currently dumping a lot of Casino products, or how else would one explain why they get sold with more than 50% discounts
  22. Laughing all the way to the bank?
  23. Ayam baked beans light contain 4.8gr/100gr sugar. I know many other foods popular with expats that are much higher in sugar content. https://www.ayambrand.com.sg/index.php/our-range/baked-beans/product/baked-beans-light-425g
  24. Then we should have stayed home. I always have to laugh when I see those posts on FB Bangkok expats, people who want only a particular brand of mustard or mayonnaise or crisps, as that is the only one that is good enough. Then if they find it, start complaining about the price.
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