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Kan Win

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Posts posted by Kan Win

  1. The expats in Kan tend to congregate in the backpacker's area of town on Mae Nam Kwai road.

    How can I put this delicately? Frankly the expat community in Kan seems to be largely made up of the dregs of other expat communities who have made previous places too hot for themselves. For example on my last visit I was dismayed to that see a former character who used to be a menace in Ayutthya was there now.


    Your views and opinions are most welcomed

    Sawadee :wai:

  2. Ex-pats where they and why did your wife or other folks not call the Police????

    Ah! And that would have helped how? We were openly told not to bother with the police.

    Why was that then ? May one ask by whom where you told this? By Ex-Pats was it or by Kan Locals folks?

    Well for me I left that street (Mae Nam Kwai road) a few years ago due to the "Drink Driving Law" and never looked back only at Songkran when I drive down that road to take photos for me web-page Kan as I see it

    So you admit to being a drink driver yet you are a beacon of Kan expat life...?

    Yes, have been since 1980 not in Thailand btw, but in Thailand from 1990 until 4 years ago. There is NO shame in admitting me faults is there

    HeavyDrinker user_popup.png ?

    Kan expats DO congregate there and as much as I understand your embarrassment at being lumped in with such low-lives, please don't talk dribble sir.

    Not sure what you mean about "being lumped in with such low-lives,". Most Kan Ex-Pats are NOT (low-lives,) as you mentioned, but then that is your opinion of Ex-Pats in Kan.

    Your choice HeavyDrinker user_popup.png walk the street and talk about it, but please do give us all Kan folks a break Locals and Ex-Pats, about that little road as it is NOT the real Kan is it HeavyDrinker user_popup.png ? Sure please write about this little street by all means, I have no problems with that, however do not tarnish Kan as you portrait that to be, only do that to this road.

    The Colonel an Amateur Photographer

    Sawadee :wai:

  3. The expats in Kan tend to congregate in the backpacker's area of town on Mae Nam Kwai road. (Total Bull <deleted> as we do not).

    How can I put this delicately? Frankly the expat community in Kan seems to be largely made up of the dregs of other expat communities( like Pattaya) who have made previous places too hot for themselves. For example on my last visit I was dismayed to that see a former character who used to be a menace in Ayutthya was there now.

    I'm a regular visitor to Kan and can only say that I find it one of the least appealing expat communities around. (We Ex-pats mind our own business and so should you). If it is so least appealing, why post then. My wife and I love this good country without the riff raft of as you called them "the expat community in Kan seems to be largely made up of the dregs of other expat communities"

    I'm no snob (nor am I but, leave Kan alone as one little road is NOT Kanchanaburi) and I believe in each to their own but for some reason (probably cost) Kan now seems home to the lowest of the low.

    Over the past few years I've witnessed an increase in drunkenness on a large scale, a terrible attitude towards Thai women (and travelling women too) and worst of all expats getting into fist fights - not only among themselves, but also on a couple of occasions with the local Thai population (not the smartest move anywhere) - and generally really dragging themselves through the <deleted> but the problem was that none of them seemed too bothered or too keen to repair any damage done.

    I'm not saying these things don't happen in other expat communities here but due to the small size of the community there, it's a lot more noticeable to such an extent that some GH owners even have a dossier on some of the worst offenders and will warn female Thai visitors to stay out of certain bars and to avoid certain people or even warn them against going out alone at night at all.

    On three occasions recently my missus was subjected to harassment when she tried to go somewhere alone while I was working, and this was during daylight hours too. On our last few visits tings were such that she wouldn't go anywhere without calling for the taxi to come right to the GH to pick her up.

    On another occasion two idiots followed her from the 7-11 as she walked back to the bar I was waiting for her in. She called me so I came out to meet her and on seeing me approach these 2 fools vanished into the ether as I gave chase. It was only 6.30 pm.

    Such are things now that we've now sadly decided no longer to stay at the Guesthouse which had been a favourite of ours for many years now and to stay elsewhere in town instead which is a shame as we had become good friends with the family who owned the place.

    As with many Thai women my missus is very wary of drunken Thai men after dark but has never had call be be wary of Western men before now.

    We heard similar tales from the ladies who work at the Guesthouse and also from fellow female guests.

    While I admit I only see snapshots of things there, after 4 visits in the last 12 weeks of 3-4 days each, I think I can say that what I've written is a fair reflection of how things are there now.

    Personally if I was going to move out there I'd distance myself from that scene totally.

    In spite of this, Kan is a beautiful place with some smashing people and if enough decent folks can make the move out there and raise the standard a little then that's no bad thing.

    I know this will sound snobby and I apologise for that but it is one place where the locals really are suffering from 'Farang Fatigue' due to the actions of a few yet in small town Thailand people are often tarred with the same brush.

