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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Not sure if something get lost in translation, but for the mechanical switch of the Foresee motor, they clearly provide an AC and DC version, for a reason unknown to me.
  2. Yes I'm aware of that, but since the BSM motor runs on AC, and the mechanical switch for my Foresee F500 motor, clearly differs between AC and DC motors, so there must be a difference somewhere. Since you seem to be well-informed on this subject, maybe you know where the difference will be. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002630161335.html Foresee Original Stroke Switch Limit Switch For F500 F550 Electric Sliding Gate Opener Sliding Door Motor Note: Door resistance accessories are divided into AC and DC, which are accessories on different motors, please pay attention to the distinction.Original AC door resistance accessories suitable for F500B/F500M/F500G/F500G+/F550M/F550G I could have ordered one a little cheaper, and get actually exactly the same product, but it didn't state if it was AC or DC. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i5034327506-s21285178581.html? So I thought I should remove all speculation and order one designed for an AC motor.
  3. Found an AC version on Shopee for 270 bht, so it's on the way, and soon will know if it works, otherwise it get returned. I have chatted with multiple sellers on Shopee and Lazada, but none of them actually know if it will work. Will keep you updated
  4. I'm going to replace this part on my car, as it seems to be leaking somewhere, either the tube or the connection, but difficult to see. But since they will be fixing other things on the car, and I found an aftermarket version at a reasonable price, I will proceed. Nissan uses these washers, which are 640 baht for the pair, and not easily resourced in aftermarket, while 4 copper washers from the same dimensions would set me back 50 baht in total. Is there a particular reason why Nissan makes them in this shape, and I shouldn't use separate washers?
  5. Then it isn't a Redmi note 11, because the global version supports LTE/4G and the China version 5G. There is no 3G redmi note 11
  6. Why would a 4G enabled phone be worthless when the 3G networks shuts down?
  7. But you didn't realise that 5G and 4G are wireless cellular technologies, and that 3BB doesn't offer any of those?
  8. Don't I need 2 of these for my purpose?
  9. I'm known to have 2 left hands, but how about glueing the switch to the outside of the motor housing. Would it be water resistant?
  10. Can you explain what arrangements you have in mind? The problem is this. The axle and the piece that holds the spring are both in plastic, so pretty soon the axle wears, and then the piece that holds the spring comes loose, making it swing when it slides off the limiter plate when closing the gate, and thereby touching the switch that tells the motor that the gate is at the closing end. Such a switch is over 1000 baht including shipping, so not exactly cheap
  11. Guess something got lost in translation. With like for like, you mean replace with the original one? The issue are not the micro switches but the spring. After one or two years the spring wears, so when gate is open and want to close, the spring swings, so it moves only for 30 cm, then it stops, because the "closed" contact get hit by the swing Tightening the spring doesn't work, because then it doesn't move anymore
  12. Thanks for the replies. Like you said, I will order (think it's 800 include shipping) and see if it works. if you should have a source for a higher quality one, please post a link. Regards
  13. Yes I was just reading up on that, and some websites say DC switch on AC is fine, but not vice versa, while others say need use rectifier. So I guess that is what is needed when it's hall-effect switch. Correct? next question, what is a rectifier and where to get it
  14. Since the contacts in the mechanical switch are rated AC, I assume it is low power AC voltage provided by the motor. Will it harm, or make it not functional, if the switch I connect is DC. Or is there a way to convert the AC power to DC?
  15. Partly correct. I just measured, and when put meter on AC I measure ~8V, when put meter on DC I measure ~5V. I measure at the PCB contacts So how I know if it is AC or DC, as I think that will matter. Not?
  16. Thanks for your reply, finally got it going. 🙂 The gate motor is a Foresee F500, below is a link to the English manual. https://www.aggdoors.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/F500.English.pdf The mechanical switch has 3 wires and is 220V AC, as does the magnetic switch, which is 12V DC. The magnetic switch is available in NO and NC, but on my PCB I also can change between both. This is inside the mechanical switch Unfortunately, no info on what is in the magnetic switch is available.
  17. Of course there are fees, and actually twice, since recipient also pays a fee with XE. Poster gonna be in for a surprise when he use XE instead of Wise. Been there got the T-shirt already
  18. Nobody has any knowledge about this, or can point me to a 220V version of the magnetic switch. If more info is needed, like a picture of the PCB of my motor, let me know.
  19. Dear all, I have this gate motor. Foresee F500 https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005898394999.html? Which has this limiter switch https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002630161335.html? Since this is a mechanical switch with a spring, it is always problematic. I have replaced the switch once already, but it lasts 1 - 2 years before it wears and stops working properly. So I was thinking about replacing it with a magnetic switch https://th.aliexpress.com/item/32793626989.html? The principle of functioning is the same, the only problem I see is that the original switch works on 220V, while the magnetic one is 12V. Is there a way with a step-down transformer or contactor to use it on my motor? I know, the ideal solution would be to source a 220V version of the magnetic switch, but so far couldn't find one. Your help is appreciated.
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