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Everything posted by madone

  1. yet more proof that it doesn't really matter to you what you post, as long as you are posting
  2. all I have to say is that the floor in that prison cell she apparently occupied alone is bloody spotless. I think it its funny they consider a squat toilet not "proper facilities" what more could she need, shes in jail ffs? shes lucky there is a low wall for privacy rather than a <deleted>ter in the corner
  3. And maybe this post mean absolutely nothing and you are just typing for the sake of typing even though you have nothing to add. kind of like I just did here, but unironically.
  4. I don't see how any of this matters in the least. It's called faith. people believe what they want to believe.
  5. alcohol and cocaine together combine in the bloodstream to create a third substance;
  6. yes indeed. the fact that weed has been legal since Jun of 2022 doesn't really do much to support your assertions that this is a current danger. It's a myth, there is nothing to get. Talk about something you know.
  7. sure he does. because drugs are bad mmkay. one can only imagine what global prison systems would look like and the sheer number of lives ruined if every recreational drug user were jailed
  8. correct -- they revised the policy. jail time is a possibility, but certainly not for first time offenders, the idea is to limit the people going to jail and move toward rehabilitation Possession for personal use (of category I, II and V substances) is liable for a term of imprisonment not exceeding 2 years and/or a fine not exceeding THB40,000. Under the previous legal provision, possession of category I narcotics could lead to 1 - 10 years imprisonment or fine of THB20,000 - 200,000. https://idpc.net/blog/2021/12/thailand-reforms-drug-laws-to-reduce-impacts-of-criminal-justice-system
  9. yes. I understood you loud and clear and I'm telling you that while it may have been something that happened a long time ago in a Thailand far away, it does make sense now for either the dealers or the cops. the dealers would be taking repeat customers out of circulation and the cops would be doing it for extortion money. the fact that this case made the media means it was a genuine bust. if you saw it happen on Khaosan Road it certainly wasn't in this decade, and I highly doubt it involved cocaine. in other words, you are perpetuating a tired old myth.
  10. epic. @Nick Carter icp care to summarize, in public, for all to see?
  11. it wasn't just for me. it was a reply in public for all to see.
  12. i reckon she looks brilliant, love the spy vs spy comparison
  13. this is such a crock of <deleted>. It is the perpetuation of a decades-old myth. It is also horrible business, why mess with a punter likely to make several purchases? Also, any cop doing this is doing it to make money and extort bribes to let people off. it would certainly never get far enough to reach the media.
  14. Dude is going to pay a fine and walk, stop with the histrionics, and you do arrive, but you suspect there is a better party just down the street,
  15. its just a kid with a bag o' gak.
  16. Thailand has been knee-deep in cocaine for decades. would take me about 15 minutes to come up with a bag -- delivered -- if I were looking.
  17. i was unaware that responding to a topic in under 24 hours was unacceptable. noted. Yeh buddy, you just keep focusing on the important stuff.
  18. how naive are you? or are you just being disingenuous?
  19. why won't you just let this go? It is pure speculation. You have no idea what their "arrangement" is, and even if you did, IT WOUDN'T FOKKING MATTER. it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
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