    Well for me I left that street (Mae Nam Kwai road) a few years ago due to the "Drink Driving Law" and never looked back only at Songkran when I drive down that road to take photos for me web-page Kan as I see it

    As for

    While I admit I only see snapshots of things there, after 4 visits in the last 12 weeks of 3-4 days each, I think I can say that what I've written is a fair reflection of how things are there now.
    Over the past few years I've witnessed an increase in drunkenness on a large scale

    Please make your mind up witch was it over, the past few years or after 4 visits in the last 12 weeks of 3-4 days each,blink.gif well "Jam Rolly Polly" get your wife to report these as highlighted above in Red. Never ever heard of this from my wife. ph34r.gif

    As for the other things that you mentioned like "on seeing me approach these 2 fools vanished into the ether as I gave chase. It was only 6.30 pm" Ex-pats where they and why did your wife or other folks not call the Police????

    Such are things now that we've now sadly decided no longer to stay at the Guesthouse which had been a favourite of ours for many years now and to stay elsewhere in town instead which is a shame as we had become good friends with the family who owned the place.

    ^ Please give me a break now as that is total Khrap.

    Kan Win cool.gif

  4. Value For Your Money

    So to put me point across in a nutshell would you prefer to pay 20 baht for a dish of Kow Pat Kung that tastes like this


    OR one for 150 baht that tastes like this


    Your choice whistling.gif to what you think of "Value For Your Money" cool.gif is here in Thailand, Sawadee :wai:

  5. As Ian the OP mentioned at the start of this very good topic "Value For Your Money" nothing more and nothing less.

    All the talk about "Racism" has nothing to do with you putting your hand in your pocket and actually paying for it or is it? If it really is a BIG problem to you, then just walk away, may your soles of your cheap sandals last long time and stay hungry .

    All the Blah, Blah, Blah that most of you have written is very basic BSE (Bull <deleted> in English).

    I do get me Value for my money now after living in the Kingdom of Thailand for many a year and for sure buying things at the Value that I think is for my Money.

    As for National Parks I cover that one before in another thread, I pay "For the Value it give me".

    Phraya Nakhon Cave - Khao Sam Roi Yot - The Royal Pavilion


    Worth every Baht. I sold some as well so it paid its way :w00t:

    Sawadee :wai:

  6. If you come from Manchester your sure to be a blue,

    Moston, Collyhurst, Salford, Ancoats too,

    well if you think that this is true your nothing but a fool,

    cause' in the town of Manchester,

    Man United rule,

    Tra la la la we ALL hate Ciiityyy Tra la la la la la la ala la...

    You can keep your Bayern Munich, Juventus, Ajax too,

    There's only one colossal team they play in laser blue,

    They're gonna beat United like once upon a time,

    They're gonna conquer Europe like they did in '69.

    Tra la la la we ALL hate Ciiityyy Tra la la la la la la ala la...

    Last game of the season just turned half past four.

    City playing Luton heading for a draw.

    Pleat sent on his substitute to see what he could do.

    He put the ball in city's net and in Division 2

    Tra la la la we ALL hate Ciiityyy Tra la la la la la la ala la............................................... 55555555555555555555555555

    redrus drunk.gif

    Have funlaugh.gif

  7. More below:-


    1 sq wah = 4 sq meters

    1 ngan (100 sq wah)= 400 sq meters

    1 rai (4 ngan) =1600 sq meters


    1 baht = 4 saleung

    1 baht (gold) = 15 g

    1 tamleung (4 baht) = 60 g

    1 chang (20 tamleung) = 1.2 kg

    1 harb (50 chang) = 60 kg

    1 karat (diamond) = 20 centigram

    Linear Measure

    1 niu = 0.619 inch (English)1 niu = 4 krabiad

    1 keub (12 niu) = 9.54 inch or 25 cm

    1 sawk (2 keub) = 50 cm

    1 wah (4 sawk) = 2 m

    1 sen (20 wah) = 40 m

    1 yoht (400 sen) = 16km

    Volumetric Measure

    1 kwian (2 bun)= 2000 litre

    1 bun (50 tung) = 1000 litre

    1 tung = 20 litre

    1 tananluang = 1 litre

    1 yok (wood) = 17.78 sq ft

  8. The problem I have is that my mother who is here on holiday has some mobility issues due to arthritis in her knees. She uses a stick to walk but rough ground/ long distances would be impossible.

    I would like to see the bridge, museums etc, and also Erawan falls, is it a long trek to the falls from the carpark? Any other attractions you would recommend we don't visit?

    Many thanks.

    Hi QED,

    Erawan Falls too far to walk and since it has not really rained since end of October last year very little water (I think)

    Tiger Temple too far to walk..................................................etc..............

