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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Are you american? If so youre just a useful idiot. Enjoy america being like europe
  2. Muslims dont live in america currently at the scale of europe. But with kamala, they definitely will
  3. Sorry is europe not having an islam problem? Must be fake news. I could swear all the british posters here want america to turn into the same <deleted>hole theyve become
  4. Some of them smile and nod at you…more than the police does
  5. Yes because there can only be one conservative on this forum among a circlejerk of orange man bad
  6. This entire website is just a liberal circlejerk to orange man bad. Pathetic
  7. Are liberals paying attention? This is where America is headed under Kamala
  8. The entire country is losing it and you people here are rooting for it from your thailand apartments
  9. I didnt read the article. You didnt fully read/comprehend my post which was one sentence. Do all liberals have a short attention span?
  10. Yes taylor swift does have a lot of fans who wouldnt normally care about trump if it werent for islamic terrorists threatening her life. Seems to me that the left would be best to keep articles like this hushed
  11. The reason i dont read the articles here is because theyre all left biased. Why would i waste my time
  12. Have trouble believing theres more than one sane poster here who doesnt want america to burn?
  13. Currently in progress. You wouldnt know since you dont live here
  14. Because the alternative is america turned socialist and islam-ridden like europe
  15. Shes a coward. She would drop out if someone shot at her
  16. Dont understand the thrill of paying someone for sex. Once you stuck your dick in one girl youve basically done it with all of them
  17. Why? Is his post too outlandish to believe? It happens all the time in thailand
  18. Police wouldnt do anything if they could. Thais can do anything they want to foreigners here and get away with it
  19. Who cares? Arab terrorists plotting to attack one of her concerts, american swift fans have no choice but to support trump now. Many more such stories to come
  20. Shes declined everything. Democrats are banking on the american people to be so stupid to elect someone who doesnt speak
  21. Not surprising that swift fans are quick to embrace trump now after they feel the effects of the left’s love affair with islam
  22. Think about it. You think anyone would kill the truly corrupt ones? No, that never happens. Only the ones that the establishment and american media fear the most. Trump 2024
  23. Social media has especially warped the minds of younger generations. If parents understood how dangerous it was to let their kids have unrestricted access to the internet it would help alot but most people are still unaware
  24. Donald trump is immortal. If god wanted dems to stay in power trump would have got shot in the head, but god is on his side
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