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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Currency exchange companies like SuperRich can transfer whatever amount overseas, but it has to be exchanged in foreign currency first
  2. For once I hope the US voice on this will be heard internationally.
  3. I'm not a Brit, LOL, our election was June 9. BTW I believe that my ballots were sent by the Embassy since it had a Thai postal stamp on it.
  4. I sent mine back by snail mail, and I even considered that as 60 baht too much. I took a picture of the envelope with the postal stamp attached as evidence, because sure it will not arrive in time, but that's the least of my worries. Why they need to send me the ballot papers only 7 days before the election date is a mystery to me.
  5. It would be a great help if you would refrain from being a major pedant on this forum arguing with EVERYONE, just for the sake of arguing. If you had opened you s*it eyes you had noticed I posted 2 examples already
  6. That is just my point. If they had an strict algorithm in place, as another member claims, how this item could ever pass? https://shopee.co.th/3D-NAND-SATA-SSD-1TB-Blue-3D-NAND-Internal-PC-SSD-SATA-III-6-Gb-s-SATA-SSD-i.266357122.24068377394? Or this one https://shopee.co.th/3D-Nand-Sata-Ssd-1Tb-Blue-Internal-Pc-Iii-6-Gb-S-G-9--i.266356953.23087439599?
  7. In your dreams, otherwise why would that strict algorithm not catch brand-new 2Tb WD Blue SSD's sold at 500 baht. Or items with brand names, while that real brand doesn't even manufacture that item? I can give you hundreds of such cases that are active for long time on both platforms. I have even reported several of them, with solid evidence included. Why do you think that if you return an item that is fake or isn't as promised, you are not allowed to write a review? Simply because Shopee or Lazada doesn't want to be exposed for them supporting their bogus sellers
  8. 6 month ago I bought a Windows 10 key from Shopee for 83 baht, minus 10 baht coupon, so total 73 baht. Still working fine. Shopee removes those shops and listings very quickly, so you have to act fast.
  9. You are arguing with someone who started a thread that he stopped eating baked beans because they were more than 50 baht for a large tin. Why you think he would ever think about paid iptv packages? He's the kind of guy that think cheap is good, and cheaper is better
  10. My money always used to arrive in seconds, but lately they tell me it HAS arrived, only it isn't in my account. Last transfer arrived in my account, according to Wise, at 9:08pm last evening but till now there is nothing in my Kasikorn account.
  11. Just wait, the young generation voted for MFP, and FFP in the previous election, and they got fooled twice. Surely they aren't happy with what happened, and they may voice their discontent about Thaksin ruling the country again at a later stage.
  12. Wise payments to my account are also delayed lately. I receive the email you got paid, and when I click the tracking link it says your money should have arrived in your bank at xx.xx time, only thing is that it hasn't, and may take 1 or 2 days to actually show up in my account. My account is Kasikorn, which I thought was a partner bank from Wise. Not a major issue as I know it will arrive, but they should get their act together, since this never happened in the past but very often in the last month. In the past, it might have taken a little longer than usual for some transfers, but then the tracking would also not show the money should be in your bank now. It would show like, it takes a little longer or so, but as soon as it showed as in the account it would be in the account. Edit: I havent read the whole thread, but do the delays happen with all banks, or is it just Kasikorn bank?
  13. I DO mind. This is a payment I received from someone in Australia, and this discussion is not about Swift transfers. The tread is about Wise, and another member said that he used XE, and they were cheaper and no fees. I showed him the evidence that there are fees at recipient end.
  14. If you look at the screenshots it is very clear that 1500 baht was sent.
  15. May I know which bank you use in Thailand. My experience with XE was a transfer from Australia to my Kasikorn bank account. The money arrived in a Bank bank account (I don't have a BKB account) and a small fee was deducted. BKB then transferred to my Kasikorn account using a service from which the name slips me, and that added a service fee of about 350 baht. Edit: just found the transaction in my history. Today your transfer arrived in my account, and it was only 1040 Baht,. I have called my bank already and they have investigated XE has transferred to Bangkok bank, who charge 350 Baht fee. Bangkok bank then transfers to Kasikorn, but since this is a Bahtnet transfer, Kasikorn charges another 110 Baht, so total fee 460 Baht. Kasikorn has suggested that you take it up with XE, since you haven't asked to transfer to Bangkok bank, but i think there is little chance they will take up their responsibility. I include screenshots from the transfer.
  16. You are right about roundabouts, only that they don't work in Thailand with their selfish drivers. Look at the disaster the dolphin roundabout is, and there was one on jomtien second road, which since also has been removed because it was a disaster. In my opinion u-turns are not that bad, given that they are constructed in the correct way. This means no 2 direction u-turns, because the view get blocked by those using the u-turn from the apposite direction, and making it life-threatening. Secondly, so many u-turns I have seen the view is blocked by traffic or other signs. Obviously, the road designers in Thailand still have to learn a lot. Most of the time I actually wonder if it is just the local somtam seller who get the job. Definitely, those who designed thepprasit road should be thrown in jail for what they created there.
  17. Obviously, they have never heard about wave breachers here.
  18. I also have been aware of a few very wealthy digital nomads here in Pattaya. Two of them have been murdered in clear view, and one has committed suicide. The others are just waiting their ordeal. I'm sure you know the difference between digital nomads and online scammers/fraudsters.
  19. What happened over those thousands of years you mention, was a bit different from a 1.5°C increase or decrease. Studying maths helps, instead of listening to Greta
  20. If you consider 80 baht for a beer too expensive, then I guess canteens is where you usually hang out, so you probably know everything about the environment there
  21. You are definitely not left of center. Using the term woke puts you in the far right I think Bob was talking about your political siding, but I guess that went over your head
  22. This is not about Le Penn. All over the world, except in the Middle East, anti-islam parties are gaining popularity and even get to lead the country. You think those voters are youtube followers, or actually the general population who have enough of it? Immigration is happening for decades, and countries needed it, but this is something different from the East, and South, Europeans who migrated here to look for a job
  23. I know some who were murdered for it, and others who needed 24/7 security, and even change identity and live in secret places
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