    Win in Kan cool.gif

  9. Hi IanForbes,

    What use is a picture that nobody is going to see more than once?

    That's a very good question.

    The answer this is on me web-page



    1. These pages have been viewed a total of 892,079 times (to date)

    2. Welcome to Kan Win's photos - Thailand as I see it.

    3. Yes, they will look only once, and/or steal a photo or two, but this world is large and folks who wish to see "Thailand as I see it" are free to do so. This is why I post my pictures that are viewed all around our World.

    As for Cameras

    Oly C2500L 100k in Thai Baht

    Oly C8080W 100k in Thai Baht

    Oly E-3 100k in Thai Baht

    All with added extras btw. whistling.gif

    Coming soon Oly E-5.

    Sawadee :wai:

  10. While I have never read of any official rule of allowing lack of thai language ability being a reason for rejection, I do know one person who was rejected for this reason. But I wouldn't count on it as the military intelligence or the foreign relations department could probably use a good english speaker.

    It is best that the OP go speak to the sasadee and see what the go actually is.

    The other alternative is that if the OP has a university education he can volunteer and only have to serve 6 months - but you must volunteer before the lottery date for that to work. Otherwise he needs to risk the lottery and serve the two years if chosen.

    The final option is for the OP to enrol at university and do cadets while studying which will fulfil the service requirements.

    How would he be any good as a translater , He cannot read or speak Thai,.

    Who said they'd need him as a translator?

    Govt departments (and I've worked in them) have plenty of people competent in English, though hardly good enough for polished correspondence, or to sit in on discussions and pick up all the nuances of a conversation.

    Someone like the OP could easily work in English with the rest of the team, as someone who polishes presentations and speaches (or writes them), re-explaining items, dealing with day to day correspondence etc etc.

    Good posts samran.

    If the Op RipperRoo has a Thai ID Card then please do your duty of your King and Country as required and help Thailand. That is my advise.

    Sawadee :wai:

  11. Heads up Bangkok folks,


    The Date: Saturday, February 5, 2011.

    The Meeting Time: 14:00-17:00

    The Meeting Location: Wat Suthat Temple - Bamrung Muang Road - Bangkok

    So without a camrea as both where stolen on 01.01.2011, I will not be able to take part. Hope you all have fun.

    Win from Kan :wai:

  12. Hi Folks,

    Sorry to hear about that Kan, I know you love your cameras. Any chance insurance will get you new ones?

    I do have house contents insurance, but not specified what items cover for Baht 250,000. My wife will claim for 100,000 as they did cost me just over 200,000 when new, so lets see after the police report.

    Thanking you 'canuckamuck'.

    What an unfortunate way to start the new year.

    Were just the cameras stolen or other accessories too?

    Probably an opportunist thief..... did other household items go too?

    That 'fabianfred' is the thing. Battery Charger near by and me 70-300mm lens on the same table was NOT taken. They only took a small shoulder bag of my wife's with nothing in it apart from here Toyota Service Card, so yes "Probably an opportunist thief" but with all the guards we have at night and during the day where I live makes me wonder.ph34r.gif

    I have enjoyed your photography posts immensely and i do hope you get your cameras back, not only for your enjoyment but ours as well . But it is not only the hardware but also the media cards and what they contained will be a great loss if u hadn't downloaded before they were stolen. I doubt if many of the locals would appreciate an E-3 .I hope it all turns out well for you .

    That 'xen' is what P*sses me off as I went on a photo shot over this festive season to Kan Safari Park and then to Huai Mae Kumming Waterfall - in Kan, but I did not down-load me photos as I always do this on my big computer in Bangkok. That is the real Big loss. Cameras are two a penny, but photos are just once in a life time. Next time will have to down-load them before something happens to me camera.

    All I want is me media card (CF four gig) / or photos from that back.

    Sawadee :wai:

  13. Thank you all for your very kind words.

    The "Kan Photo community" know about this and are on the lookout for anyone who wants to buy a battery charger for these two models (same charger for both) and old cameras to boot. wink.gif

    Looks like the Oly E-5 will be with me sooner than later this year. w00t.gif

    Win in Kan cool.gif

    Sawadee :wai:

  14. Sawadee Bee Mai Khrap - Happy New Year.

    Olympus Cameras Stolen (Kom Moi-ed) in Kan on 01.01.2011 from inside my house at night in Kanchanaburi, just up river from the famous Bridge over the River Khwae (Kwai).

    One:-Olympus C-8080 Wide Zoom


    and another one:-Olympus E-3


    Should you be offered any of these two cameras WITHOUT the battery a charger that came with both Cameras please PM me in Thai or English.

    Thanking you all. :wai:

    Win in Kan

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